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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide 

Chapter 10
Administering the Display Profile

This chapter describes the Sun Java™ System Portal Server display profile component and how to administer it.

This chapter contains these sections:

Overview of Display Profile

This section describes the display profile component of Portal Server.

The display profile creates the display configuration for the standard Desktop by defining the following three items:

The Portal Desktop implements a display profile data storage mechanism on top of the Sun Java™ System Access Manager service for storing content provider and channel data. In addition, properties are set for the channels and providers.

The user’s display profile is a series of XML documents describing container management and properties for channels. (One display profile document is equivalent to one XML document.) The display profile documents are stored in their entirety as a single attribute in the Sun Java System Access Manager services layer. That is, the display profile documents are an LDAP attribute residing in an instance of Sun Java™ System Directory Server.

To change display profile property values, the providers use the provider APIs (PAPI) to get and set the values. When the channel values are set to the display profile, the PAPI internal implementation uses the Access Manager SDK to set the display profile document in the Sun Java System Access Manager Desktop service attribute.


Though possible, you should not edit the display profile using the Sun Java System Access Manager SDK.

Display Profile and the Administration Console

You can edit the display profile and other Portal Desktop service data through the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console and the dpadmin command. When you edit the display profile, you add, modify, and remove providers, containers, and channels, and edit properties. The Upload XML and Download XML links allow you to upload and download the display profile document. In addition, the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console provides an Channel and Container Management link in the Portal Desktop attributes page to add channels and containers and edit existing properties. The Channel and Container Management link enables you to define properties when a new channel or container is created. You can also use the Channel and Container Management link to add, modify, and remove channels and containers. See Administering the Display Profile for more information.


As the Channel and Container Management link enables access to only a portion of the display profile, it is envisioned that delegated administrators will use it. See Chapter 7, "Configuring Delegated Administration" for more information on how to configure delegated administrators.

Display Profile Document Structure

This section describes the overall structure of the display profile documents. The underlying data format for a display profile document is XML. See the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Technical Reference Guide for information on the display profile DTD syntax.

The display profile format establishes the Desktop’s display configuration by defining provider and channel objects and their properties. The display profile is stored in the Sun Java System Directory Server at the isp level (or the top most directory node), the organization level, the role level, or the user level. At run time, a user’s display profile is a result of “merging” all the display profile documents from the user’s specific profile in the directory tree, and the value of a specific display profile object for that user is decided by the “merge” semantics of the display profile.

The display profile objects map directly to the XML tag that defines them. For example, the <Channel name> </Channel> XML tags define a channel object.

In general, the document structure of the display profile resembles the following:


  <Properties> properties...</Properties>

  <Channels> definitions...</Channels>

  <Providers>...provider definitions...</Providers>


<Properties>, <Channels>, and <Providers> are mechanisms to do grouping. These mechanisms make the XML display profile document more structured, so that like objects are in each “bag.” See Putting Together Display Profile Objects for more information on bags.

The following sections describe the display profile objects in more detail.

DisplayProfile root Object

The DisplayProfile root container object enables the Desktop servlet to act as a container provider to get handles to providers, and so forth. No provider class are associated with the channel. This channel should not be referenced by any other display profile object.

DisplayProfile root Object XML Syntax

   <Container name="_desktopRoot" provider="none">

  <Properties />

  <Available />

  <Selected />



Provider Object

A provider object is the software entity executed at run time when a channel is rendered. (Thus, a channel is the instance of a provider at run time.) The <Provider> display profile definition is a template from which display profile channels are defined. It sets up the class name for the Provider java object and default values for all required properties.

The <Provider> display profile definition contains the information necessary for a client of the display profile to construct the provider object, namely, the Java™ class name.

The <Provider> display profile definition sets default property values for all channels that point to this provider. Channel-specific properties are only necessary when the provider defaults need to be overwritten. The provider display profile object should contain default values for all properties that are used in the provider Java object. For example, if the provider Java code contains:


Channel Object

A channel object represents a single display element. The objects contained by a channel object can be thought of as properties for the channel. The <Channel name> definition includes a symbolic reference to the provider. In addition, you can define channel-specific properties to overwrite default values defined in the provider definition. A channel name needs to be unique for a given channel within a display profile document, but you can define the same name at different channel levels.

Example Channel Object XML Syntax

<Channel name="SampleXML" provider="XMLProvider">

    <Properties >

        <String name="refreshTime" value="600" advanced="true"/>  

        <String name="title" value="XML Test Channel"/>

        <String name="description" value="This is a test of the XML Provider system"/>

        <String name="url" value="file:///etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SampleXML/getQuotes.xml"/>

        <String name="xslFileName" value="/etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SampleXML/html_stockquote.xsl"/>



Container Object

A container object is identical to a channel object, except that it a container object does not generate content. That is, a container is a channel that gets its content from other channels. A container object allows for available and selected channel lists and can contain child channel definitions. A child channel is typically aggregated on a page with other channels and generates its own content. A container channel primarily generates content by aggregating the content of one or more child channels.

Example Container Object XML Syntax

<Container name="TemplateTableContainer"provider="TemplateTableContainerProvider">


    <String name="title" value="Template Based Table Container"/>

    <String name="description"

     value="This is the channel for the front provider"/>

    <Collection name="channelsColumn" advanced="true">

     <String name="SampleJSP" value="2"/>

     <String name="SampleXML" value="2"/>

     <String name="Notes" value="2"/>


    <Collection name="channelsRow" advanced="true">

     <String name="MailCheck" value="3"/>

     <String name="SampleRSS" value="2"/>

     <String name="SampleXML" value="2"/>

     <String name="App" value="5"/>

     <String name="SampleSimpleWebService" value="6"/>

     <String name="Bookmark" value="4"/>

     <String name="Notes" value="3"/>


    <Collection name="channelsIsRemovable">

     <Boolean name="UserInfo" value="false"/>




    <Reference value="UserInfo"/>

    <Reference value="MailCheck"/>

    <Reference value="SampleRSS"/>

    <Reference value="SampleJSP"/>

    <Reference value="SampleXML"/>

    <Reference value="App"/>

    <Reference value="SampleSimpleWebService"/>

    <Reference value="Bookmark"/>

    <Reference value="Notes"/>



    <Reference value="UserInfo"/>

    <Reference value="MailCheck"/>

    <Reference value="SampleRSS"/>

    <Reference value="SampleJSP"/>

    <Reference value="SampleXML"/>

    <Reference value="App"/>

    <Reference value="SampleSimpleWebService"/>

    <Reference value="Bookmark"/>

    <Reference value="Notes"/>





Putting Together Display Profile Objects

The root, provider, and channel objects can have properties associated with them. The display profile groups properties inside of a properties “bag.” The term bag is used to indicate that its only purpose is a holding place for properties. A property does not have a properties bag associated with it. See Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Desktop Customization Guide for property definitions.

