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Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide 

Chapter 2
The Gateway

This chapter describes Gateway related concepts and information required for the smooth running of the Gateway. For information on configuring the Gateway, see Chapter 9, "Configuring the Gateway".

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of the Gateway

The Gateway provides the interface and security barrier between remote user sessions originating from the Internet and your corporate intranet. The Gateway presents content securely from internal web servers and application servers through a single interface to a remote user.

Each Gateway requires that you do the following:

Creating a Gateway Profile

A gateway profile contains all the information related to gateway configuration, such as the port on which the Gateway listens, SSL options, and proxy options.

When you install a Gateway, if you choose the default values, a default gateway profile called "default" is created. A configuration file corresponding to the default profile exists at:


where /etc/opt/SUNWps is the default location for all the platform.conf.* files.

See Understanding the platform.conf File for more information on the contents of the platform.conf file.

You can:

    To Create a Gateway Profile
  1. Log in to the Sun Java™ System Access Manager administration console as administrator.
  2. Select the Service Configuration tab.
  3. Click the arrow next to Gateway under SRA Configuration.
  4. The Gateway page is displayed in the right pane.

  5. Click New.
  6. The Create New Gateway Profile page is displayed.

  7. Enter the name of new gateway profile.
  8. Select the profile to use for creating the new profile from the drop-down list.
  9. By default, any new profile that you create is based on the pre-packaged default profile. If you have created a custom profile, you can select that profile from the drop-down list. The new profile inherits all the attributes of the selected profile.

    The existing profile that is copied for the new one, copies the same port. Change the port for the new profile so that it does not conflict with the existing one.

  10. Click Create.
  11. The new profile is created and you are returned to the Gateway page, where the new profile is listed.

  12. Run the gwmultiinstance script to create an instance of the Gateway. Refer to Starting and Stopping the Gateway.
  13. Restart the Gateway with this gateway profile name if you want the changes to take effect:
  14. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

See Starting and Stopping the Gateway. To configure the Gateway, see Chapter 9, "Configuring the Gateway"

Understanding the platform.conf File

The platform.conf file is located by default at:


The platform.conf file contains the details that the Gateway needs. This section provides a sample platform.conf file and describes all the entries.

The advantage of including all the machine-specific details in the configuration file is that a common profile can be shared by Gateways running on multiple machines.

Here is a sample:


# Copyright 11/28/00 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

# "@(#)platform.conf  1.38 00/11/28 Sun Microsystems"




gateway.dsame.agent= ervlet
































Table 2-1 lists and describes all the fields in the platform.conf file.

Table 2-1  The platform.conf File Properties


Default Value




The Gateway runs as this user.

The Gateway must be started as root and after initialization, it loses its root privileges to become this user.



This is the location of the JDK directory that the Gateway uses.



This is the URL of the Access Manager that the Gateway contacts while starting up to get its profile.




This is the protocol, host and port that the default Portal Server installation is using.



This is the Gateway protocol, host and port. These values are the same as the mode and port that you specified during installation. These values are used to construct the notification URL.



This indicates whether the Gateway has to trust all server certificates, or only those that are in the Gateway certificate database.



When an SSL communication is between the Gateway and a server, a server certificate is presented to the Gateway. By default, the Gateway checks if the server host name is the same as the server certificate CN.

If this attribute value is set to true, the Gateway disables the domain check for the server certificate that it receives.



If the Gateway machines has multiple hostnames configured, you can specify a different name and identity provider address in this field.



This specifies the default Org to which the user logs into.

For example suppose the virtual host field entries are the following:

with the default org entries as: = o=root,dc=test,dc=com = o=employee,dc=test,dc=com = o=Manager,dc=test,dc=com

The user can use to log into the manager's org instead of,dc=test,dc=com

Note: virtualhost and defaultOrg are case sensitive in the platform.conf file, but not when using it in the URL.



A combination of the Gateway host, protocol and port is used to construct the notification URL. This is used to receive session notification from the Access Manager.

Ensure that the notification URL is not the same as any organization name. If the notification URL matches an organization name, a user trying to connect to that organization gets a blank page instead of the login page.



This is the number of times that the Gateway tries to contact the Portal Server while starting up.



This sets the debug level of the Gateway. The debug log file is located at debug-directory/files. The debug file location is specified in the gateway.debug.dir entry.

The debug levels are:

error - Only serious errors are logged in the debug file. The Gateway usually stops functioning when such errors occur.

warning - Warning messages are logged.

message - All debug messages are logged.

on - All debug messages are displayed on the console.

The debug files are:

srapGateway.gateway-profile-name - Contains the Gateway debug messages.

Gateway_to_from_server.gateway-profile-name - In message mode, this file contains all the requests and response headers between the Gateway and internal servers.

To generate this file, change the write permission on /var/opt/SUNWps/debug directory.

Gateway_to_from_browser.gateway-profile-name - In message mode, this file contains all the requests and response headers between the Gateway and the client browser.

To generate this file, change the write permission on /var/opt/SUNWps/debug directory.



This is the directory where all the debug files are generated.

This directory should have sufficient permissions for the user mentioned in gateway.user to write to files.



Not used currently.



In case of a multi-homed Gateway machine (one with multiple IP addresses), you need to specify the external IP address here. This IP is used for Netlet to run FTP.



This specifies the location of the certificate database.



Allow or disallow client caching.

If allowed, client browsers can cache static pages and images for better performance (by reduced network traffic).

If disallowed, nothing is cached and security is higher but performance drops with the higher network load.



This is the number of user profile entries that get cached at the Gateway. If the number of entries exceeds this value, frequent retries occur to cleanup the cache.



