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Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide 

List of Procedures

To Set the Conflict Resolution Level
To Create a Gateway Profile
To Install chroot
To Restart Gateway in the chroot Environment
To Start the Gateway
To Stop the Gateway
To Restart the Gateway with a Different Profile
To Restart the Gateway
To Configure the Gateway Watchdog
To Specify a Virtual Host
To Specify a Proxy
To Restart a Netlet Proxy
To Configure a Netlet Proxy Watchdog
To Restart a Rewriter Proxy
To Configure a Rewriter Proxy Watchdog
To Enable a Reverse Proxy
To Add Authentication Modules to an Existing PDC Instance
To Disable Browser Caching
To Enable the Gateway to Rewrite All URLs
To Map a URI to RuleSet
To Specify MIME Mappings
To Specify the URIs Not to Rewrite
To Specify the Default Domains
To Enable MIME Guessing
To Parse URI Mappings
To Enable Masking
To Specify the Masking Seed String
To Specify Not to Mask the URI List
To Make a Gateway Protocol the Same as the Original URI Protocol
To Set the Rewriter Debug Level
To Use the HTML Attributes Sample
To Use the HTML JavaScript Token Sample:
To Use the Form Sample
To Use the Sample for Applets
To Use the JavaScript URL Variables Sample
To Use the JavaScript Expression Variables Sample
To Use the JavaScript DHTML Variables Sample
To Use the JavaScript DJS Variables Sample
To Use the JavaScript System Variables Sample
To Use the JavaScript URL Functions Sample
To Use the JavaScript Expressions Function Sample
To Use the JavaScript DHTML Functions Sample
To Use the JavaScript DJS Functions Sample
To Use the XML Attributes Sample
To Configure the OWA Ruleset
To Allow a Local File to be Opened
To Run Netlet After a Rule is Added
To Configure Netlet for PDC
To Generate a Self-Signed Certificate After Installation
To Generate a CSR
To Add a Root CA Certificate
To Order a Certificate From a CA
To Install a Certificate From a CA
To Delete a Certificate
To Modify the Trust Attributes for a Certificate
To View the List of Root CAs
To List All the Certificates
To Print a Certificates
To Configure URL Access Control
To Set up the Denied URL List
To Set up the Allowed URLs List
To Disable Single Sign On for Hosts
To Enable Single Sign On per Session
To Specify Authentication Levels
To Configure the Gateway Attributes
To Configure the Gateway to Run in HTTP or HTTPS Mode
To Enable Rewriter Proxies and Create a List of Rewriter Proxies
To Enable Netlet
To Enable Netlet Proxies and Create a List of Netlet Proxies
To Enable Proxylet
To Enable Cookie Management
To Enable HTTP Basic Authentication
To Enable Persistent HTTP Connections
To Specify the Maximum Number of Requests per Persistent Connection
To Specify the Timeout for a Persistent Socket Connection
To Specify Timeout to Account for Turnaround Time
To Add a Forward Cookie URL
To Specify the Maximum Connection Queue Length
To Specify the Gateway Timeout
To Specify the Maximum Thread Pool Size
To Specify the Cached Socket Timeout
To Specify Portal Servers
To Specify Portal Server Retry Interval
To Store External Server Cookies
To Obtain a Session from a URL
To Set Minimum Gateway Authentication Level
To Mark Cookies as Secure
To Enable Usage of Web Proxies
To Specify URLs for Webproxies
To Specify URLs Not To Be Used
To Specify Proxies for Domains and Subdomains
To Specify Proxy Passwords
To Enable Automatic Proxy Configuration Support
To Specify Automatic Proxy Configuration File Location
To Enable the Tunnel Netlet Through Web Proxy
To Specify Non-authenticated URL Paths
To Add the Gateway to the Certificate-Enabled Gateway Hosts List
To Allow 40-bit Encryption Connections
To Enable SSL Version 2.0
To Enable Individual Cipher Selection
To Enable SSL Version 3.0
To Enable Null Ciphers
To Create List of Trusted SSL Domains
To Configure PDCs and Encoded Devices
To Enable the Gateway to Rewrite All URIs
To Map a URI to RuleSet
To Configure the OWA RuleSet
To Specify MIME Mappings
To Specify the URIs Not to Rewrite
To Specify Default Domains
To Enable MIME Guessing
To Parse URI Mappings
To Enable Masking
To Specify the Masking Seed String
To Specify Not to Mask URIs
To Make a Gateway Protocol the Same as the Original URI Protocol
To Enable Gateway Logging
To Change the Log User Password
To Enable Netlet Logging
To Set the NetFile Locale
To Configure NetFile Attributes
To Specify the OS Character Set
To Specify the Host Detection Order
To Configure the Common Hosts List
To Specify the Default Domain
To Specify the Default Windows Domain or Workgroup
To Specify the Default WINS/DNS Server
To Specify Access to Different Types of Hosts
To Create the Allowed Hosts List
To Create a Denied Hosts List
To Enable/Disable Permissions
To Specify the Size of the NetFile Window
To Specify the Location of the NetFile Window
To Specify a Temporary Directory
To Set the File Upload Size Limit
To Specify the Search Directories Limit
To Specify the Default Compression Type
To Specify the Location of the MIME-types Configuration File
To Add a Netlet Rule
To Modify a Netlet Rule
To Delete a Netlet Rule
To Specify the Default Cipher
To Assign the Default Loopback Port
To Enable Reauthentication for Connections
To Enable the Warning Popup for Connections
To Allow the User to Suppress the Port Warning Dialog
To Set the Keep Alive Interval
To Set the Terminate Netlet at Portal Logout Option
To Define Access to Netlet Rules
To Deny Access to Netlet Rules
To Allow Access to Hosts
To Deny Access to Hosts
To Select Netlet Launch Mode
To Configure Proxylet Attributes
To Configure Crypto Accelerator 1000
To Configure Crypto Accelerator 4000
To Enable an External SSL Device Accelerator
To Configure External SSL Device Accelerators

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Part No: 819-4158.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.