Property bags in channels, providers, and the root level have different semantics. Global properties are shared for all channels. A property defined as a global property here can be accessed by any channel. Themes are an example of a global property. Theme data are defined globally and can be shared among all channels.

Properties defined in providers are defaults for channels based on that provider. If the property is not defined in the channel, then the default is used. The implication is that a provider must define every property used by a provider Java object. Thus, if the Java code contains:

String f = getStringProperty("color");

the corresponding <Provider name> definition in the display profile must define:

<String name="color" ... />


Do not use global properties as defaults for all channels. A display profile provider definition defines the property interface used by the provider object that will use the provider definition.

Channel properties override the defaults in the provider definition to customize the channel. For example, URLScaperProvider defines a url property. A default does not make sense here, as a channel would naturally override this value.

Display Profile Object Lookup

At runtime, the system never asks for properties directly from a provider. The request always goes to a channel. If a Java provider object requests a property, it searches the display profile in the following order until it finds the property, or until it reaches the top of the containment hierarchy:

  1. Channel’s properties
  2. Channel’s provider’s properties
  3. Channel’s parent’s properties
  4. Channel’s parent’s provider’s properties
  5. Channel’s parent’s properties (and so on)
  6. The global properties bag defined in the display profile root definition

Therefore, when a channel asks for the names of its properties, it gets the set of the union of all the above.

Properties that exist in a provider object are intended to have the semantics of default values for the channel. For example, for a provider xml that defines property title, all channels that are derived from provider xml inherit the title property. If you want a channel to override this property, set the value within the channel’s properties.

Display Profile Properties

This section describes display profile properties and how to specify them.

Display Profile Property Types

The display profile property types are:

Atomic property values can also be specified as body content. Example:

<String name=”foo”>bar</String>

<Integer name=”aNumber”>1</Integer>

<Boolean name=”flag”>false</Boolean>

Document Type Definition Element Attributes

In the display profile XML, the following attributes are not listed in the XML file and displayed in the administration console unless the attribute’s default value has been changed:

<advanced="false" lock="false" merge="fuse" propagate="true">

If a default value is reset, only the attribute whose default value has been changed is included in the XML fragment and displayed in the administration console. The default properties are inherited from the provider. If the default property is edited, it is displayed as customized.

Specifying Display Profile Properties

When you specify display profile properties, you need to consider how to “nest” them, how to use unnamed properties in collections, how to use conditional properties and how properties can be propagated.

Property Nesting

The display profile can contain nested properties (properties within properties) to any depth. This enables you to have collections of collections of collections of strings, or a collection of strings and collections, and so on. For example, here is a collection of collections:

<Collection name="people">

    <Collection name="john">

        <Integer name="age" value="31"/>

        <String name="eyes" value="hazel"/>


    <Collection name="bob">

        <Integer name="age" value="35"/>

        <String name="eyes" value="blue"/>


    ... etc ...


Unnamed Properties

Atomic property types (Boolean, Integer, and String) can be unnamed, for example:

<String value="apple"/>

is equivalent to

<String name=”apple” value=”apple”/>

That is, if an atomic property does not have a name then it is equivalent to the string value of that property.

For all practical purposes, this is useful only inside a collection, because it enables you to use collections to represent an ordered set (almost a list), instead of a table. For example, here is a collection representing a list of postal codes:

<Collection name="zipcodes">

    <Integer value="95112"/>

    <Integer value="95054"/>

    <Integer value="98036"/>


The key to using unnamed properties is that collections can represent tables (name=value) or lists.


Do not create an unnamed property with the same value as another unnamed property in the same collection. The property is created, but the provider cannot access the value because of the duplicate name.

In addition, because the Portal Server treats a property with the same name and value as equivalent to an unnamed Boolean property, you may unintentionally create properties with duplicated names in the same collection. This can result in all but one being inaccessible.

Conditional Properties

This provides a generic operation for retrieving conditional properties. The most common conditions are locale and client, but you can define properties on any sort of condition. See the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Desktop Customization Guide for more information.

For instance, the implementation of the locale filter is:

public class LocalePropertiesFilter extends PropertiesFilter {

  public LocaleProperties() {



  String getCondition()

    return "locale";


  public boolean match(ProviderContext pc, String condition, String value) {

    return condition.toLowerCase().equals("locale") &&




A conditional property lookup involves one or more property filters. If a filter in the filter list is required, then it must match for the overall conditional lookup to succeed. If a filter is not required, then it can fail to match without causing the overall lookup to fail.

A chain of non-required filters can be used to implement a progressively less-specific filter lookup, similar to the semantics of Java resource bundle lookup. For instance, an optional filter would be useful in a case where a locale lookup is followed by a date lookup. Given the filter {locale=en, locale=US, date=03/03/2003}, you can get it to successfully match a property with the qualifier {locale=en; date=03/03/2003} even though it does not exactly match the filter specification.þ This is done by setting the locale filter to be optional.

In the administration console, the conditional properties are displayed as condition-value and can be edited like collections. The conditional properties can be nested and can be added to a channel or inside another conditional property. Use the Add Property page to add a new conditional property.

<ConditionalProperties> Tag

The <ConditionalProperties> tag must be used to define the filtering criteria. The tag contains the following required attributes:

In the display profile, the <ConditionalProperties> tag can be defined as outlined in Code Example 10-1.

Code Example 10-1  <ConditionalProperties> Tag Usage Sample  


    <String name="foo" value="bar">

    <ConditionalProperties condition="locale" value="de">

        <String name="foo" value="german bar">

        <String name="baz" value="a german baz value">


    <ConditionalProperties condition="client" value="nokia">

        <ConditionalProperties condition="locale" value="de">

            <String name="foo" value="nokia german bar">




Display Profile Property Propagation

You can mark all display profile properties, including Boolean, Collection, Integer, Strings, and Reference, with the propagate attribute. The propagate attribute is a Boolean attribute that can take a value of true or false (the default is true). The propagate attribute controls how properties are treated when they are read non-locally but set locally.