Sets the sleep time, in seconds, for the cache cleanup.



The maximum time in seconds after which a profile entry can get removed.



On a multihomed machine, this is the IP address to which the Gateway binds its serversocket. To configure the Gateway to listen to all interfaces, replace the ip address so that the gateway.bindipaddress=



Not used currently.



If set to true external accelerator support is allowed. If set to true, the Gateway does not use Rewriter.



If set to true the administrator is allowed to specify a custom URL for the Gateway to rewrite pages to.



The HTTP reverse proxy URL for a custom URL for the Gateway to rewrite pages to. When Proxylet is enabled use this entry.



The HTTPS reverse proxy URL for a custom URL for the Gateway to rewrite pages to. Do not use this entry if Proxylet is enabled.



The URL to which the Gateway redirects requests for the favicon.icon file.

This is used for the "favorite icon" in Internet Explore and Netscape 7.0 and higher.

If left empty, the Gateway sends a 404 not found message back to browser.



The LDAP password of the user "amService-srapGateway" that gateway uses for creating its application session.

This can be either encrypted or in plain text.



This proxy host is used to contact the Portal Server.



This is the port for the host used to contact Portal Server.



This property is set to true if a proxy host is required. If the property is set to false,http.proxyHost and http.proxyPort are ignored.



The value of this property is the corresponding /etc/opt/SUNWam/config/ file. If the value is default, then it points to



The time out value for cache Client Detection Module responses sent to the Gateway from the Access Manager.



The time out value for cache Client Detection Module responses sent to the Gateway from the Access Manager.



The Netlet Proxy deamon listens for requests on this port.



The Rewriter Proxy deamon listens for requests on this port.



If set to true, the Access Manager server URL is constructed using the values specified in the file. Set this property to true when the Access Manager server is behind a load balancer.

Creating Instances of a Gateway

Use the gwmultiinstance script to create or remove an instance of the Gateway. Run this script after the gateway profile has been created.

  1. Log in as root and navigate to the following directory:
  2. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/

  3. Run the multi-instance script:
  4. ./gwmultiinstance

    Choose one of the following installation options:

    1) Create a new gateway instance

    2) Remove a gateway instance

    3) Remove all gateway instances

    4) Exit

    If you chose 1, answer the following questions:

    What is the name of the new gateway instance?

    What protocol will the new gateway instance use? [https]

    What port will the new gateway instance listen on?

    What is the fully qualified hostname of the portal server?

    What port should be used to access the portal server?

    What protocol should be used to access the portal server? [http]

    What is the portal server deploy URI?

    What is the organization DN? [dc=iportal,dc=com]

    What is the Access Manager URI? [/amserver]

    What is the Access Manager password encryption key?

    Please provide the following information needed for creating a self-signed certificate:

    What is the name of your organization?

    What is the name of your division?

    What is the name of your city or locality?

    What is the name of your state or province?

    What is the two-letter country code?

    What is the password for the Certificate Database? Again?

    What is the password for the logging user? Again?

    Have you created the new gateway profile in the admin console? [y]/n

    Start the gateway after installation? [y]/n

  5. Start the new instance of the Gateway with the new gateway profile name.
  6. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

    where gateway-profile-name is the new Gateway instance.

In addition to the gateway profile, the file is created in the /etc/opt/SUNWam/config directory.

If the portal.server.instance property in the platform.conf file is present, then the corresponding file is read by the Gateway. If the portal.server.instance property in the platform.conf file is not present, then the default AMConfig files ( is read by the Gateway.

Creating Multi-homed Gateway Instances

If you are creating multi-homed gateway instances, that is multiple gateways on one Portal Server, you must modify the platform.conf file as follows:

gatewaybindipaddress =

Creating Gateway Instances Using the Same LDAP

If you are creating multiple gateway instances that use the same LDAP, after creating the first Gateway on all subsequent Gateways:

In /etc/opt/SUNWam/config/, modify the following areas in to be consistent with the first installed instance of the Gateway:

  1. Replace the key that is used to encrypt and decrypt passwords with the same string used for the first Gateway.
  2. am.encryption.pwd= string_key_specified_in gateway-install

  3. Replace the key that is the shared secret for application auth module:
  4. string_key_specified_in gateway-install

  5. In /etc/opt/SUNWam/config/ums modify the following areas in serverconfig.xml to be consistent with the first installed instance of Portal Server:
  6. <DirDN> cn=puser,ou=DSAME Users,dc=sun,dc=net</DirDN>

    <DirPassword>string_key_specified_in gateway-install</DirPassword>

    <DirDN>cn=dsameuser,ou=DSAME Users,dc=sun,dc=net</DirDN>

    <DirPassword>string_key_specified_in gateway-install </DirPassword>

  7. Restart amserver services.

Running the Gateway in the chroot Environment

To provide high security in a chroot environment, the chroot directory content must be as minimal as possible. For example, if any programs exist which allow a user to modify a file under the chrooted directory, then chroot does not protect the server against an attacker modifying files under the chroot tree. CGI programs should not be written in an interpreted language, such as bourne shell, c-shell, korn shell or perl, but should be compiled binaries so interpreters do not need to be present under the chroot directory tree.


The watchdog feature is not supported in the chroot environment.

    To Install chroot
  1. As root, in a terminal window, copy the following files to an external source such as a computer on the network, a backup tape or a floppy disk.
  2. cp /etc/vfstab external-device

    cp /etc/nsswitch.conf external-device

    cp /etc/hosts external-device

  3. Run the mkchroot script from:
  4. portal-server-install-root/SUNWps/bin/chroot


    The mkchroot script cannot be terminated by pressing Ctrl-C after execution has begun.

