Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2005Q4 Schema Reference



Messaging Server 5.0


cis, multi-valued

Object Classes

inetMailGroup, inetMailUser


Specifies delivery options for the mail recipient. One or more values are permitted on a user or group entry, supporting multiple delivery paths for inbound messages. Values will apply differently depending on whether the attribute is used in inetMailGroup or inetMailUser.

Note, that the mailUserStatus attribute is processed before this attribute. If mailUserStatus is set to hold, an internal flag is set so that when mailDeliveryOption is processed, the mailUserStatus hold overrides whatever delivery options are specified with mailDeliveryOption.

For users, delivery addresses are generated for each valid delivery option value.

Valid values are:

For users only (inetMailUser):

For groups only (inetMailGroup):

Both users and groups:

These values are handled the same for both users and groups.

The MTA option DELIVERY_OPTIONS, found in the msg_svr_base/config/option.dat file, defines how each of the previously listed values will be processed.

The MTA option used to override this attribute’s value is LDAP_DELIVERY_OPTION.


mailDeliveryOption: mailbox

