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Sun Java System Message Queue 3 2005Q4 Administration Guide 

Chapter 6
Managing Physical Destinations

This chapter explains how you use the imqcmd utility to manage physical destinations. A Message Queue message is routed to its consumer clients by way of a physical destination on a broker. The broker manages the memory and persistent storage associated with the physical destinations, and sets their behaviors.

In a cluster, you create a physical destination on one broker, and the cluster propagates that physical destination to all brokers. An application client can subscribe to a topic or consume from a queue that is on any broker in the cluster, because the brokers cooperate to route messages across the cluster. However, only the broker to which a message was originally produced manages persistence and acknowledgment for that message.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Table 13-5 provides full reference information about the imqcmd subcommands for managing physical destinations and accomplishing these tasks.

See the Message Queue Technical Overview for an introduction to physical destinations.


A client application uses a Destination object whenever it interacts with a physical destination. For provider-independence and portability, clients typically use administrator-created destination objects, which are called destination administered objects. You can configure administered objects for use by client applications, as described in Chapter 8, "Managing Administered Objects."

Using the Command Utility

You use the Message Queue Command utility (imqcmd) to manage physical destinations. The syntax of the imqcmd command is the same as when you use it for managing other broker services.

Full reference information about imqcmd, its subcommands, and its options, is available in Chapter 13, "Command Line Reference".


Table 6-1 lists the imqcmd subcommands whose use is described in this chapter. For reference information about these subcommands, see Physical Destination Management.

Table 6-1  Physical Destination Subcommands for the Command Utility 

Subcommand and Argument


compact dst

Compacts the file-based data store for one or more physical destinations.

create dst

Creates a physical destination.

destroy dst

Destroys a physical destination.

list dst

Lists physical destinations on a broker.

metrics dst

Displays physical destination metrics.

pause dst

Pauses one or more physical destinations on a broker.

purge dst

Purges all messages on a physical destination without destroying the physical destination.

query dst

Queries and displays information on a physical destination.

resume dst

Resumes one or more paused physical destinations on a broker.

update dst

Updates properties of a destination.

Creating a Physical Destination

To create a physical destination, you use the imqcmd create subcommand. This is the syntax for the create subcommand:

create dst -t destType -n destName [-o property=value] [-o property=value1]

When creating a physical destination, you specify the following:

You can also set properties when you update a physical destination.

Many physical destination properties affect broker memory resources and message flow. For example, you can specify the number of producers that can send to a physical destination, the number and size of the messages they can send, and the response that the broker should take when physical destination limits are reached. The limits are similar to brokerwide limits controlled by broker configuration properties.

The following properties are used for both queue destinations and topic destinations:

The following properties are used for queue destinations only:

See Chapter 15, "Physical Destination Property Reference" for full reference information about physical destination properties.

For auto-created destinations, you set default property values in the broker’s instance configuration file. Reference information on auto-create properties is located in Table 14-3.

    To create a physical destination

Listing Physical Destinations

You can get information about a physical destination’s current property values, about the number of producers or consumers associated with a physical destination, and about messaging metrics, such as the number and size of messages in the physical destination.

To find a physical destination about which you want to get information, list all physical destinations on a broker using the list dst subcommand. This is the syntax for the list dst subcommand:

list dst [-t destType] [-tmp]

The command lists physical destinations of the specified type. The value for the destination type (-t) option can be q (queue) or t (topic).

If you omit the destination type, physical destinations of all types are listed.

The list dst subcommand can optionally specify the type of destination to list or include temporary destinations (using the -tmp option). Temporary destinations are created by clients, normally for the purpose of receiving replies to messages sent to other clients.

For example, to get a list of all physical destinations on the broker running on myHost at port 4545, enter the following command:

imqcmd list dst -b myHost:4545

Information for the dead message queue, mq.sys.dmq, is always displayed, in addition to any other physical destinations, unless you specify the destination type t to include only topics.

Displaying Information about Physical Destinations

To get information about a physical destination’s current properties, use the query dst subcommand. This is the syntax of the query dst subcommand:

query dst -t destType -n destName

The command lists information about the destination of the specified type and name. For example, the following command displays information about the queue destination XQueue:

imqcmd query dst -t q -n XQueue -u admin

The command produces output like the following:


Destination Name    Destination Type


XQueue              Queue

On the broker specified by:


Host         Primary Port


localhost    7676

Destination Name                      XQueue

Destination Type                      Queue

Destination State                     RUNNING

Created Administratively              true

Current Number of Messages            0

Current Total Message Bytes           0

Current Number of Producers           0

Current Number of Active Consumers    0

Current Number of Backup Consumers    0

Max Number of Messages                unlimited (-1)

Max Total Message Bytes               unlimited (-1)

Max Bytes per Message                 unlimited (-1)

Max Number of Producers               100

Max Number of Active Consumers        1

Max Number of Backup Consumers        0

Limit Behavior                        REJECT_NEWEST

Consumer Flow Limit                   1000

Is Local Destination                  false

Local Delivery is Preferred           false

Use Dead Message Queue                true

The output also shows the number of producers and consumers associated with the destination. For queue destinations, the number includes active consumers and backup consumers.