    In the event of an error during the execution of the mkchroot script, see Execution Failure of the mkchroot Script.

You are prompted for a different root directory (new_root_directory). The script creates the new directory.

In the following examples, /safedir/chroot is the new_root_directory.

mkchroot version 6.0

Enter the full path name of the directory which will be the chrooted tree:/safedir/chroot

Using /safedir/chroot as root.

Checking available disk space...done

/safedir/chroot is on a setuid mounted partition.

Creating filesystem etc sbin usr var proc opt bin lib tmp etc/lib usr/platform usr/bin usr/sbin usr/lib usr/openwin/lib var/opt var/tmp dev/fd done

Creating devices...null tcp ticots ticlts ticotsord tty udp zero conslog done

Copying/creating etc passwd shadow hosts resolv.conf netconfig nsswitch.conf


Copying binaries...................................done

Copying libraries.....................................done

Copying zoneinfo (about 1 MB)..done

Copying locale info (about 5 MB)..........done

Adding comments to /etc/nsswitch.conf ...done

Creating loopback mount for/safedir/chroot/usr/java1.2...done

Creating loopback mount for/safedir/chroot/proc...done

Creating loopback mount for/safedir/chroot/dev/random...done

Do you need /dev/fd (if you do not know what it means, press return)[n]:

Updating /etc/vfstab...done

Creating a /safedir/chroot/etc/mnttab file, based on these loopback mounts.

Copying SRAP related data ...

Using /safedir/chroot as root.

Creating filesystem structure...........done

mkchroot successfully done.

  1. Manually mount the Java directory mentioned in the platform.conf file to the chroot directory using the following command:
    • mkdir -p /safedir/chroot/java-dir

      mount -F lofs java-dir /safedir/chroot/java-dir

      For Solaris 9, do the following:

      mkdir -p /safedir/chroot/usr/lib/32

      mount -F lofs /usr/lib/32 /safedir/chroot/usr/lib/32

      mkdir -p /safedir/chroot/usr/lib/64

      mount -F lofs /usr/lib/64 /safedir/chroot/usr/lib/64

      To mount this directory at system startup, add a corresponding entry in the /etc/vfstab file:

      java-dir - /safedir/chroot/java-dir lofs - no -

      For Solaris 9:

      /usr/lib/32 - /safedir/chroot/usr/lib/32 lofs - no -

      /usr/lib/64 - /safedir/chroot/usr/lib/64 lofs - no -

      For Linux:

      # mount /misc/local

      where is the hostname of the NFS fileserver

      /misc/export is the file system that is exporting

      /misc/local is the location to mount the file system on the local machine.

      Note: The mount point directory on local machine (/misc/local in the above example) must exist.

      After the mount command runs (and if the client has proper permissions from the NFS server) the client user can execute the command ls /misc/local to display a listing of the files in /misc/export on

  2. Type the command below to restart the Gateway:
  3. chroot /safedir/chroot ./gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway start

    stopping gateway ... done.

    starting gateway ...


Execution Failure of the mkchroot Script

In the event of an error during the execution of the mkchroot script, the script restores the files to their initial state.

In the following examples, /safedir/chroot is the chroot directory.

If the following error message is encountered:

Not a Clean Exit

  1. Copy the backed up files in step 1 of the procedure To Install chroot, to their original locations, and execute the following commands:
  2. umount /safedir/chroot/usr/java1.2

    umount /safedir/chroot/proc

    umount /safedir/chroot/dev/random

  3. Remove the /safedir/chroot directory.

Restarting Gateway in the chroot Environment

Follow these steps to start Gateway in a chroot environment whenever the Gateway machine is rebooted.

    To Restart Gateway in the chroot Environment
  1. Stop Gateway running from the ’/’ directory.
  2. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name stop

  3. Start the Gateway to run from the chroot directory:
  4. chroot /safedir/chroot ./portal-server-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start


    The /safedir/chroot/etc files (such as passwd and hosts) need to be administered, just like the /etc files, but only include host and account information required by the programs running in the chroot tree.

    For example, if you change the identity provider address of the system, also change the file /safedir/chroot/etc/hosts.

Starting and Stopping the Gateway

By default, the Gateway starts as user noaccess.

    To Start the Gateway
  1. After installing the Gateway and creating the required profile, run the following command to start the Gateway:
  2. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n default start

    default is the default gateway profile that is created during installation. You can create your own profiles later, and restart the Gateway with the new profile. See Creating a Gateway Profile.

    If you have multiple Gateway instances, use:

    gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway start

This command starts all the Gateway instances configured on that particular machine.


Restarting the server (the machine on which you have configured instances of the Gateway) restarts all configured instances of the Gateway.

Ensure that no old or backed up profiles are in the /etc/opt/SUNWps directory.

  1. Run the following command to check if the Gateway is running on the specified port:
  2. netstat -an | grep port-number

    The default Gateway port is 443.

    To Stop the Gateway
  1. Use the following command to stop the Gateway:
  1. Run the following command to check if the Gateway processes are no longer running:
  2. /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep entsys

Restarting the Gateway

Normally, you do not need to restart the Gateway. You need to restart only if any of the following events have occured:

    To Restart the Gateway with a Different Profile

Restart the Gateway:

gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n new-gateway-profile-name start

    To Restart the Gateway

In a terminal window, connect as root and do one of the following:

    To Configure the Gateway Watchdog

You can configure the time interval at which the watchdog monitors the status of the Gateway. This time interval is set to 60 seconds by default. To change this, edit the following line in the crontab utility:

0-59 * * * * gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/

/var/opt/SUNWps/.gw. 5 > /dev/null 2>&1

See the crontab man page to configure the crontab entries.

