Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Developer's Guide

Portal Environment

This section contains the following:

Web Container

The Portal Server software providers run within the JavaTM Virtual Machine provided by the web container, which may vary between different web containers. The Portal Server software environment in the Sun JavaTM System Web Server software or Sun JavaTM System Application Server software web container is JavaTM Development Kit (JDKTM) 1.5.0_04.

File System

The Portal Server product uses /opt/SUNWportal (/opt is a default that can be changed during installation), /etc/opt/SUNWportal, and /var/opt/SUNWportal for installing Portal Server specific packages and other files into the file system.

Most Portal Server software Java classes are defined in packages under the com.sun.portal package name.

The Portal Server software is installed as web application portal on the /portal1 URI in the web container.