You can use the update dst subcommand to change the value of one or more properties (see Updating Physical Destination Properties).

Updating Physical Destination Properties

You can change the properties of a physical destination by using the update dst subcommand and the -o option to specify the property to update. This is the syntax for the update dst subcommand:

update dst -t destType -n destName -o property=value [[-o property=value1]…]

The command updates the value of the specified properties at the specified destination. The property name can be any property listed in Table 15-1.

You can use the -o option multiple times to update multiple properties. For example, the following command changes the maxBytesPerMsg property to 1000 and the MaxNumMsgs property to 2000:

imqcmd update dst -t q -n myQueue -o “maxBytesPerMsg=1000”
             -o “maxNumMsgs=2000” -u admin

See Chapter 15, "Physical Destination Property Reference" for a list of the properties that you can update.

You cannot use the update dst subcommand to update the type of a physical destination or to update the isLocalOnly property.


The dead message queue is a specialized physical destination whose properties differ somewhat from those of other destinations. For more information, see Configuring Use of the Dead Message Queue.

Pausing and Resuming Physical Destinations

You can pause a physical destination to control the delivery of messages from producers to the destination, or from the destination to consumers, or both. In particular, you can pause the flow of messages into a destination to help prevent destinations from being overwhelmed with messages when production of messages is much faster than consumption. You must pause a physical destination before compacting it.

To pause the delivery of messages to or from a physical destination, use the pause dst subcommand. This is the syntax of the pause dst subcommand:

pause dst [-t destType -n destName] [-pst pauseType]

The subcommand pauses the delivery of messages to consumers (-pst CONSUMERS), or from producers (-pst PRODUCERS), or both (-pst ALL), for the destination of the specified type and name. If no destination type and name are specified, all physical destinations are paused. The default is ALL.


imqcmd pause dst -n myQueue -t q -pst PRODUCERS -u admin

imqcmd pause dst -n myTopic -t t -pst CONSUMERS -u admin

To resume delivery to a paused destination, use the resume dst subcommand. This is the syntax of the resume dst subcommand:

resume dst [-t destType -n destName]

The subcommand resumes delivery of messages to the paused destination of the specified type and name. If no destination type and name are specified, all destinations are resumed.


imqcmd resume dst -n myQueue -t q

In a broker cluster, instances of the physical destination reside on each broker in the cluster. You must pause each one individually.

Purging Physical Destinations

You can purge all messages currently queued at a physical destination. Purging a physical destination means that all messages stored at the destination are deleted.

You might want to purge messages when the accumulated messages are taking up too much of the system’s resources. This might happen when a queue does not have registered consumer clients and is receiving many messages. It might also happen if inactive durable subscribers to a topic do not become active. In both cases, messages are held unnecessarily.

To purge messages at a physical destination, use the purge dst subcommand. This is the syntax of the purge dst subcommand:

purge dst -t destType -n destName

The subcommand purges messages at the physical destination of the specified type and name.


imqcmd purge dst -n myQueue -t q -u admin

imqcmd purge dst -n myTopic -t t -u admin

If you have shut down the broker and do not want old messages to be delivered when you restart it, use the -reset messages option to purge stale messages; for example:

imqbrokerd -reset messages -u admin

This saves you the trouble of purging destinations after restarting the broker.

In a broker cluster, instances of the physical destination reside on each broker in the cluster. You must purge each of these destinations individually.

Destroying Physical Destinations

To destroy a physical destination, use the destroy dst subcommand. This is the syntax of the destroy dst subcommand:

destroy dst -t destType -n destName

The subcommand destroys the physical destination of the specified type and name.


imqcmd destroy dst -t q -n myQueue -u admin

Destroying a physical destination purges all messages at that destination and removes it from the broker; the operation is not reversible.

You cannot destroy the dead message queue.

Compacting Physical Destinations

If you are using a file-based data store as the persistent store for messages, you can monitor disk utilization and compact the disk when necessary.

The file-based message store is structured so that messages are stored in directories corresponding to the physical destinations in which they are being held. In each physical destination’s directory, most messages are stored in one file consisting of variable-sized records, the variable-sized record file. (To alleviate fragmentation, messages whose size exceeds a configurable threshold are stored in their own individual files.)

As messages of varying sizes are persisted and then removed from the variable-sized record file, holes may develop in the file where free records are not being re-used.

To manage unused free records, the Command utility includes subcommands for monitoring disk utilization per physical destination and for reclaiming free disk space when utilization drops.

Monitoring a Physical Destination’s Disk Utilization

To monitor a physical destination’s disk utilization, use a command like the following:

imqcmd metrics dst -t q -n myQueue -m dsk -u admin

This command produces output like the following:


Reserved   Used      Utilization Ratio


806400     804096    99

1793024    1793024   100

2544640    2518272   98

The columns in the subcommand output have the following meaning:

Table 6-2  Physical Destination Disk Utilization Metrics 




Disk space in bytes used by all records, including records that hold active messages and free records waiting to be reused.