Specifying a Virtual Host

A virtual host is an additional hostname that points to the same machine IP and a host name. For example if a host name a.b.c points to the host IP address, you can add another host name c.d.e which points to the same IP address.

    To Specify a Virtual Host
  1. Log in as root and edit the platform.conf file of the required Gateway instance:
  2. /etc/opt/SUNWps/platform.conf.gateway-profile-name

  3. Add the following entries:
  4. gateway.virtualhost=fully-qualified-gateway-host gateway-ip-address fully- qualified-reverse-proxyhost

    gateway.enable.customurl=true (This value is set to false by default.)

  5. Restart the Gateway:
  6. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

If these values are not specified, the Gateway defaults to normal behavior.

Specifying a Proxy to Contact Access Manager

You can specify a proxy host to be used by the Gateway to contact SRA Core (RemoteConfigServlet) that is deployed over the Portal Server. This proxy is used by the Gateway to reach the Portal Server and Access Manager.

    To Specify a Proxy
  1. From the command-line, edit the following file:
  2. /etc/opt/SUNWps/platform.conf.gateway-profile-name

  3. Add the following entries:
  4. http.proxyHost=proxy-host



  5. Restart the Gateway to use the specified proxy for requests made to the server:
  6. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

Using Web Proxies

You can configure the Gateway to contact HTTP resources using third party web proxies. Web proxies reside between the client and the Internet.

Web Proxy Configuration

Different proxies may be used for different domains and subdomains. These entries tell the Gateway which proxy to use to contact specific subdomains in specific domains. The proxy configuration specified in the Gateway works as follows:

To configure the Use Proxy option, see Enable Usage of Web Proxies.

Figure 2-1 shows how the web proxy information is resolved based on the proxy configuration in the Gateway service.

Figure 2-1  Web Proxy Management

Proxy Management Figure - See explanation in text

In Figure 2-1, if Use Proxy is enabled, and the requested URL is listed in the Do Not Use Webproxy URLs list, the Gateway connects to the destination host directly.

If Use Proxy is enabled, and the requested URL is not listed in the Do Not Use Webproxy URLs list, the Gateway connects to the destination host through the specified proxy. The proxy, if specified, is looked up in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list.

If Use Proxy is disabled, and the requested URL is listed in the Use Webproxy URLs list, the Gateway connects to the destination host using the proxy information in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list.

If Use Proxy is disabled, and the requested URL is not listed in the Use Webproxy URLs list, the Gateway connects to the destination host directly.

If none of the above conditions are met, and a direct connection is not possible, the Gateway displays an error saying that connection is not possible.


If you are accessing the URL through the Bookmark channel of the standard Portal Desktop, and none of the above conditions are met, the Gateway sends a redirect to the browser. The browser accesses the URL using its own proxy settings.


domainname [web_proxy1:port1]|subdomain1 [web_proxy2:port2]|......

Example wp1:8080|red wp2:8080|yellow|* wp3:8080

* is a wild card that matches everything

where, is the domain name and wp1 is the proxy to contact on port 8080.

red is a subdomain and wp2 is the proxy to contact on port 8080.

yellow is a subdomain. Since no proxy is specified, the proxy specified for the domain is used, that is, wp1 on port 8080.

* indicates that for all other subdomains wp3 needs to be used on port 8080.


Port 8080 is used by default if you do not specify a port.

Processing the Web Proxy Information

When a client tries to access a particular URL, the host name in the URL is matched with the entries in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list. The entry that matches the longest suffix of the requested host name is considered. For example, consider that the requested host name is

Consider the following entries in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list:

com p1| host1 p2 | host2 | * p3 p4 | host5 p5 | * p6 | host6 p8 | host7 p7 | host8 p8 | * p9 p10 p11 | host12 p12 | host13 p13 | host14 | * p14 | host15 p15 | host16 | * p16

* p17

The Gateway internally maps these entries into a table as shown in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2  Mapping of Entries in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains List


Entry in Proxies for Domains and Subdomains List






As specified in the list.



As specified in the list.



The proxy for the domain is used as no proxy is specified against host2.




As specified in the list.



As specified in the list.



As specified in the list.




As specified in the list.



See the description for entry 14 for details.


See the description for entry 14 for details.



As specified in the list.



As specified in the list.



As specified in the list.




As specified in the list. For all hosts other than host7 and host8 under the domain, p9 is used as the proxy.



This entry is the same as entry 9. Entry 9 indicates a direct connection, whereas this entry indicates that proxy p10 should be used. In a case with two entries such as this, the entry with the proxy information is considered as the valid entry. The other entry is ignored.



As specified in the list.



A direct connection is attempted because no proxy is specified for, .



As specified in the list.



As specified in the list.



A direct connection is attempted because no proxy is specified for host14.




See the description for entry 23.



As specified in the list.



A direct connection is attempted because no proxy is specified for host16 or




Similar to entry 20. But the proxies specified are different. In such a case, the exact behavior of the Gateway is not known. Either of the two proxies may be used.




If no other entry matches the requested URL, p17 is used as the proxy.


Instead of separating the proxy entries in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list with the | symbol, it may be simpler to have individual entries in the list. For example, instead of an entry such as: p1 | red p2 | * p3

you can specify it as: p1 p2

* p3

This makes it easier to trap repeated entries or any other ambiguities.

Rewriting Based on the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains List

The entries in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list are also used by Rewriter. Rewriter rewrites all URLs whose domains match the domains listed in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list.


The * entry in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list is not considered for rewriting. For example, in the sample provided in Table 2-2, entry 24 is not considered.

See Chapter 3, "Proxylet and Rewriter" for information on Rewriter.