For example, the set of properties for a channel consists of the set that is the union of:

When a channel requests a property value, it can be read from any of these “remote” locations. When a property value is set, two options regarding where to store the property value are available:

  1. The channel’s property bag
  2. The remote location

The propagate attribute controls the location. When you set the propagate attribute to true, a property is stored locally to the object that set the property (in most cases, a channel). When you set the propagate attribute to false, the property is set in place (wherever it was read from). That is, when set to false, the existing value is changed, but when true, a new property is created and stored locally (unless it was already local).

Consider the following display profile XML fragment:



    <String name="color" value="blue"/>



<Channel name="testchannel" provider="..."/>





The property color is in the global properties bag. Because propagate is not set (and is true by default), the following results if channel testchannel sets property color:



    <String name="color" value="blue"/>



<Channel name="testchannel" provider="..."/>


    <String name="color" value="new value"/>




The property is propagated to the local object that set it (the channel). On the other hand, if propagate were set to false in the global properties bag, for example:

<String name="color” value="blue" propagate="false"/>

The result of channel testchannel setting property color would be:


  <Properties propagate="false">

    <String name="color" value="new value"/>



<Channel name="testchannel" provider="..."/>





In addition to individual properties, a properties bag can also be marked with the propagate attribute, for example:

<Properties propagate="false">



For a property to be considered as propagate=false, the following must be true:

With any other settings, propagate is considered to be true.

You can only mark top-level properties with the propagate attribute. The display profile DTD does not disallow this, but the display profile code ignores it. A top-level property is defined directly inside the properties bag.

Display Profile Document Priorities

When a user logs in, the system determines at runtime what set of documents make up the user’s display profile document set. The Desktop internal implementation of the display profile (the part that interprets the display profile) determines this set by looking at all of the LDAP nodes that the user belongs to. This can be the organization DN (, suborganizations, role DNs (cn=Role1,, and uid (uid=jtb,ou=People,cn=Role1,, as well as the global display profile. The display profile documents from each of these LDAP nodes and global display profile are then read (if it exists there), and all of the documents are put into a set. The system sorts the set according to the document priorities. A lower number represents a lower priority. For example, a 1 is a lower priority than a 2. The documents are then sorted from lower number to higher number. See How the Merge Process Works for more information on this process.

The user level document (uid=jtb,ou=People,...) is a special case referred to as the base document. Think of the base document as a priority equal to infinity. Thus, it is always the highest number (and hence highest priority). All of the mergers are associated with the base document in sorted order, and the priority setting on a user document is always the highest. The priority attribute used in the <DisplayProfile> tag takes the special keyword user to indicate that the current display profile is the user level display profile.

When a merge occurs, it starts at the lowest priority document (lowest number) and proceeds in increasing priority number, until it arrives at the user (base) document.

Thus, the implication of display profile document priorities is that what really matters is the priority number. For example, an organization level document can have a higher priority than a role level document, but it does not have to. It depends on how you need to prioritize these documents for your site.

You specify the display profile document priority in the XML file with the <DisplayProfile priority= syntax> tag. To change the priority, by edit the display profile XML by using the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console or by using the dpadmin command to load the display profile. See the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Technical Reference Guide for more information on administering command line utilities for more information on the dpadmin command.


Do not assign the same priority to two display profile documents. Doing so causes the Desktop to not appear properly. However, the product does not check for duplicate document priorities.

Document Priority Example 1

This example uses two display profiles, one for the organization acme and one for the uid bill. When Bill logs in (uid=bill) to the Desktop, the bookmark channel titled “Bill’s Bookmarks” is displayed with the following three bookmarks (in that order):

Document Priority Example 2

This example uses three display profiles, the global display profile, the display profile for the organization acme, and the display profile for the role hradmin. When the user who is assigned to the hradmin role logs in to the Desktop, the TemplateTableContainer appears with the following channels:

Display Profile Document Priority Summary

A display profile document has a low or high priority depending on whether you consider the merge order or the ability to lock as the defining factor.

Without considering locking, the lower numbered display profile document has a lower priority. The lower numbered display profile document gets merged first so the value of a higher priority document overrides the value of a lower priority document. In this sense, the lower numbered document has a lower priority.

However, the lower numbered display profile document can also lock an object so it cannot be affected by a higher numbered document. In this sense, the lower numbered document has a higher priority.

Display Profile Merge Semantics

The display profile is composed of a hierarchy of XML documents. Portal Server could store a display profile document for the user, each role the user belongs to, and the user’s organization or suborganization. At runtime, the system merges these multiple display profile documents to deliver a particular portal desktop to the user. This process of merging display profile documents affects the final display profile by potentially changing channel, provider, and property definitions.

The display profile data format contains syntax that defines how these documents are combined. This definition is commonly known as merge semantics.

Merge semantics control how attributes are combined as display profile documents from different LDAP nodes (base DN, DN, and role DNs) are merged to form a single representation (that is, Desktop). Merge semantics assume an ordering to display profile documents. Sun Java System Access Manager does not provide hierarchical structure of roles. Instead, the users’ role structure is flat. All roles are peers. Because of this, Portal Server imposes an additional ordering on Sun Java System Access Manager roles to simulate a hierarchical structure.

The set of display profile documents for a user consists of: the documents that exist at the user’s LDAP organization an suborganization nodes; the documents that exist at each of the user’s role nodes; and the document that exists at the user’s entry node. Documents do not need to be defined at each of these nodes, but must least one document must be defined at a node. The set of documents is sorted according to a priority value that the display profile document defines. See Display Profile Document Priorities for more information.

You can visualize the process of document merging as laying one display profile document on top of another. A merge happens where like-named channels, providers, and properties fall on top of one another. Merging is based on the name of the display profile object, not the XML structure defined in the display profile document. Like named channels can exist in different containers within the containment hierarchy in the display profile to be merged.

How the Merge Process Works

When a user logs on to Portal Server, and after authentication takes place, the system determines the user’s display profile by:

  1. Locating all the display profile documents for that user by searching through the global display profile, and LDAP organization, suborganization, role, and user nodes that the user belongs to.
  2. Placing the retrieved display profile documents in a temporary area, which you can visualize as a bag.
  3. Sorting the display profile documents in the bag based on priority, starting at the lowest priority. (The node at which the document was retrieved does not influence the priority sorting. Also, the user display profile document always has the highest priority.)
  4. Taking the documents out of the bag, lowest priority first, then placing the next higher level priority document over this document, and applying merge and lock semantics.
  5. Continuing Step 4 until all the documents have been taken from the bag so that the system returns a value to the user that is a merge of the objects found in the documents.

