Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Release Notes

Performance and Tuning Updates

The perftune script has been changed. The amtune script is now used. Use the follow the steps to use the performance tuning tools.

Note –

In each step substitute your actual base path if you did not choose the default during installation.

  1. Edit /opt/SUNWam/bin/amtune/amtune-as8 as follows. Find the line: $ECHO $ASADMIN_PASSWORD > $ASADMIN_PASSFILE and change it to: $ECHO "AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=$ASADMIN_PASSWORD" > $ASADMIN_PASSFILE

  2. Edit /opt/SUNWam/bin/amtune/amtune-env as follows. Find the line: ASADMIN=$CONTAINER_BASE_DIR/bin/asadmin and change it to: ASADMIN=/opt/SUNWappserver/appserver/bin/asadminThe, basedir /opt, may be different for you. Verify that asadmin is actually at the location you enter.

  3. Get the files for perftune from

  4. Backup, then replace the following: /opt/SUNWps/bin/pstune-env /opt/SUNWps/bin/pstune-portal with /opt/SUNWps/bin/perftune and /opt/SUNWam/bin/amtune