Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Release Notes

Communication Channels

The Mail Channel does not display the login page. (4873659)


The Mail Channel will not successfully launch the Messenger Express client when the ipsecurity setting of the Sun Java System Messaging Server is set to “yes.” In order for the Mail Channel to successfully launch the Messenger Express client, the ipsecurity setting of the Messaging Server must be set to “no.”


Set the ipsecurity setting of the Messaging Server to “no.”

The MailProvider will not work with SSL secured IMAP. (4919693)


The current MailProvider implementation will not work with SSL secured IMAP.


After configuring the IMAPS channel, if the channel shows error on Portal Server with Web Server as container, change the mail.jar as the first entry in the CLASSPATH.

To add the mail.jar file as the first file in the classpath:

  1. Open the file ws-install-dir/SUNWwbsvr/https-ws-instance-name/config/server.xml

  2. Change the mail.jar file to be the first entry in the classpath.

  3. Restart the Web Server.

A newly created Address Book channel does not appear on the Desktop.(4922220)


The Address Book service must first be configured. Because the AddressBookProvider is not pre-configured, any channel the user creates based on the AddressBookProvider will not appear on the user’s Desktop or on the Content link unless the AddressBookProvider has been configured. See “Configuring the Address Book Channel” section in Chapter 17, and “SSO Adapter Templates and Configurations” in Appendix A of the Sun Java System Portal Server Administration Guide for more information.

Creating channels based on the other communications channels in the pre- populated, user-defined channels set may result in the created channel displaying the message: “Please specify a valid configuration.” Although the other Communication Channels are defined to a sufficient extent to appear on the user’s Desktop, they require additional administrative tasks in order to ascertain which back-end service to use.

Additionally, the communication channels require the desktop user to specify back-end credentials (such as user name and password) after the administrative tasks are completed. The desktop user can specify these values in the channel by using the channel’s Edit button.

Note –

The userDefinedChannels set might need to be administered on a per install basis because this set includes references to back-end services which might not apply to your particular setup. For example, all Lotus Providers in this set refer to interaction with Lotus back-end services for the communication channels which do not apply if none in the Portal user base will be using Lotus back-end services.

The Calendar channel will not launch if the domain name is not set. (4946959)


If the Server name in the Calendar channel does not include the fully qualified domain name, the Calendar channel does not launch.


Verify that the fully qualified host name is used for the Server name setting.

The SSO Adapter Configuration Does Not Support Distributed and Redundant Personal Address Books. (5020452)


Prior version of the SSO Personal Address Book (PAB) Adapter expects the container o=pab to co-exist within the User and Group directory. Portal Server6 2005Q1 introduced support in the “SUN-ONE-ADDRESS-BOOK” adapter template to specify the PAB directory server. The following properties are now supported:

ugHost: LDAP host name for PAB lookup

ugPort: LDAP port for PAB lookup


These properties need to be manually added to the “SUN-ONE-ADDRESS-BOOK” SSO adapter template by the admin in the Identity Server Administration Console.

  1. Log in to the Access Manager administration console.

  2. Select Service Configuration > SSO Adapater.

  3. Select “SUN-ONE-ADDRSS-BOOK” as the SSO Adapter template.

  4. Select Edit Properties > New Default.

    1. Specify “ugHost” for Name.

    2. Specify the LDAP host name.

    3. Select Create.

  5. Select Edit Properties > New Default.

    1. Specify “ugPort” for Name.

    2. Specify the LDAP port.

    3. Select Create.

The links in the Mail channel lead to the Portal Desktop instead of the Mail Client. (5053733)


When a user selects the Logout link from the Mail Channel, the logout page for the client logout page is not displayed (instead the Portal Desktop page is displayed).


If this problem occurs, perform the following steps:

  1. Refresh the Portal Desktop.

  2. Click the Launch Mail link in the previous portal page, and the Mail client can launch again.

If you want a webmail login page after a logout (instead of the Portal desktop) do the following.

  1. Change the following code on the messaging server.

    The file /var/opt/SUNWmsgsr/config/html/main.js has a method restart(), which is called from exit(), which in turn is called from logout().

    function restart() {
    var ref = window.document.referrer != ’’ ? window.document.referrer : ’/’
    if (ref.indexOf(’mail.html’) > 0)
    ref = ’/’
    var ind = ref.indexOf(’?’)
    self.location.replace(ind > 0 ? ref.substring(0, ind) : ref)

    Change the first line and provide the url of the mail server login page as follows:

    var ref = window.document.referrer != ’’ ? "http://pavoni:2080" : ’/’

  2. Restart the mail server.

  3. Clear the browser cache.

To test:

  1. Click Launch Mail.

  2. Log out from webmail.

  3. Click Launch Mail, which will take you to the webmail login page as the old session is not valid.

Clicking on the Launch Mail Link of UWC Mail Channel does not open MailBox. (6179802)


On clicking on the link of launch mail it takes to Web Server index page instead of the user’s inbox.

