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Sun Java System Message Queue 3 2005Q4 Administration Guide 

List of Tables

Table 1 Contents of This Manual
Table 2 Text Conventions
Table 3 Message Queue Directory Variables
Table 4 Message Queue Documentation Set
Table 5 JavaDoc Locations
Table 4-1 Message Queue Connection Services
Table 4-2 Metric Topic Destinations
Table 5-1 Connection Services Supported by a Broker
Table 5-2 Connection Service Properties Updated by imqcmd
Table 6-1 Physical Destination Subcommands for the Command Utility
Table 6-2 Physical Destination Disk Utilization Metrics
Table 6-3 Dead Message Queue Treatment of Standard Physical Destination Properties
Table 7-1 Initial Entries in User Repository
Table 7-2 imqusermgr Options
Table 7-3 Syntactic Elements of Access Rules
Table 7-4 Elements of Physical Destination Access Control Rules
Table 7-5 Distinguished Name Information Required for a Self-Signed Certificate
Table 7-6 Commands That Use Passwords
Table 7-7 Passwords in a Password File
Table 8-1 LDAP Object Store Attributes
Table 8-2 File-system Object Store Attributes
Table 10-1 Benefits and Limitations of Metrics Monitoring Tools
Table 10-2 Logging Levels
Table 10-3 imqbrokerd Logger Options and Corresponding Properties
Table 10-4 imqcmd metrics Subcommand Syntax
Table 10-5 imqcmd metrics Subcommand Options
Table 10-6 imqcmd query Subcommand Syntax
Table 10-7 Metrics Topic Destinations
Table 11-1 Comparison of High Reliability and High Performance Scenarios
Table 13-1 Broker Utility Options
Table 13-2 Command Utility Subcommands for Broker Management
Table 13-3 Command Utility Subcommands for Connection Service Management
Table 13-4 Command Utility Subcommands for Connection Service Management
Table 13-5 Command Utility Subcommands for Physical Destination Management
Table 13-6 Command Utility Subcommands for Durable Subscription Management
Table 13-7 Command Utility Subcommands for Transaction Management
Table 13-8 General Command Utility Options
Table 13-9 Object Manager Subcommands
Table 13-10 Object Manager Options
Table 13-11 Database Manager Subcommands
Table 13-12 Database Manager Options
Table 13-13 User Manager Subcommands
Table 13-14 General User Manager Options
Table 13-15 Service Administrator Subcommands
Table 13-16 Service Administrator Options
Table 14-1 Broker Connection Properties
Table 14-2 Broker Routing Properties
Table 14-3 Broker Properties for Auto-Created Destinations
Table 14-4 Global Broker Persistence Property
Table 14-5 Broker Properties for File-Based Persistence
Table 14-6 Broker Properties for JDBC-Based Persistence
Table 14-7 Broker Security Properties
Table 14-8 Broker Monitoring Properties
Table 14-9 Broker Properties for Cluster Configuration
Table 14-10 Alphabetical List of Broker Properties
Table 15-1 Physical Destination Properties
Table 16-1 Connection Factory Attributes for Connection Handling
Table 16-2 Message Server Addressing Schemes
Table 16-3 Message Server Address Examples
Table 16-4 Connection Factory Attributes for Client Identification
Table 16-5 Connection Factory Attributes for Reliability and Flow Control
Table 16-6 Connection Factory Attributes for Queue Browser and Server Sessions
Table 16-7 Connection Factory Attributes for Standard Message Properties
Table 16-8 Connection Factory Attributes for Message Header Overrides
Table 16-9 Destination Attributes
Table 16-10 SOAP Endpoint Attributes
Table 17-1 Resource Adapter Properties
Table 17-2 Managed Connection Factory Attributes
Table 17-3 Activation Specification Properties
Table 18-1 JVM Metrics
Table 18-2 Brokerwide Metrics
Table 18-3 Connection Service Metrics
Table 18-4 Destination Metrics
Table A-1 Message Queue Data Locations on Solaris Platform
Table A-2 Message Queue Data Locations on Linux Platform
Table A-3 Message Queue Data Locations on Windows Platform
Table B-1 Interface Stability Classification Scheme
Table B-2 Stability of Message Queue Interfaces
Table C-1 httpjms Connection Service Properties
Table C-2 httpsjms Connection Service Properties
Table D-1 Broker Configuration Properties (-o option)
Table D-2 Destination Configuration Properties (-o option)

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Part No: 819-2571-10.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.