Display Profile Merge Types

The display profile uses three types of merges to determine how to combine display profile documents:

For channels and providers, fuse has special meaning. The channels themselves are not actually fused together. Rather, fuse indicates that the channel’s or provider’s properties should be combined. The replace semantic replaces the entire channel or provider, including all properties. The remove semantic removes the entire channel or provider from the merge up to that point.

The display profile <DisplayProfile> root node can also have merge semantics. The replace semantic means that all display profile objects defined in the higher priority document completely override the ones defined at the lower one. All merges up to that point are negated and the higher priority document is used as the new base for merging. The remove semantic indicates that all merge results up to the point of this document are to be discarded. The merge begins with the next display profile document found in the sorted set. As with channels and providers, the fuse semantic means that the contained objects (channels and providers) should be combined.

Atomic display profile properties (those that cannot contain other properties) cannot use the fuse semantic. This includes the String, Integer, Boolean, and Reference properties.

The set of properties for a channel consists of the channel’s properties plus the channel’s provider’s properties plus the channel’s parent’s properties, and so on. You can think of this total set of properties as the channel’s single document properties. An implication of document merging is that the total set of properties for a document consists of the set union of the channel’s single document properties for all documents in the user’s merge set.

Remove Example: Using remove Merge to Modify Container’s Selected Channel List

The following example shows how all users’ merge set can consist of an organizational level document that has the following display profile fragment.

<Container name="TemplateTableContainer" provider="TemplateTableContainerProvider" merge="fuse">

    <Properties> ... </Properties>

    <Available> ... </Available>

    <Selected merge="fuse">

        <Reference value="UnixTipoftheDay"/>



The “unix tip of the day” describes ways to use UNIX®. It is likely that users who belong to the admin role would not find this channel helpful. To remove this channel from everyone with the admin role, define the TemplateTableContainer channel in the admin role document as follows:

admin role

<Container name="TemplateTableContainer" provider="TemplateTableContainerProvider" merge="fuse">

    <Properties> ... </Properties>

    <Available> ... </Available>

    <Selected merge="fuse">

        <Reference value="Outages"/>

        <Reference value="SolarisAdmin"/>

        <Reference value="AdminTipoftheDay"/>

        <Reference value="UnixTipoftheDay" merge="remove"/>



The preceding sample snippet causes the Reference value="UnixTipoftheDay" to be removed from the admin role display profile.

Replace Example: Using replace Merge to Remove Channel from All Users’ Display

The following example shows how for a particular container, a role admin can ignore all of the channels defined in the organization level. The organization definition resembles the following:

organization display profile

<Container name=...>




        <Reference name="X"/>

        <Reference name="Y"/>

        <Reference name="Z"/>



Because the role admin does not want any of the users under that role to have the X, Y, or Z channels, the container is defined as follows:

admin role

<Container name=...>



    <Selected merge="replace">

        <Reference name="A"/>

        <Reference name="B"/>

        <Reference name="C"/>



The selected list in the role document’s container replaces the selected list in the organization document’s container.

Fuse Example: Using fuse Merge to Create Role-based Channel List

You commonly use the fuse merge semantic to combine non-atomic display profile objects. These objects include Collection and the available or selected channel lists. Here, fuse indicates that all the properties contained in the non-atomic property should also be merged. Using fuse in this way enables the final non-atomic property presented to the user to be build up from various documents.

The following example display profile documents are for a user who belongs to the admin, employee, and movieFreak roles. The selected channels for the user appear at the end.

admin role

<Container name="TemplateTableContainer" provider="TemplateTableContainerProvider" merge="fuse">

    <Properties> ... </Properties>

    <Available> ... </Available>

    <Selected merge="fuse">

        <Reference value="Outages"/>

        <Reference value="SolarisAdmin"/>

        <Reference value="AdminTipoftheDay"/>



employee role

<Container name="TemplateTableContainer" provider="TemplateTableContainerProvider" merge="fuse">

    <Properties> ... </Properties>

    <Available> ... </Available>

    <Selected merge="fuse">

        <Reference value="Benefits"/>

        <Reference value="EmployeeNews"/>



movieFreak role

<Container name="TemplateTableContainer" provider="TemplateTableContainerProvider" merge="fuse">

    <Properties> ... </Properties>

    <Available> ... </Available>

    <Selected merge="fuse">

        <Reference value="NewMoviesReleases"/>

        <Reference value="MovieShowTimes"/>



The resultant list of selected channels for the user is as follows, with the available channel list ordered in the same way that the merging was applied, from lower to higher priority:

<Container name="TemplateTableContainer" provider="TemplateTableContainerProvider" merge="fuse">

    <Properties> ... </Properties>

    <Available> ... </Available>

    <Selected merge="fuse">

        <Reference value="Outages"/>

        <Reference value="SolarisAdmin"/>

        <Reference value="AdminTipoftheDay"/>

        <Reference value="Benefits"/>

        <Reference value="EmployeeNews"/>

        <Reference value="NewMoviesReleases"/>

        <Reference value="MovieShowTimes"/>



Merge Locking

Any display profile object that is able to be merged can also be locked. When an object is locked, it cannot be affected by merge semantics in higher priority documents. This enables low-priority documents to prevent a high-priority document from using the merge semantics to change particular aspects of the display profile.

Merge Locking Example: Using lock Merge to Force Property Value for All Users

The following example shows how to ensure that for a particular organization, all users see the “employee news” channel. The users cannot remove this channel from their display. At the organization level document, the container channel’s selected list is defined as follows:

<Selected merge="fuse">


    <Reference value="EmployeeNews" lock="true"/>



Merge Locking Example: Using lock Merge to Force-remove Channel from All Users’ Display

The following example shows how to force the “online games” channel to be removed. In this scenario, users have added this channel to the selected channels list in their user document. Simply removing it from the organization level document’s selected channel’s list does not work. Instead, the employee and organization lists are merged, resulting in the “online games” channel being present. To forcibly remove the channel from all users under the organization, the selected channels list is defined as follows:

<Selected merge="fuse">


    <Reference value="OnlineGames" merge="remove" lock="true"/>



The remove semantic removes the channel from merged result, and lock prevents lower priority documents from merging the value back in.

Display Profile and Sun Java System Access Manager

The set of display profile documents for a user can consist of:

Documents do not need to be defined at each of these nodes, but at least one document must be defined at a node. The set of documents is sorted according to a priority value that the display profile document defines. See Display Profile Document Priorities for more information. Merge semantics control how attributes are combined as display profile documents from different nodes are merged to form a single representation or Desktop. See Display Profile Merge Semantics for more information.