In Java Server Enterprise 3 the Portal Mail channel can launch the UWC from the Portal Desktop.

A new channel has been added called “UWCMail” and is based on the MailProvider. The UWCMail channel is available in the default organization or root suffix but is not associated with a Container out of the box. The UWCMail channel must be added to a container.

The UWCMail channel defines the following properties:

  • title

  • description

  • ssoAdapter

  • applicationHelperEdit

  • applicationHelperURL

The SSO adapter configuration is sunUWCMail and the SSO adapter template is SUN-UWC-MAIL.


To use the new UWCMail channel, add the UWCMail channel to a container for the channel to be visible on the desktop.

  1. From the Access Manager Administration console, add the UWCMail channel to the My Front Page Tab.

  2. Edit the UWCMail channel and specify the server settings. For example, login to the Portal Desktop as a new user and edit the UWCMail channel by specifying the following values:

    • server name: messaging-server-name

      • imap server port: messaging-server-imap-port

      • user name: uid

      • user password: password

      • smtp server name: messaging-server-smtp-server-name

      • smtp server port: messaging-server-smtp-port

      • client port: messenger-express-client-port

      • mail domain: hosted-domain

The calendar does not come up on the UWC Calendar Channel. (6179806)


In Java Server Enterprise 3 the Portal Calendar channel can launch the UWC from the Portal Desktop.

A new channel has been added called UWCCalendar and is based on the CalendarProvider. The UWCCalendar channel is available in the default organization or root suffix but is not associated with a Container out of the box. The UWCCalendar channel must be added to a container.

The UWCCalendar channel defines the following properties:

  • title

  • description

  • ssoAdapter

  • ssoEditAttributes (exposes clientHost and clientPort)

  • applicationHelperEdit

  • applicationHelperURL

The SSO adapter configuration is “sunUWCCalendar” and the SSO adapter template is “SUN-UWC-CALENDAR.”


To use this new channel:

Add the UWCCalendar channel to a container for the channel to be visible on the desktop.

  1. From the Access Manager Administration console, add the UWCCalendar channel to the My Front Page Tab.

  2. Edit the UWCCalendar channel and specify the server settings. For example, login to the Portal Desktop as a new user and edit the UWCCalendar channel by specifying the following values:

    • server name: calendar-server-name

      • server port: calendar-server-port

      • user name: uid

      • user password: password

      • client server name: uwc-client-server-name

      • client port: uwc-client-port

UWC Address Book is not being displayed on the UWC AddressBook channel. (6179807)


The SSO adapter implementation, WabpSSOAdapter, is using port instead of clientPort for the back end connection to the Address Book Server. This causes the Portal UWC Address Book to fail when the UWC client is not installed on port 80.


You can workaround this problem by doing one of the following:

  • Install the UWC client on port 80

  • Set the SSO adapter template or configuration property port and the value to be the same as clientPort.

To set the SSO adapter template or configuration property port and the value to be the same as clientPort is to add the “port” as a “Merge” property specified at the Organization level. The Channel does not expose the “port” on the Channel’s edit page.

To add the port as a “Merge” property:

  1. Log in to the Access Manager Administration console.

  2. Select Service Configuration.

  3. Select SSO adapter.

  4. Select Edit Properties... for SUN-UWC-ADDRESS-BOOK.

  5. Select New Merge and specify:

    Name: port

  6. Select Create.

  7. Select Finished.

  8. Select Identity Management.

  9. Select the organization.

  10. Select Services.

  11. Select SSO adapter.

  12. Select Edit Properties... for sunUWCAddressBook and specify the properties.

  13. Select New Default and specify the port value and select Save.

    Note –

    If there are existing users with SSO adapter attributes written at the User level, this solution might not work since the existing users do not inherit the Organization level changes to the SSO adapter configuration. Instead, the SSO adapter template can be updated with the “host” and port defined as Default properties.

Microsoft Calendar and Microsoft AddressBook throw “Content not available” error. (6213120)


An error message stating that content is not available may be displayed when configuring the Microsoft Calendar and Address Book channels on a WebLogic server. This problem can occur when other files take precedence over the jintegra.jar file.


Add the jintegra.jar file as the first file to the classpath.

To add the jintegra.jar file as the first file in the classpath:

  1. Open the file /usr/local/bea/user_projects/domains/mydomain/

  2. Edit the CLASSPATH to add /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF/lib/jintegra.jar as the first jar file in the classpath.

  3. Restart the WebLogic server using

Lotus Address Book and Calendar does not work with old NCSO.jar. (6216069)


Lotus Address Book and Calendar need the latest version of NCSO.jar to work.


Use the latest version of Domino, for example NCSO.jar from Domino 6.5.1.