Default Domain and Subdomain

When the destination host in the URL is not a fully qualified host name, the default domain and subdomain are used to arrive at the fully qualified name.

Assume that the entry in the Default Domains field of the administration console is:


You need to have the corresponding entry in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list.

In the example above, is the default domain and the default subdomain is red.

If the requested URL is host1, this is resolved to using the default domain and subdomain. The Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list is then looked up for

Using Automatic Proxy Configuration

To ignore the information in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list, enable the Automatic Proxy Configuration feature. To configure this, see Enable Automatic Proxy Configuration Support.

Please note the following when using a Proxy Auto Config (PAC) file:

Sample PAC File Usage

The following examples show the URLs listed in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list and the corresponding PAC file.

Example with Either DIRECT or NULL Return

Using these proxies for domains and subdomains:


the corresponding PAC file is:

// Start of the PAC File

function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {

if (dnsDomainIs(host, "")) {

return "DIRECT";


if (dnsDomainIs(host, "")) {

return "PROXY";


return "NULL";


//End of the PAC File

Example with STARPROXY Return

Using these proxies for domains and subdomains:

the corresponding PAC file is:

// Start of the PAC File

function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {

if (dnsDomainIs(host, "")) {

return "DIRECT";


if (dnsDomainIs(host, "")) {

return "PROXY;" +



return "STARPROXY";


//End of the PAC File

In this case, if the request is for a host in domain, the Gateway contacts If is down, the request fails. The Gateway does not failover and contacts

Specifying PAC File Location

The format for specifying the location of the PAC file depends upon it’s location as follows:

Adding Services in Separate Sessions

When you add Portal Server services in separate sessions, ensure that:

Using a Netlet Proxy

Netlet packets are decrypted at the Gateway and sent to the destination servers. However, the Gateway needs to access all Netlet destination hosts through the firewall between the demilitarized zone (DMZ) and the intranet. This requires opening a large number of ports in the firewall. The Netlet proxy can be used to minimize the number of open ports in the firewall.

The Netlet proxy enhances the security between the Gateway and the intranet by extending the secure tunnel from the client, through the Gateway to the Netlet proxy that resides in the intranet. With the proxy, Netlet packets are decrypted by the proxy and then sent to the destination.

The Netlet proxy is useful for the following reasons:

You can:

Figure 2-2 shows three sample implementations of the Gateway and the Portal Server with and without a Netlet proxy installed. The components include a client, two firewalls, the Gateway that resides between the two firewalls, Portal Server, and Netlet destination servers.

The first scenario shows the Gateway and Portal Server without a Netlet proxy installed. Here the data encryption extends only from the client to the Gateway. A port is opened in the second firewall for each Netlet connection request.

The second scenario shows the Gateway and Portal Server with a Netlet proxy installed on Portal Server. In this case, the data encryption extends from the client all the way to the Portal Server. Since all Netlet connections are routed through a Netlet proxy, only one port needs to be opened in the second firewall for Netlet requests.

The third scenario shows the Gateway and the Portal Server with a Netlet proxy installed on a separate node. Installing a Netlet proxy on a separate node reduces the load on the Portal Server node. Here again, only two ports need to be opened in the second firewall. One port services requests to the Portal Server, and the other port routes Netlet requests to the Netlet proxy server.

Figure 2-2  Implementation of Netlet Proxy

This figure illustrates possible configurations involving the Netlet Proxy, and depicts the advantage of having a Netlet Proxy. See the description preceeding the figure for details.

Creating Instances of a Netlet Proxy

Use the nlpmultiinstance script to create a new instance of a Netlet proxy on the Portal Server node or a separate node. Run this script after the gateway profile has been created:

  1. Log in as root and navigate to the following directory:
  2. netlet-install-dir/SUNWps/bin

  3. Run the multi-instance script:
  4. ./nlpmultiinstance

  5. Answer the questions asked by the nlpmultiinstance script:
    • What is the name of the new netlet proxy instance?
    • If you have a instance configured on this node with the same name, you are asked if you want to use the same configuration for this netlet proxy instance.
    • If you answered yes, answer these two questions:
      • What port will the new netlet proxy instance listen on?
      • Start the netlet proxy after installation?
    • If you answered no, answer the following questions:
      • What protocol will the new netlet proxy instance use?
      • What port will the new netlet proxy instance listen on?
      • What is the name of your organization?
      • What is the name of your division?
      • What is the name of your city or locality?
      • What is the name of your state or province?
      • What is the two-letter country code?
      • What is the password for the certificate Database?
      • What is the password for the logging user?
      • Have you created the new gateway profile in the admin console?
      • If you answered yes, start the netlet proxy after installation?
  6. Start the new instance of the Netlet proxy with the required gateway profile name:
  7. netlet-proxy-install-root/SUNWps/bin/netletd -n gateway-profile-name start

    where gateway-profile-name is the profile name corresponding to the required Gateway instance.

Enabling a Netlet Proxy

You enable a Netlet proxy through the Gateway service under SRA Configuration in the Access Manager administration console. See Enable and Create a List of Netlet Proxies.

Restarting a Netlet Proxy

You can configure a Netlet proxy to restart whenever the proxy is killed accidentally. You can schedule a watchdog process to monitor a Netlet proxy and restart it if it goes down.

You can also restart a Netlet proxy manually.

