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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Technical Reference Guide 

Chapter 1
Desktop Attributes

This chapter contains the following sections:


The Desktop Service consists of global and dynamic attributes. The values applied to the global attributes are applied across the Sun Java System Identity Server configuration and are inherited by every configured organization. They cannot be applied directly to roles or organizations as the goal of global attributes is to customize the Identity Server application. Values applied to the dynamic attributes are assigned to a role or organization. When the role is assigned to a user or a user is created in an organization, the dynamic attribute then becomes a characteristic of the user.

Desktop Global Attributes

Table 1-1 describes the global attributes for the Desktop Service.

The table contains three columns: the first column identifies the attribute, the second column provides the default value for the attribute, and the third column describes the attribute.

Table 1-1  Desktop Service - Global Attributes  


Default Value


Enable XML Parsing Validation (Use with Caution)

True (checked)

Specifies whether to enforce validation while parsing the display profile XML document. Unchecking this attribute can improve system performance. However, this can potentially introduce corruption in the display profile document because the resulting XML document might include some fragments that do not conform to the DTD.

Namespace URI

Specifies the unique identifier for the XML namespaces or Uniform Resource Indicator (URI) in the form of a URL. This guarantees that XML tags will be unique.

Enable Federation

False (unchecked)

Enables Identity Federation so that a user can associate, connect or bind multiple internet service providers’ local identities, enabling them to have one network identity.

Hosted Provider ID


Specifies the unique identifier of the host that provides the network identity of a user.

Client Session Reap Interval (seconds)


Defines in seconds the time interval between checks for removing inactive client sessions.

Client Session Maximum Inactive Session Time Before Reap (seconds)


Specifies the maximum number of seconds a client session can be idle before it is considered inactive. If a session is idle for more than this value, it is made a candidate for session reaping and can be removed the next time the client session times out.

Display Profile

The default value depends on the type of installation performed. If the sample portal is installed, the Display Profile contains the definitions for the built-in providers (the basic providers of Portal Server), such as bookmark and notes. If the sample portal was not installed, the global Display Profile is blank.

Displays several controls for manipulating the global display profile, an XML document that defines the container management, channel attributes, and provider definitions for the organization. The controls include:

  • Disable Authentication-less Access for Federated Users--Prevents a user with a federated network identity to access the portal without entering a user name and password.
  • Upload XML--Allows you to upload an XML file containing display profile information to the Portal Server.
  • Download XML--?Allows you to download the display profile to your local drive.
  • Channel and Container Management--Provides a graphical user interface to manage container channels and channels without the need to edit the XML file.

These links are not attributes. Selecting these links allows you to manipulate the display profile.

Display profile elements defined in the global display profile are inherited by all users on the system, regardless of the organization or role to which they belong.

Authentication-less Portal Desktop Configuration


Displays several controls for configuring authentication-less configuration of the portal desktop. The controls are:

  • Disable Authentication-less Access for Federated Users--Allows you to prevent users with a network identity on a hosted provided to access the portal desktop with providing a user name and password.
  • DefaultAuthentication-less User ID--Defines the User IDs that are authorized to access the Desktop without authenticating.
  • Authorized Authentication-less User ID--Defines the User IDs that are authorized to access the Desktop without authenticating.

Desktop Dynamic Attributes

Table 1-2 describes the dynamic attributes for the Desktop Service.

The table contains three columns: the first column identifies the attribute, the second column provides the default value for the attribute, and the third column describes the attribute.

Table 1-2  Desktop Service - Dynamic Attributes  


Default Value


Conflict Resolution Level


Sets the conflict resolution level for the Desktop service template used to resolve conflicts when multiple Desktop templates are merged. There are seven conflict resolution settings available ranging from Highest to Lowest.

Do not confuse this setting with the display profile document priority. The display profile document priority is a numeric value that is set in the XML file with the priority= syntax tag. When a merge occurs, it starts with the lowest display profile priority document (lowest number) and proceeds in increasing priority number, until it arrives at the user (base), the highest priority display profile.

When an attribute conflict occurs, the attribute on the template set with the highest conflict resolution level is returned.

Default Channel Name


Identifies which default channel is rendered when the Desktop is called with an unspecified provider.

Default Edit Channel Name


Specifies which default edit channel to use to wrap the content when one is not specified in the URL. When a channel is edited, an “Edit” request URL is sent to the Desktop Servlet. The URL generated for the “Edit” of each of the channels inside a container depends on the property “editContainerName” defined in the display profile.

If you have migrated containers from iPlanet™ Portal Server 3.0, you must specify the default edit channel with which to wrap the content using this attribute because the URL format has changed.

Desktop Type


Retrieves template files for the specified Desktop type when different Desktop configurations are needed and when different sets of templates and JSPs are required for those configurations.

The Desktop type attribute of the Desktop service is a comma-separated string. type, that the Portal Desktop uses as an ordered list. The list is used by the Desktop lookup operation when searching for templates and JSPs. The lookup starts at the first element in the list and each element represents a sub directory under the Desktop template base directory. If a template is not found in the first directory, then it proceeds to the next one in the list. This continues until the item is found (or not), for all Desktop type elements in the list.

If the default directory is not included in the list, it will be added at the end of the list implicitly. For example, if the Desktop type is sampleportal, the target template will be searched in the sampleportal sub directory, then the default sub directory. By default, if the sample portal is installed, then the Desktop type attribute, sunPortalDesktopType, is set to sampleportal. If the sample portal is not installed, then the Desktop type attribute value is set to default.

Most sites will not use the default Desktop type, as they will have different channels, different logo, different look and feel, and the like.

Display Profile

The default value depends on the type of installation performed. If the sample portal was installed, a sample display profile document is installed at the organization level that contains channels that display the built-in providers defined in the global display profile.

Displays several links for manipulating the display profile, an XML document that defines the container management, channel attributes, and provider definitions for this specific node (role, organization, suborganization). Links are:

  • Edit XML--Allows you to edit the entire display profile XML file.
  • Upload XML--Allows you to upload an XML file containing display profile information to the Portal Server.
  • Download XML--Allows you to download the display profile to your local drive.

These links are not attributes. Selecting these links allows you to manipulate the display profile.

Show Desktop Service Attributes

True (checked)

Specifies whether the Desktop Service attributes are displayed to the users associated with the role. This dynamic attribute is mainly used for role-based delegated administration, Values applied to this attribute are only in effect for a role.

When the role is assigned to a user and the value of this attribute is false, users (usually delegated administrators) cannot see any Desktop Service attributes except the Channel and Container Management link when they navigate into all the roles within the organization.

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Part No: 819-4159.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.