Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Release Notes

Compatibility Issues

Communication Channels

The Server and Port properties are missing for configuring the properties of the Instant Messaging (IM) channel. Because all communication happens with the multiplexor, the server and port settings have been removed from the provider. This is an incompatibity between the Java System Enterprise 2 and Java Enterprise System 4 release.

Deprecation Notifications and Announcements

This section contains information about features that will not be supported in a future release.

Operating System and Required Component Software

Support for the following operating system platforms and application server are being deprecated and will not be supported in future releases:

Portal Server CLIs

Existing Portal Server command line utilities are deprecated, and their functions will be replaced with a single Portal Server command line utility in a future release. The following Portal Server command line utilities are deprecated, and their functions will be replaced with a single Portal Server command line utility in a future release:

Administration Console

The existing Portal Server administration console is deprecated, and its functions will be replaced with a new Portal Server management console in a future release.

Portal Server Desktop Template Container Provider

The Portal Desktop Template Container Provider interface is being deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Interface components being deprecated include: