Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2005Q4 Schema Reference
 mail, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mail group, message size received ( Index Term Link )
 mail group, allowed incoming mail
  by domain ( Index Term Link )
  by user ( Index Term Link )
 mail group, disallowed incoming mail
  by domain ( Index Term Link )
  by user ( Index Term Link )
 mail group membership
  alternative specification method ( Index Term Link )
  restrictions ( Index Term Link )
  visibility ( Index Term Link )
 mail quota
  managed group ( Index Term Link )
  user ( Index Term Link )
 mailAccessProxyPreAuth, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailAccessProxyReplay, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailAdminRole, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailAllowedServiceAccess, connection with mailDomainStatus ( Index Term Link )
 mailAllowedServiceAccess, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailAlternateAddress, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailAntiUBEService, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailAutoReplyMode, attribute, autoreply ( Index Term Link )
 mailAutoReplySubject, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailAutoReplyText, connection to mailAutoReplyMode ( Index Term Link )
 mailAutoReplyText, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailAutoReplyTextInternal, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailAutoReplyTimeOut, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailClientAttachmentQuota ( Index Term Link )
 mailClientAttachmentQuota, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailConversionTag, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailDeferProcessing, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailDeliveryFileURL, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailDeliveryOption ( Index Term Link )
  mailDeliveryOption, forward ( Index Term Link )
  mailDeliveryOption, program ( Index Term Link )
 mailDeliveryOption, attribute, mailDeliveryOption=file ( Index Term Link )
 mailDomain, object class ( Index Term Link )
 mailDomainAllowedServiceAccess, connection with mailDomainStatus ( Index Term Link )
 mailDomainAllowedServiceAccess, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailDomainMsgMaxBlocks, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailDomainMsgQuota ( Index Term Link )
 mailDomainMsgQuota, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailDomainStatus, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailDomainWelcomeMessage, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailEquivalentAddress, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailFolderName, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailForwardingAddress, attribute ( Index Term Link )
  setting up ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 mailHost, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailing lists
  allowed membership ( Index Term Link )
  denied membership ( Index Term Link )
  group appearance on ( Index Term Link )
  setting up ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 mailMessageStore, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailMsgMaxBlocks, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailMsgQuota, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailParentalControl, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailProgramDeliveryInfo, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailPublicFolderDefaultRights, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailQuota ( Index Term Link )
 mailQuota, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailRejectText, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailRoutingAddress, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailRoutingHosts, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailRoutingSmartHost, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailSieveRuleRef, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailSieveRuleSource, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailSMTPSubmitChannel, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mailto syntax ( Index Term Link )
 mailUserStatus, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 managed group
  billable user ( Index Term Link )
  cumulative disk quota ( Index Term Link )
  current status ( Index Term Link )
  maximum users ( Index Term Link )
  number of users ( Index Term Link )
 maximum message size allowed, to a group ( Index Term Link )
 maximum messages allowed, user ( Index Term Link )
 maximum pab entries allowed, user ( Index Term Link )
 maximum size message ( Index Term Link )
 maximum users allowed
  domain ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  managed group ( Index Term Link )
 maxPabEntries, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 memberOf, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 memberOfManagedGroup, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 memberOfPAB, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 memberOfPABGroup, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 memberURL, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 message delivery, guaranteeing ( Index Term Link )
 message filtering, Sieve rules ( Index Term Link )
 message quota ( Index Term Link )
 message size, to mailGroup ( Index Term Link )
 message store, partition name ( Index Term Link )
 Messaging Server, documentation ( Index Term Link )
 mgmanAllowSubscribe, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgmanDenySubscribe, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgmanGoodbyeText, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgmanHidden, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgmanIntroText, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgmanJoinability, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgmanMemberVisibility, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgmanVisibility, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgrpAddHeader, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgrpAllowedBroadcaster, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgrpAllowedDomain, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgrpAuthPassword, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgrpBroadcasterPolicy, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgrpDeliverTo, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgrpDisallowedBroadcaster, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgrpDisallowedDomain, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgrpErrorsTo, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgrpModerator, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgrpMsgMaxSize, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgrpMsgPrefixText, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgrpMsgRejectAction, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgrpMsgRejectText, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgrpMsgSuffixText, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgrpNoDuplicateCheck, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgrpRemoveHeader, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mgrpRFC822MailMember, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mnggrpAdditionPolicy, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mnggrpBillableUser, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mnggrpCurrentUsers, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mnggrpDeletionPolicy, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mnggrpMailQuota, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mnggrpMaxUsers, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mnggrpStatus, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 mnggrpUserClassOfServices, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 moderator, messages forwarded to ( Index Term Link )
 msgVanityDomain, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 msgVanityDomainUser, object class ( Index Term Link )
  host name, final destination ( Index Term Link )
  host name, user’ ( Index Term Link )
 multiLineDescription, attribute ( Index Term Link )