    To Restart a Netlet Proxy

In a terminal window, connect as root and do one of the following:

    To Configure a Netlet Proxy Watchdog

You can configure the time interval at which the watchdog monitors the status of a Netlet proxy. This time interval is set to 60 seconds by default. To do this, edit the following line in the crontab utility:

0-59 * * * * netlet-install-dir/bin/checkgw /var/opt/SUNWps/.gw 5 > /dev/null 2>&1

Using a Rewriter Proxy

Rewriter proxy is installed in the intranet. Instead of trying to retrieve the contents directly, the Gateway forwards all the requests to Rewriter proxy which fetches and returns the contents to the Gateway.

The two advantages to using a Rewriter proxy are as follows:

If you do not specify a Rewriter proxy, the Gateway component makes a direct connection to intranet computers when a user tries to access one of those intranet computers.

If you are using the Rewriter proxy as a load balancer, be sure that the platform.conf.instance_name for Rewriter points to the load balancer URL. Also ensure that the load balancer host is specified in the Portal Servers list.

If you have multiple instances of Rewriter proxies for each Gateway instance (not necessarily on the portal node), enter the details for each Rewriter proxy in the form of host-name:port in the platform.conf file, rather than a single port entry for the Rewrite proxy.

Creating Instances of a Rewriter Proxy

Use the rwpmultiinstance script to create a new instance of a Rewriter proxy on the Portal Server node. Run this script after the gateway profile has been created.

  1. Log in as root and navigate to the following directory:
  2. rewriter-proxy-install-root/SUNWps/bin

  3. Run the multi instance script:
  4. ./rwpmultiinstance

  5. Answer the questions asked by the script:
    • What is the name of the new rewriter proxy instance?
    • If you have a rewriter proxy instance configured on this node with the same name, you are asked if you want to use the same configuration for this rewriter proxy instance.
    • If you answered yes, answer these two questions:
      • What port will the new rewriter proxy instance listen on?
      • Start the rewriter proxy after installation?
    • If you answered no, answer the following questions:
      • What protocol will the new rewriter proxy instance use?
      • What port will the new rewriter proxy instance listen on?
      • What is the name of your organization?
      • What is the name of your division?
      • What is the name of your city or locality?
      • What is the name of your state or province?
      • What is the two-letter country code?
      • What is the password for the certificate Database?
      • What is the password for the logging user?
      • Have you created the new gateway profile in the admin console?
      • If you answered yes, start the rewriter proxy after installation?
  6. Start the new instance of the rewriter proxy with the required gateway profile name:
  7. rewriter-proxy-install-root/SUNWps/bin/rwproxyd -n gateway-profile-name start

    where gateway-profile-name is the profile name corresponding to the required Gateway instance.

Enabling a Rewriter Proxy

Enable a Rewriter proxy through the Gateway service under SRA Configuration in the Access Manager administration console. See Enable and Create a List of Rewriter Proxies.

Restarting a Rewriter Proxy

You can configure to restart Rewriter proxy whenever the proxy is killed accidentally. You can schedule a watchdog process to monitor and restart it if this happens.

You can also restart a Rewriter proxy manually.

    To Restart a Rewriter Proxy

In a terminal window, connect as root and do one of the following:

    To Configure a Rewriter Proxy Watchdog

You can configure the time interval at which the watchdog monitors the status of the Rewriter proxy. This time interval is set to 60 seconds by default. To do this, edit the following line in the crontab utility:

0-59 * * * * rewriter-proxy-install-root/bin/checkgw /var/opt/SUNWps/.gw 5 > /dev/null 2>&1

Using a Reverse Proxy with the Gateway

A proxy server serves Internet content to the intranet, while a reverse proxy serves intranet content to the Internet. Deployments of reverse proxies can be configured to serve the Internet content to achieve load balancing and caching.

If the deployment has a third-party reverse proxy in front of the Gateway, the response has to be rewritten with the reverse proxy's URL instead of the Gateway's URL. For this, the following configurations are needed.

    To Enable a Reverse Proxy
  1. Log in as root and edit the platform.conf file of the required Gateway instance:
  2. /etc/opt/SUNWps/platform.conf.gateway-profile-name

  3. Add the following entries:
  4. gateway.virtualhost=fully-qualified-gateway-host gateway-ip-address fully- qualified-reverse-proxyhost

    gateway.enable.customurl=true (This value is set to false by default.)

    gateway.httpurl=http reverse-proxy-URL

    gateway.httpsurl=https reverse-proxy-URL

    gateway.httpurl is used to rewrite the response for the request received at the port which is listed as HTTP port in the gateway profile.

    gateway.httpsurl is used to rewrite the response for the request received at the port which is listed as HTTPS port in the gateway profile.

  5. Restart the Gateway:
  6. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

If these values are not specified, the Gateway defaults to normal behavior.

Obtaining Client Information

When the Gateway forwards a client request to any internal server, it adds HTTP headers to the HTTP request. You can use these headers to obtain additional client information and detect the presence of the Gateway.

To view the HTTP request headers, set the entry in the platform.conf file to gateway.error=message, then use the request.getHeader() from the servlet API. The following table lists the information in the HTTP headers

Table 2-3  Information in HTTP Headers





X-PS-GW- PDC: true/false

Indicates whether PDC is enabled at the Gateway.



Indicates whether Netlet has been enabled or disabled at the Gateway.

If Netlet is enabled, then the encryption option is populated, indicating whether the Gateway is running in HTTPS (encryption=ssl) or in HTTP mode (encryption=plain)

For example:

PS-Netlet: enabled=false

Netlet is disabled.

PS-Netlet: enabled=true; encryption=ssl

Netlet is enabled with the Gateway running in SSL mode.

The encryption=ssl/plain is not populated when Netlet is not enabled.


X-PS-GW-URL: http(s)://gatewayURL(:port)

Indicates the URL that the client is connected to.

If the port is non-standard (that is the Gateway is in HTTP/HTTPS mode with the port not being 80/443), then the ":port" is also populated.


