Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Deployment Planning Guide

Configuring a Load Balancer with SAML

In this scenario, an Access Manager site is using a load balancer to distribute client requests to various Access Manager instances, and the site has implemented the Security Assertions Markup Language (SAML) service. When a request is sent to an Access Manager instance through a load balancer, the instance must know which other Access Manager server in the deployment issued the original assertion or artifact in order to retrieve the SAML assertion.

The deployment must first be configured as a site. Multiple Access Manager instances are installed on host servers, and a load balancer routes client requests to the various instances. All Access Manager instances access the same Directory Server. Access Manager session failover is optional.

To configure a site to use a load balancer with SAML, follow these steps:

  1. The Access Manager deployment must be configured as a site in order for SAML load balancing to work. If you haven't configured the Access Manager deployment as a site, follow the instructions in Configuring an Access Manager Deployment as a Site.

  2. Log in to the Access Manager Console as amadmin.

  3. In the Access Manager Console, click Federation and then SAML.

  4. Under the Properties section in SAML Profile, add or modify the following entries:

    • Site Identifiers. Add each Access Manager instance in the deployment. All Access Manager instances must share the same Site ID and Site Issuer Name.

    • Trusted Partners. Add your partner's deployment site's Source ID (site ID), Issuer Name, and Host List. The unique Source ID (site ID) and Issuer Name for the Access Manager servers and the URL or IP address or host name of the load balancer will identify the deployment and will be given out to your partner's site for configuration.

      For information about these fields, see the Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Federation and SAML Administration Guide.

  5. Click Save to save your changes.