Administrators can edit the display profile using the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console. You can set up delegated administrators so that they do not see the display profile in the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console. You do this when you create the Desktop service template. Unselect the “Show Desktop Service Attributes” box to hide display profile text from a delegated administrator.


The organization administrator can define a container (or container hierarchy) associated with certain roles through the Portal Desktop service. The delegated administrator (role administrator) can then define the necessary channels and containers under this container through the Channel and Container Management link in the Portal Desktop attributes page. See Using the Channel and Container Management Link to Administer Channels for more information.

Administering the Display Profile

You edit the display profile (and other Portal Desktop service data) through the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console and dpadmin command. When you edit the display profile, you add, modify, and remove providers, containers, and channels from the display profile, and edit properties.

In addition, the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console provides the Channel and Container Management link in the Portal Desktop attributes page to add channels and edit properties. This link also enables you to modify properties when a new channel is created.


The Channel and Container Management link is suited for delegated administration and allows the administrator to add and modify attributes of containers and channels. The overall system administrator should be responsible for adding the container and providers available to the delegated administrator.

Table 10-2 explains the different types of display profiles and how to use the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console to administer them. This three column table lists the types of display profiles in the first column, how to access that display profile using the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console, and a brief description in the third column.

Table 10-2  Types of Display Profile Documents

Type of Display Profile Document

How to View Using the Sun Java System Access Manager Administration Console


Global Display Profile Document

Choose View Service Management. Click the properties arrow next to Portal Desktop. In the Desktop Global attributes section, click Edit XML.

Defines display profile elements that are inherited by all users on the system, regardless of the organization or role to which they belong. (Although currently not enforced, you might also want to use the display profile XML document to define the common providers that will be used by everyone.)

Dynamic Display Profile Document

Choose View Service Management. Click the properties arrow next to Portal Desktop. In the Desktop Dynamic attributes section, click Edit XML.

Describes container management and properties for channels. This display profile is not used to generate a user’s Desktop at runtime, but becomes the default for each newly created organization and role. By default, the dynamic display profile document is blank. To use the dynamic display profile, you first need to populate it.

Organization, Suborganization, or Role Display Profile

Choose View User Management. Select the appropriate organization, suborganization, and if necessary, select Roles from the Show menu. Select Services from the Show menu. Click the properties arrow next to Portal Desktop. In the Desktop page, click Edit XML.

Shows the display profile for the selected organization, suborganization, or role. When you create a new organization, suborganization, or role, you create a template for this entity. When you create the template for the Desktop service, the initial display profile is set to the dynamic display profile document as mentioned above. Thus, if the dynamic display profile is blank, nothing is filled in.

Most likely, you use this display profile document to customize container management and channel properties to fit the needs of different organizations and roles.

When you install Portal Server, you create an initial organization. The installer then imports the display profile global level document, and the default display profile, based on what you specify.

After that, each time you create a new organization, suborganization, or role, the display profile is not automatically loaded. You must manually load the display profile for a newly created organization, suborganization, or role. See To Load the Display Profile (Administration Console) for more information.

The high-level steps to administer the display profile are:

  1. Loading the display profile for any newly created organization, suborganization, or role. (The installation process performs this this step for the organization that is created during installation.)
  2. Modifying the display profile using the dpadmin command, the Edit XML link, or as a file that has been saved and then loaded using the Download XML and Upload XML links.
  3. Adding channels and containers, and adding, deleting, and modifying their properties using the Channel and Container Management link.

Default Display Profile Documents

Table 10-3 explains the display profile documents that the Portal Server Desktop supplies in the /opt/SUNWps/sample/desktop directory at the time the sample portal is installed. This two column table lists the display profile documents in the first column and a brief description in the second column.

Table 10-3  Display Profile Documents Supplied with Sample Portal

Display Profile Document



Used by the authless anonymous user.


Sample display profile loaded at the default organization level. It defines all the global properties that are used for the organization and the channel definitions that are used by the organization.


A copy of dp-org.xml, with NetMail links defined in the Bookmark and Applications channels. This display profile document is used when the NetMail service is created.


Sample display profile loaded at the global display profile level. This document defines all the provider definitions. Because these providers are going to be used by all organizations, the system loads this display profile at the top level, and every organization is able to use them. If a provider definition is used only by one organization, define it in the organization level display profile.

See the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Desktop Customization Guide for information on customizing these sample display profiles.

Loading the Display Profile

When you first install Portal Server, the installer create an initial organization. The installer also imports the display profile global level document, and the default display profile, based on what you specify. If you decide not to install the sample portals, the sample display profile documents are not installed.

After that, when you create a new organization, suborganization or role, the display profile is not automatically loaded. You must manually load the display profile for a newly created organization, suborganization, or role.

Thethree basic methods for loading the display profile are:

To Load the Display Profile (Administration Console)


For current and complete information on the Access Manager admin console, refer to the Sun Java System Access Manager 2005Q4 Administration Guide.

  1. Log in to the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console as administrator.
  2. By default, Identity Management is selected in the location pane and All created organizations are displayed in the navigation pane.

  3. Select the organization or suborganization from which you want to copy the display profile.
  4. Choose Services from the View menu.
  5. Click the properties arrow next to Desktop in the navigation pane.
  6. The Portal Desktop attributes appear in the data pane.


    You might have to scroll down to see the Desktop service.

  7. Copy the Display Profile.
  8. Click Edit XML then select and copy the entire text of the display profile.

  9. Select the organization, suborganization, or role for which you want to load the display profile.
  10. Choose Services from the View menu in the navigation pane.
  11. Click the properties arrow next to Desktop in the navigation pane.
  12. A list of Portal Desktop service attributes, including the display profile XML, is displayed in the data pane.

  13. Click Edit XML.
  14. The display profile XML document appears in a text window.

  15. Paste the copied display profile into the display profile window.
  16. When done, click Save.
  17. The changes affect only users in this particular organization.

To Load the Display Profile (Command Line)

Use the modify subcommand of the dpadmin command to load a display profile.

For example, the following command loads the display profile (dp-org.xml):

dpadmin add -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,,o=isp" -w password -d

",o=isp" dp-org.xml


To verify that the command will be successful before you write any changes to LDAP, you can add the -r or --dry-run option to the end of the command before the file name.

To Download and Upload a Display Profile


For current and complete information on the Access Manager admin console, refer to the Sun Java System Access Manager 2005Q4 Administration Guide.

  1. Log in to the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console as administrator.
  2. By default, Identity Management is selected in the location pane and All created organizations are displayed in the navigation pane.

  3. Select the organization or suborganization from which you want to copy the display profile.
  4. Choose Services from the View menu in the navigation pane.
  5. Click the properties arrow next to Desktop in the navigation pane.
  6. The Portal Desktop attributes appear in the data pane.


    You might have to scroll down to see the Desktop service.

  7. Click Download XML in the Global attributes section and save the display profile to a file.
  8. Select the organization, suborganization, or role for which you want to upload the display profile in the navigation pane.
  9. Choose Services from the View menu in the navigation pane.
  10. Click the properties arrow next to Desktop in the navigation pane.
  11. Click Upload XML and specify the file to load.
  12. Click Upload.
  13. A message indicating that the display profile upload was a success appears.

  14. Click Close.
  15. The changes affect only users in this particular organization.

To View the Entire Display Profile

Run the dpadmin command with the list subcommand to view the entire display profile, for example:

dpadmin list -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,,o=isp" -w password -d ",o=isp"

To Remove a Display Profile

If you need to remove a display profile for some reason, for example if it is corrupted, you can use the dpadmin command with the remove subcommand.

For example, to remove the entire display profile (dp-org.xml) from the root:

dpadmin remove -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,,o=isp" -w password -d ",o=isp" -t root

If you remove a display profile from the root or from a node at which you require a display profile, you must load a new one. For example, if you removed the dp-org.xml display profile as shown above, you must load another similar display profile such as the dp-org-final.xml display profile. See To Load the Display Profile (Command Line) for information on loading a display profile.

Using the Channel and Container Management Link to Administer Channels

You use the Channel and Container Management link to administer:

When using the Desktop attributes page, delegated administrators see only the Channel and Container Management link. All other display profile attributes are hidden, and thus made secure.

Channel and Container Management Default Providers

The Portal Desktop Channel and Container Management link displays a management screen that allows you add or remove container channels or content channels.

Add Channels

The Add link for the Channels list allows you to select a content provider to add from a list of defined content providers. Table 10-4 shows the provider channels that are available to use as a basis to create new channels. This two-column table lists the providers in the first column and a brief description of the provider in the second column. For more information on defined content providers, see the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Desktop Customization Guide.

Table 10-4  Defined Provider Channels 




Lists links to web applications (users can customize list).


Allows users to manage a list of bookmarks displayed on a portal page.


Obtains content from one or more JSP™ files.


Allows users to authenticate to a Sun Java System Access Manager from an anonymous portal page.


Gives information about a user’s mail status.


Lists system-wide messages and allows users to post such messages


Supplies a search function using the Sun Java System Portal Server Search Engine.


Obtains content from a given URL and uses the Sun Java System Portal Server to format the content.


Collects information from the display profile and Access Manager. It displays a greeting, the user’s name, time zone, locale and has access to the user’s IMAP and SMTP data.


Obtains XML content from a given URL and uses XSLT to translate the content to markup language.

Simple Web Services Provider

The Simple Web Services (SWS) Provider provides the ability to access data-oriented Web Services. Based on this provider, a sample channel demonstrates Web Services’ implementation by accessing a currency conversion rate service.

The two types of simple web service channels are:

The sample pre-configured web service channel is available on the sample portal desktop by default. The sample configurable web service channel can be added by the administrator using the Access Manager admin console.

Either web service channels are best suited for use with relatively simple web services; for example, web services that have non-complex input parameters and user interface presentation requirements. If the Simple Web Service Provider detects that it is not equipped to handle a particular web service, it displays a suitable message to the user.

At any given time, a channel based on this provider can be bound to a single web service and associated method. The Simple Web Service Provider supports simple data types, such as integer, string, double. In this release, the simple web service provider supports:

The Simple Web Service Provider does not support the use of fault data in the binding operations in the WSDL Definition.

The Simple Web Service Provider supports the following WSDL configuration property types:

Pre-Configured Web Service Channel

The sample pre-configured web service channel provides the means to interface with sample currency converter service.

To set up a pre-configured web service channel, you are required to specify the WSDL URL and method name via the administration console.

Configurable Web Service Channel

The configurable web service channel allows the user to switch the channel to point to a user specified web service. This is achieved by giving the user the ability to modify values for the WSDL URL and the method name belonging to the web service. However, unlike the pre-configured channel type, the configurable web service channel does not allow the user any facility to store default values for the web service input parameters.

New Container Channels

The New link for the Container Channels list allows you to select a container provider to create from a list of defined container providers. Table 10-5 shows the shows the defined provider channels available to use as a basis to create new channels. This two-column table lists the providers in the first column and a brief description of the provider in the second column. For more information on defined content providers, see the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Desktop Customization Guide

Table 10-5  Defined Provider Container Channels 




Create a new frame on a user’s JSP frameset-based Portal Desktop.


Displays a single channel.


Displays a channel that is made up of a number of tabs with titles on them.


Creates a new tab on a user’s JSP tab-based Portal Desktop.


Displays the content channels in a table.


Draws the frame for the Edit page.


Supports multiple tabs.


Creates a new tab.


Displays content channels in a table.

To Create a Channel or Container Channel


For current and complete information on the Access Manager admin console, refer to the Sun Java System Access Manager 2005Q4 Administration Guide.

  1. Log in to the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console as administrator.
  2. By default, Identity Management is selected in the location pane and All created organizations are displayed in the navigation pane.

  3. Select the organization, suborganization, or role to which you want to add a channel.
  4. When you log in as a delegated administrator, you are automatically taken to the organization, suborganization, or role to which you have administrative access.

  5. Choose Services from the View menu in the navigation pane.
  6. Click the properties arrow next to Portal Desktop in the navigation pane.
  7. The Desktop attributes page appears in the data pane.

  8. In the Desktop page, click the Channel and Container Management link.
  9. The Channels page appears, with the container path set at the root.

  10. Click the Container that you want to add the channel or container to.
  11. The top of the page displays the container path where the channel will be added. Defined channels and container, if any, appear in lists.

  12. Click New to add a container channel or channel.
  13. To add a container channel, click New under Container Channel. To add a channel, click New under Channel.

    The New Channel page appears.

  14. Type a channel name and select the type of provider from the menu.
  15. See Table 10-4 for the available providers.

  16. Click Create.

To Modify a Channel or Container Channel Property


For current and complete information on the Access Manager admin console, refer to the Sun Java System Access Manager 2005Q4 Administration Guide.