X-PS-GW-URL: http(s)://gatewayURL(:port)/[SessionInfo]


Indicates the URL that the Gateway rewrites all the pages to.

  1. When the browser supports cookies, the value of this header is the same as the PS-GW-URL header.
  2. When the browser does not support cookies:
  3. and if the destination host is in the "User Session to which User Session Cookie is Forwarded" field, the value is the actual URL to which the Gateway rewrites the page to (which includes the encoded SessionID info).
  4. or if the destination host is not in the "User Session to which User Session Cookie is Forwarded” field, then the SessionInfo string is "$SessionID"

Note: As part of the response, if the user's Access Manager sessionId changes (like response from authentication page) then the pages are rewritten with that value (and not the value that was previously indicated in the header).

For example:

  • If the browser supports cookies:


  • If the browser does not support cookies and the endserver is in "User Session to which User Session Cookie is Forwarded" field.


  • If the browser does not support cookies and endserver is not in " User Session to which User Session Cookie is Forwarded" field.





This is the IP that the Gateway obtained from recievedSocket.getInetAddress().getHostAddress()

This gives the client's IP if directly connected to the Gateway.


Using Authentication Chaining

Authentication chaining provides a higher level of security over the regular mechanism of authentication. You can enable users to be authenticated against more than one authentication mechanism.

The procedure described here is only for enabling authentication chaining along with a Personal Digital Certificate (PDC) authentication at the Gateway. For information on authentication chaining without PDC authentication at the Gateway, refer to the Access Manager Administration Guide.

For example, if you chain the PDC and Radius authentication modules, the user will have to authenticate against all three modules to access the standard Portal Desktop.


When enabled, PDC is always the first authentication module to be presented to the user.

    To Add Authentication Modules to an Existing PDC Instance
  1. Log in to the Access Manager administration console as administrator.
  2. Choose the required organization.
  3. Select Services from the View drop-down menu.
  4. The services are displayed in the left pane.

  5. Click the arrow next to Authentication Configuration.
  6. The Service Instance List is displayed.

  7. Click gatewaypdc.
  8. The Gatewaypdc properties page is displayed.

  9. Click Edit in front of Authentication Configuration.
  10. Add Module is displayed.

  11. Select Module Name and set Flag to Required. Option can be blank.
  12. Click OK.
  13. Click Save after adding one or more modules.
  14. Click Save in the gatewaypdc properties page.
  15. For the changes to take effect, restart the Gateway:
  16. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

Using Wild Card Certificates

A wild card certificate accepts a single certificate with a wild card character in the fully-qualified DNS name of the host.

This enables the certificate to secure multiple hosts within the same domain. For example, a certificate for * can be used for, and In fact, this certificate is valid for any host in the domain.

Disabling Browser Caching

As the Gateway component provides secure access to backend corporate data from any location using just a web browser, it may be necessary that the information not be cached locally by the client.

You can disable caching of pages redirected through the Gateway by modifying the attribute in the platform.conf file of the specific Gateway.

Disabling this option can have an impact on the Gateway performance. Every time the standard Portal Desktop is refreshed, the Gateway has to retrieve everything referenced by the page, such as images which may have been previously cached by the browser. However, by enabling this feature, remotely accessing secure content will not leave a cached footprint on the client site. This could outweigh performance implications if the corporate network is being accessed from an Internet cafe or similar remote location that is not under corporate IT control.

    To Disable Browser Caching
  1. Log in as root and edit the platform.conf file of the required Gateway instance:
  2. /etc/opt/SUNWps/platform.conf.gateway-profile-name

  3. Edit the following line:
  4. gateway.allow.client.caching=true

    This value is set to true by default. Change the value to false to disable browser caching at the client side.

  5. Restart the Gateway:
  6. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

Customizing the Gateway Service User Interface

This section discusses the various property files that can be edited. File

You can edit this file for the following purposes: File

You can edit this file for the following reasons:

Sharing LDAP Directories

When two instances of Portal Server and Access Manager servers share the same LDAP directories, please use this workaround for all subsequent Portal Server, Access Manager, and Gateways:

  1. Modify the following areas in to be in sync with the first installed instance of Portal Server and Access Manager servers:
  1. In /etc/opt/SUNWam/config/ums modify the following areas in serverconfig.xml to be insync with the first installed instance of Portal Server and Access Manager server:
  2. <DirDN>

    cn=puser,ou=DSAME Users,dc=sun,dc=net






    cn=dsameuser,ou=DSAME Users,dc=sun,dc=net





  3. Restart amserver services.

Using Federation Management

Federation Management enables users to aggregate their local identities so that they have one network identity. Federation Management uses the network identity to allow users to login at one service provider’s site and access other service provider’s sites without having to re-authenticate their identity. This is referred to as single sign-on.

Federation management can be configured in open mode and secure mode on the Portal Server. The Portal Server Administration Guide describes how to configure federation management in open mode. Before configuring Federation management in secure mode, using Secure Remote Access, ensure that it works in open mode. If you want your users to use Federation Management from the same browser in both open and secure mode, they must clear the cookies and cache from the browser.

Refer to the Access Manager Federation Management Guide for detailed information on Federation Management.

Federation Management Scenario

A user authenticates to an initial service provider. Service providers are commercial or not-for-profit organizations that offer web-based services. This broad category can include internet portals, retailers, transportation providers, financial institutions, entertainment companies, libraries, universities, and governmental agencies.

The service provider uses a cookie to store the user’s session information in the client browser. The cookie also includes the user’s identity provider.

