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Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.1 Configuration File Reference 

About This Guide

This guide describes how to configure and administer the Sun Java™ System Web Proxy Server 4, formerly known as Sun™ ONE Web Proxy Server and iPlanet™ Web Proxy Server (and hereafter referred to as Sun Java System Web Proxy Server or just Proxy Server).

This preface contains information about the following topics:

Who Should Use This Guide

This guide is intended for information technology administrators in production environments. The guide assumes familiarity with the following:

How This Guide Is Organized

The guide is divided into parts, each of which addresses specific areas and tasks. The following table lists the parts of the guide and their contents.

Table 1  Guide Organization



Chapter 1, "Basics of Server Operation"

This chapter introduces the major configuration files that control the Sun Java System Web Proxy Server and describes how to activate and edit them.

Chapter 2, "Server Configuration Elements in server.xml"

This chapter discusses the server.xml file, which controls most aspects of server operation.

Chapter 3, "Syntax and Use of magnus.conf"

This chapter discusses the directives you can set in the magnus.conf file to configure the Sun Java System Web Proxy Server during initialization.

Chapter 4, "Syntax and Use of obj.conf"

This chapter discusses the SAFs you can set in the configuration file obj.conf to configure the Sun Java System Web Proxy Server during initialization.

Chapter 5, "Predefined SAFs in obj.conf"

This chapter describes the predefined SAFs used in the obj.conf file.

Chapter 6, "MIME Types"

This chapter discusses the MIME types file, which maps file extensions to file types.

Chapter 7, "Other Server Configuration Files"

This chapter lists other important configuration files and provides a quick reference of their contents.

Appendix A, "Configuration Changes Between iPlanet Web Proxy Server 3.6 and Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4"

This appendix describes the changes in configuration files between the iPlanet Web Proxy Server 3.6 and Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.

Appendix B, "Time Formats"

This appendix describes the format strings used for dates and times in the server log.

Appendix C, "Alphabetical List of Server Configuration Elements"

This chapter provide an alphabetical list for easy lookup of elements in server.xml and directives in magnus.conf.

Appendix D, "Alphabetical List of Predefined SAFs"

This chapter provide an alphabetical list for easy lookup of directives in obj.conf.

Documentation Conventions

The following table lists the documentation conventions used in this guide.

Table 2  Documentation Conventions



File and directory paths

Given in UNIX� format, with forward slashes separating directory names

Installation root directories

Indicated asinstall_dir.

Italic text

Titles, emphasis, terms

monospace text

Code examples, file names, path names, command names, programming language keywords, properties

iitalic monospace text

Variable path names, environment variables in paths

Using the Documentation

The Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.1 documentation is available in PDF and HTML formats at:

The following table lists the tasks and concepts described in guide.

Table 3  Proxy Server Documentation

For Information About


Late-breaking information about the software and documentation

Release Notes

Performing installation and migration tasks:

  • Supported platforms and environments
  • Installing Sun Java System Web Proxy Server
  • Migrating from version 3.6 to version 4

Installation and Migration Guide

Performing administration and management tasks:

  • Using the Administration and command-line interfaces
  • Configuring server preferences
  • Managing users and groups
  • Monitoring and logging server activity
  • Using certificates and public key cryptography to secure the server
  • Controlling server access
  • Proxying and routing URLs
  • Caching
  • Filtering content
  • Using a reverse proxy
  • Using SOCKS
  • Tuning the Proxy Server to optimize performance

Administration Guide
(and the online Help included with the product)

Creating custom Netscape Server Application Programmer’s Interface (NSAPI) plugins

NSAPI Developer’s Guide

Editing configuration files

Configuration File Reference

Contacting Sun Technical Support

For technical questions about this product not answered in the product documentation, go to:

Third-Party Web Site References

Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party Web sites mentioned in this document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.


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Part No: 819-3651-10.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.