  1. Log in to the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console as administrator.
  2. By default, Identity Management is selected in the location pane and All created organizations are displayed in the navigation pane.

  3. Select the organization, suborganization, or role in which you want to modify a channel.
  4. When you log in as a delegated administrator, you are automatically taken to the organization, suborganization, or role to which you have administrative access.

  5. Choose Services from the View menu.
  6. Click the properties arrow next to Portal Desktop in the navigation pane.
  7. The Desktop attributes page appears in the data pane.

  8. In the Desktop page, click the Channel and Container Management link.
  9. The Channels page appears. At the top is the container path. The defined channels appear in a list.

  10. Click the Edit Properties link beside the channel or container channel to be modified.
  11. The Properties page appears.

  12. Modify the properties as needed.
  13. See the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Desktop Customization Guide for more information on channel properties.

  14. When done, click Save.

To Remove a Channel or Container Channel


For current and complete information on the Access Manager admin console, refer to the Sun Java System Access Manager 2005Q4 Administration Guide.

  1. Log in to the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console as administrator.
  2. By default, Identity Management is selected in the location pane and All created organizations are displayed in the navigation pane.

  3. Select the organization, suborganization, or role in which you want to modify a channel.
  4. When you log in as a delegated administrator, you are automatically taken to the organization, suborganization, or role to which you have administrative access.

  5. Choose Services from the View menu in the navigation pane.
  6. Click the properties arrow next to Portal Desktop in the navigation pane.
  7. The Desktop attributes page appears in the data pane.

  8. In the Desktop page, click the Channel and Container Management link.
  9. The Channels page appears. At the top is the container path. The defined channels appear in a list.

  10. Click the checkbox beside the channel or container channel to be removed. Then click Delete.
  11. The channel is deleted and the Channels list is updated to show its removal.

Administering Containers

When administering containers, you can use the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console to directly edit the display profile XML. You can also use the dpadmin command, which for the most part this section describes by using various examples.

These examples include:

See Using the Display Profile Text Window for information on editing the display profile through the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console.

Using the dpadmin Command

The syntax of the dpadmin command is:

$ dpadmin list|merge|modify|add|remove [command-specific options] -u uid -w password {-g|-d dn} [-l locale] [-r] [-b] [-h] {-v|--version} [file]

See the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Technical Reference Guide for the complete syntax of the dpadmin command. When running the dpadmin command, note the following:

Guidelines for Using the dpadmin Command

Use the following guidelines when running the dpadmin command to update the display profile:


Between the time you run the dpadmin list and dpadmin modify commands, do not change the display profile document in the LDAP server in any way (by using the administration console, dpadmin, or ldapmodify commands). Otherwise, those changes are overwritten by the latest dpadmin modify.

Modifying the Display Profile

You can modify display profile objects by performing one of the following:

Understanding Display Profile Error Messages

The system reports errors when you try and save a display profile document containing invalid XML. The error messages appear as a title, a message, and a sub-message. The title of the message box is “Invalid XML document.” The message appears as one of the following:

If you receive an “Invalid XML document” error, you need to correct the error to be able to save the XML document you are working on.

To View a Display Profile Object

To Replace a Channel in a Container

  1. Use the modify subcommand to replace a channel in a container with a value specified on standard input.
  2. For example, this command replaces the channel Test in the container TemplateTableContainer with value specified on standard input.

    dpadmin modify -p TemplateTableContainer -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,,o=isp" -w password -d ",o=isp" <<EOF

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>

    <!DOCTYPE DisplayProfile SYSTEM "jar://resources/psdp.dtd">

    <Channel name="Test" provider="testprovider">


            <String name="title" value="Test Channel"/>

            <String name="description" value="This channel is a test."/>




  3. Use the list subcommand to verify that the channel was replaced.
  4. See To View a Display Profile Object for information.

To Replace a Property in a Channel

  1. Use the modify subcommand to replace a property in a channel with a value specified on standard input.
  2. For example, the following command acts upon the channel NewChannel to replace the property named in the new.xml with the new object in said file, where new.xml is:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>

    <!DOCTYPE DisplayProfile SYSTEM "jar://resources/psdp.dtd">

    <String name="welcome" value="Hi, welcome to your desktop!"/>

    dpadmin modify -p TemplateTableContainer/NewChannel -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,,o=isp" -w password -d ",o=isp" new.xml

  3. Use the list subcommand to verify that the property was replaced.
  4. See To View a Display Profile Object for more information.

To Add a Channel to a Container

  1. Modify your display profile input XML file to include only the new <Channel> definition, for example, create the following file testadd.xml:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>

    <!DOCTYPE DisplayProfile SYSTEM "jar://resources/psdp.dtd">

    <Channel name="TestChannel" provider="testprovider">


          <String name="teststring" value="sfds"/>



  2. Use the add subcommand to add the channel to a container.
  3. For example, the following command adds a new channel defined in testadd.xml to the display profile. In this example, the new channel must be added in the TemplateTableContainer level. If you do not specify a parent object with the -p option, the channel is added at the root level.

    dpadmin add -p "TemplateTableContainer" -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,,o=isp" -w password -d ",o=isp" testadd.xml


    When you add a new channel to JSPTabContainer, you actually add a new tab. JSPTabContainer requires TabProperties defined for all its available and selected tabs. Thus, for any new container or channel added to the JSTTabContainer, add the following XML snippet inside the TabProperties Collection in the JSPTabContainer for which the new channel or container is added.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>

    <!DOCTYPE DisplayProfile SYSTEM "jar://resources/psdp.dtd">

    <Collection name="<New Channel Name>">

                <String name="title" value="<New Channel Title>"/>

                <String name="desc" value="<New Channel Description>"/>

                <Boolean name="removable" value="false"/>

                <Boolean name="renamable" value="true"/>

                <Boolean name="predefined" value="true"/>


  4. Use the list subcommand to verify that the channel was added.
  5. See To View a Display Profile Object for information.