Identity providers are service providers that specialize in providing authentication services. As the administrating service for authentication, they also maintain and manage identity information. Authentication accomplished by an identity provider is honored by all service providers with whom they are affiliated.

When the user attempts to access a service that is not affiliated with the identity provider, the identity provider forwards the cookie to the unaffiliated service provider. This service provider can then access the identity provider called out in the cookie.

However, cookies cannot be read across different DNS domains. Therefore a Common Domain Cookie Service is used to redirect the service provider to the correct identity provider thus enabling single sign-on for the user.

Configuring Federation Management Resources

The Federation resources, the service providers, identity providers, and the Common Domain Cookie Service (CDCS), are configured in the gateway profile based on where they reside. This section describes how to configure three scenarios:

  1. when all resources are inside the corporate intranet
  2. when all resources are not inside the corporate intranet or the identity provider resides in the Internet
  3. when all resources are not inside the corporate intranet or the service provider is a third party residing in the Internet while the identity provider is protected by the Gateway.

Configuration 1

In this configuration the service providers, identity providers and the Common Domain Cookie Service are deployed in the same corporate intranet and the identity providers are not published in the Internet Domain Name Server (DNS). The CDCS is optional.

In this configuration the Gateway points to the service provider, which is the Portal Server. This configuration is valid for multiple instances of the Portal Server.

  1. Log in to the Access Manager administration console as administrator.
  2. Select the Service Configuration tab from the administration console.
  3. Click the arrow next to Gateway under SRA Configuration.
  4. The Gateway page is displayed.

  5. Select the gateway profile for which you want to set the attribute.
  6. The Edit Gateway Profile page is displayed.

  7. Click the Core tab.
  8. Select the Enable Cookie Management checkbox to enable cookie management.
  9. Click the Security tab.
  10. Scroll to the Portal Servers field and enter Portal Server names so that you can use relative URLs like /amserver or /portal/dt listed in the Non-authenticated URLs list. For example:
  11. http://idp-host:port/amserver/js







  12. Scroll to the Portal Servers field and enter the Portal Server name. For example /amserver.
  13. Click Save.
  14. Click the Security tab.
  15. Scroll to the Non-authenticated URLs list and add the Federation resources. For example:
  16. /amserver/config/federation






  17. Click Add.
  18. Click Save.
  19. If web proxies are needed to reach the URLs listed in the Non-authenticated URLs list, click the Proxies tab.
  20. Scroll to the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains field and enter the necessary web proxies.
  21. Click Add.
  22. Click Save.
  23. From a terminal window, restart the Gateway:
  24. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

Configuration 2

In this configuration the identity providers, identity providers and the Common Domain Cookie Provider (CDCP) are not deployed in the corporate intranet or the identity provider is a third party provider residing the in Internet.

In this configuration the Gateway points to the service provider, which is the Portal Server. This configuration is valid for multiple instances of the Portal Server.

  1. Log in to the Access Manager administration console as administrator.
  2. Select the Service Configuration tab from the administration console.
  3. Click the arrow next to Gateway under SRA Configuration.
  4. The Gateway page is displayed.

  5. Select the gateway profile for which you want to set the attribute.
  6. The Edit Gateway Profile page is displayed.

  7. Click the Core tab.
  8. Select the Enable Cookie Management checkbox to enable cookie management.
  9. Scroll to the Portal Servers field and enter service provider portal server names so that you can use relative URLs like /amserver or /portal/dt listed in the Non-authenticated URLs list.
  10. http://idp-host:port/amserver/js







  11. Click Save.
  12. Click the Security tab.
  13. Scroll to the Non-authenticated URLs list and add the Federation resources. For example:
  14. /amserver/config/federation






  15. Click Add.
  16. Click Save.
  17. If web proxies are needed to reach the URLs listed in the Non-authenticated URLs list, click the Proxies tab.
  18. Scroll to the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains field and enter the necessary web proxies.
  19. Click Add.
  20. Click Save.
  21. From a terminal window, restart the Gateway:
  22. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

Configuration 3

In this configuration the identity providers, identity providers and the Common Domain Cookie Provider (CDCP) are not deployed in the corporate intranet or the service provider is a third party provider residing the in Internet and the identity provider is protected by the Gateway.

In this configuration the Gateway points to the identity provider, which is the Portal Server.

This configuration is valid for multiple instances of the Portal Server. This configuration is unlikely on the Internet, however, some corporate networks may have such a configuration within their intranet, that is the identity provider may reside in a subnet this is protected by a firewall and the service providers are directly accessible from within the corporate network.

  1. Log in to the Access Manager administration console as administrator.
  2. Select the Service Configuration tab from the administration console.
  3. Click the arrow next to Gateway under SRA Configuration.
  4. The Gateway page is displayed.

  5. Select the gateway profile for which you want to set the attribute.
  6. The Edit Gateway Profile page is displayed.

  7. Click the Core tab.
  8. Select the Enable Cookie Management checkbox to enable cookie management.
  9. Scroll to the Portal Servers field and enter identity provider portal server so that you can use relative URLs like /amserver or /portal/dt listed in the Non-authenticated URLs list.
  10. http://idp-host:port/amserver/js







  11. Click Save.
  12. Click the Security tab.
  13. Scroll to the Non-authenticated URLs list and add the Federation resources. For example:
  14. /amserver/config/federation






  15. Click Add.
  16. Click Save.
  17. If web proxies are needed to reach the URLs listed in the Non-authenticated URLs list, click the Proxies tab.
  18. Scroll to the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains field and enter the necessary web proxies.
  19. Click Add.
  20. Click Save.
  21. From a terminal window, restart the Gateway:
  22. gateway-install-root/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

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Part No: 819-4158.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.