Disk space in bytes used by records that hold active messages.

Utilization Ratio

Quotient of used disk space divided by reserved disk space. The higher the ratio, the more the disk space is being used to hold active messages.

Reclaiming Unused Physical Destination Disk Space

The disk utilization pattern depends on the characteristics of the messaging application that uses a particular physical destination. Depending on the relative flow of messages into and out of a physical destination, and the relative size of messages, the reserved disk space might grow over time.

If the message producing rate is greater than the message consuming rate, free records should generally be reused and the utilization ratio should be on the high side. However, if the message producing rate is similar to or smaller than the message consuming rate, you can expect that the utilization ratio will be low.

In general, you want the reserved disk space to stabilize and the utilization to remain high. As a rule, if the system reaches a steady state in which the amount of reserved disk space generally stays constant and utilization rate is high (above 75%), there is no need to reclaim the unused disk space. If the system reaches a steady state and utilization rate is low (below 50%), you can compact the disk to reclaim the disk space occupied by free records.

Use the compact dst subcommand to compact the data store. This is the syntax for the compact dst subcommand:

compact dst [-t destType -n destName]

The subcommand compacts the file-based data store for the physical destination of the specified type and name. If no destination type and name are specified, all destinations are compacted. Physical destinations must be paused before they can be compacted.

If the reserved disk space continues to increase over time, reconfigure the destination’s memory management by setting destination memory limit properties and limit behaviors (see Table 15-1).

    To Reclaim Unused Physical Destination Disk Space
  1. Pause the destination.
  2. imqcmd pause dst -t q -n myQueue -u admin

  3. Compact the disk.
  4. imqcmd compact dst -t q -n myQueue -u admin

  5. Resume the physical destination.
  6. imqcmd resume dst -t q -n myQueue -u admin

If destination type and name are not specified, these operations are performed for all physical destinations.

Configuring Use of the Dead Message Queue

The dead message queue, mq.sys.dmq, is a system-created physical destination that holds the dead messages of a broker and its other physical destinations. The dead message queue is a tool for monitoring, tuning system efficiency, and troubleshooting. For a definition of the term “dead message” and a more detailed introduction to the dead message queue, see the Message Queue Technical Overview.

The broker automatically creates a dead message queue when it starts. The broker places messages on the queue if it cannot process them, or if their time-to-live has expired. In addition, other physical destinations can use the dead message queue to hold discarded messages. Use of the dead message queue provides information that is useful for troubleshooting the system.

Configuring Use of the Dead Message Queue

By default, a physical destination is configured to use the dead message queue. You can disable a physical destination from using the dead message queue, or enable it to do so, by setting the physical destination property useDMQ.

The following example creates a queue called myDist that uses the dead message queue by default:

imqcmd create dst -n -myDist -t q

The following example disables use of the dead message queue for the same queue:

imqcmd update dst -n myDist -t q -o useDMQ=false

You can enable all auto-created physical destinations on a broker to use the dead message queue, or disable them from doing so, by setting the imq.autocreate.destination.useDMQ broker property.

Configuring and Managing the Dead Message Queue

You can use the Message Queue Command utility (imqcmd) to manage the dead message queue as you manage other queues, with some differences. For example, because the dead message queue is system-created, you cannot create, pause, or destroy it. Also, as shown in Table 6-3, default values for the dead message queue sometimes differ from those of normal queues.

Dead Message Queue Properties

You configure the dead message queue as you configure other queues, but certain physical destination properties do not apply or have different default values. Table 6-3 lists queue properties that the dead message queue handles in a unique way.

Table 6-3  Dead Message Queue Treatment of Standard Physical Destination Properties


Unique Treatment by Dead Message Queue


The default value for the dead message queue is REMOVE_OLDEST. (The default value for other queues is REJECT_NEWEST.) Flow control is not supported on the dead message queue.


Does not apply to the dead message queue.


The default value for the dead message queue is 1000. The default value for other queues is -1 (unlimited).


Does not apply to the dead message queue.


The default value for the dead message queue is 10 MB. The default value for other queues is -1 (unlimited).


In a broker cluster, a dead message queue is always a local physical destination and this property is permanently set to true. However, a local broker’s dead message queue can contain messages produced by clients of other brokers in the cluster, if the local broker marks the messages as dead.

Message Contents

A broker can place an entire message on the dead message queue, or it can discard the message body contents, retaining just the header and property data. By default, the dead message queue stores entire messages.

If you want to reduce the size of the dead message queue and if you do not plan to restore dead messages, consider setting the imq.destination.DMQ.truncateBody broker property to true:

imqcmd update bkr -o imq.destination.DMQ.truncateBody=true

This will discard the message body and retain only the headers and property data.

Enabling Dead Message Logging

Dead message logging is disabled by default. Enabling dead message logging allows the broker to log the following events:

The following command enables dead message logging:

imqcmd update bkr -o imq.destination.logDeadMsgs=true

Dead message logging applies to all physical destinations that use the dead message queue. You cannot enable or disable logging for an individual physical destination.

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Part No: 819-2571-10.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.