To Add a Property to a Collection

  1. Use the combine (-m) option to add a new property to a collection.
  2. For example, the following command adds a new property msg2 to the collection bar. The existing property, msg, still remains in the result. The list subcommand is used before and after to show the property values.

    dpadmin list -n TemplateTableContainer -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,,o=isp" -w password -d ",o=isp


    <Collection name="foo">

        <Collection name="bar">

            <String name="msg" value="hi"/>




    dpadmin modify -p TemplateTableContainer -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,,o=isp" -w password -d ",o=isp" -m <<EOF

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>

    <!DOCTYPE DisplayProfile SYSTEM "jar://resources/psdp.dtd">

    <Collection name="foo">

        <Collection name="bar">

            <String name="msg2" value="woo hoo"/>




    dpadmin list -n TemplateTableContainer -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,,o=isp" -w password -d ",o=isp”


    <Collection name="foo">

        <Collection name="bar">

            <String name="msg" value="hi"/>

            <String name="msg2" value="woo hoo"/>




To Add a Collection Property

  1. Use the add subcommand to add a collection with a value specified on standard input.
  2. For example, the following command adds the collection property zipCodes specified on standard input to the channel, container, or provider named Postal.

    dpadmin add -p SamplesTabPanelContainer/Postal -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,,o=isp" -w password -d ",o=isp" <<EOF

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>

    <!DOCTYPE DisplayProfile SYSTEM "jar://resources/psdp.dtd">

    <Collection name="zipCodes">

        <Integer value="98012"/>

        <Integer value="98036"/>

        <Integer value="94025"/>

        <Integer value="95112"/>



  3. Use the list subcommand to verify that the collection property was added.
  4. See To View a Display Profile Object for information.

To Remove a Property from a Channel or Container

  1. Use the remove subcommand to remove a property from a channel or container.
  2. For example, the following command removes the property locations from the Bookmarks channel (or container) at the global level.

    dpadmin remove -t property -p Bookmarks -n locations -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,,o=isp" -w password -g

  3. Use the list subcommand to verify that the property was removed.
  4. See To View a Display Profile Object for information.

To Remove a Provider

  1. Use the remove subcommand to remove a provider.
  2. For example, the following command removes the provider NotesProvider.

    dpadmin remove -t provider -n "NotesProvider" -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,,o=isp" -w password -d ",o=isp"

  3. Use the list subcommand to verify that the provider was removed.
  4. See To View a Display Profile Object for information.

To Remove a Channel from a Container

  1. Use the remove subcommand to remove a channel from a container.
  2. For example, the following command removes the channel Test that exists in the parent container TemplateTableContainer.

    dpadmin remove --type channel --parent TemplateTableContainer --name "Test" --runasdn "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,,o=isp" --password password --dn ",o=isp"

  3. Use the list subcommand to verify that the channel was removed.
  4. See Chapter 10, "Administering the Display Profile" for information.

To Change a Display Profile Document Priority

  1. Use the modify subcommand to change the priority of a display profile document.
  2. For example, the following command changes the document priority from the original priority to 10 for the organization.

    dpadmin modify -m -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,,o=isp" -w password -d ",o=isp" <<EOF

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>

    <!DOCTYPE DisplayProfile SYSTEM "jar://resources/psdp.dtd">

    <DisplayProfile priority=”30” version=”1.0”





  3. Use the list subcommand to verify that the priority change was made.
  4. See To View a Display Profile Object for information.

To Make a Channel Available for a Container

  1. Use the modify subcommand with the combine (-m) option to add a channel specified on standard input to a container’s existing Available list.
  2. For example, the following command adds the BookMark channel to the Available list of the TemplateTableContainer.

    dpadmin modify -p TemplateTableContainer -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,,o=isp" -w password -d ",o=isp" -m <<EOF

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>

    <!DOCTYPE DisplayProfile SYSTEM "jar://resources/psdp.dtd">


        <Reference value="BookMark">



  3. Use the list subcommand to verify that the priority change was made.
  4. See To View a Display Profile Object for information.

To Make a Channel Unavailable for a Container

  1. Use the remove subcommand to remove a channel from a container’s Available list.
  2. For example, the following command removes the channel Test from the Available list in the parent container TemplateTableContainer.

    dpadmin remove --type available --parent TemplateTableContainer --name "Test" --runasdn "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,,o=isp" --password password --dn ",o=isp"

  3. Use the list subcommand to verify that the channel was removed.
  4. See To View a Display Profile Object for information.

To Select a Channel from a Container’s Available Channel List

  1. Use the modify subcommand with the combine (-m) option to add a channel specified on standard input to a container’s existing Selected list.
  2. For example, the following command adds the BookMark channel to the Selected list of the TemplateTableContainer.

    dpadmin modify -p TemplateTableContainer -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,,o=isp" -w password -d ",o=isp" -m <<EOF

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>

    <!DOCTYPE DisplayProfile SYSTEM "jar://resources/psdp.dtd">


        <Reference value="BookMark">



  3. Use the list subcommand to verify that the priority change was made.
  4. See To View a Display Profile Object for information.

To Unselect a Channel from a Containers Available Channel List

  1. Use the remove subcommand to remove a channel from a container’s Selected list.
  2. For example, the following command removes the channel Test from the Selected list of the parent container TemplateTableContainer.

    dpadmin remove --type selected --parent TemplateTableContainer --name "Test" --runasdn "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,,o=isp" --password password --dn ",o=isp"

  3. Use the list subcommand to verify that the channel was removed.
  4. See To View a Display Profile Object for information.

Using the Display Profile Text Window

The Sun Java System Access Manager provides a text window for viewing and directly editing the display profile text. As long as you have administrative access to an organization, suborganization, or role, you can use the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console to navigate to this text window and view or edit the display profile.


You cannot use the administration console to edit the display profile XML directly if your browser is Netscape 4.x.

To Access the Display Profile Text Window


For current and complete information on the Access Manager admin console, refer to the Sun Java System Access Manager 2005Q4 Administration Guide.

  1. Log in to the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console as administrator.
  2. By default, Identity Management is selected in the location pane and All created organizations are displayed in the navigation pane.

  3. Select the organization, suborganization, or role for which you want to modify the display profile document.
  4. When you log in as a delegated administrator, you are automatically taken to the organization, suborganization, or role to which you have administrative access.

  5. Choose Services from the View menu in the navigation pane.
  6. Click on the properties arrow next to Portal Desktop in the navigation pane.
  7. The Desktop attributes page appears in the data pane.

  8. In the Desktop page, click the Display Profile Edit XML link.
  9. The display profile appears in a text window.


    By default, the display profile priority level is set to the keyword user,indicating that the current display profile is the user level display profile. Other values allowed are integers. Lower numbers represent lower priorities. For example, a 1 is a lower priority than a 2.

  10. Make your changes and click Save.

  11. Note

    Changes to global, organization, suborganization, or role level documents are effective immediately. Changes to user level documents are effective after users log out and log in.

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