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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Technical Reference Guide 

Chapter 4
Search Attributes: Server

This chapter contains the following sections:


This chapter describes attributes that you can configure for the search engine through the Sun Java System Identity Server administration console.

When you select Search Properties from the Service Management View, a two-toned tabbed menu bar is displayed. This chapter is organized according to the topics or tabs on the upper portion of the menu bar.

When one of these tabs is selected, the menu bar below lists the related subtopics for the topic. The default Search page selects Server/Settings. Each subtopic uses one or more tables to explain the attributes for that subtopic. The tables are divided into three columns: Attribute, Default Value and Description. The Attribute gives the descriptive text found on the page; the Default Value provides the default value for the Attribute; and the Description explains the Attribute and its format.

Every Search Properties page gives you the Select Server attribute as described in the Table 4-1. The table contains three columns: the first column identifies the attribute, the second column provides the default value for the attribute, and the third column describes the attribute.

Table 4-1  Search Properties


Default Value


Select Server


Fully qualified server name of your Search server.


The Server section is where you configure the preferences for your server. You select what directory to use for temporary files, what information to log and how much detail should be in the logs. The Server attributes are displayed on two pages:


This page contains the basic settings for the administration and operation of the search server. Table 4-2 lists the Server Settings Attributes. The table contains three columns: the first column identifies the attribute, the second column provides the default value for the attribute, and the third column describes the attribute.

Table 4-2  Server Settings Attributes  


Default Value


Server Root


Houses the configuration, log, database, and robot information files. Also it is the root directory for all of the search files that are generated and updated when conducting a search. This is not configurable.

Temporary Files


Contains all temporary files used to manage a search during the search. It includes newly generated resource descriptions that have not yet been added to the main database. These are removed when the search is completed.

Document level security


Controls who can access documents.

When this setting is changed, the server must be restarted.


  • Off (default) means all users have access to the RDs.
  • On means that the ReadACL field in an RD is checked to see if the user asking for the RD has permission because the user is in an acceptable organization or role, or is an acceptable individual user. The ReadACL field is set in the Database, Resource Descriptor page.


This page contains the advanced settings for the administration and operation of the search server. Here is where you configure the log files for user queries, index maintenance, resource description management, and debugging. Table 4-3 describes the Server Advanced Settings Attributes. The table contains three columns: the first column identifies the attribute, the second column provides the default value for the attribute, and the third column describes the attribute.

Table 4-3  Server Advanced Settings Attributes  


Default Value


Search (rdm)


Logs the queries end users make of the database. You can check the Disable Search Log checkbox to suppress this logging.

If you do, you cannot view the User Queries (rdm) report.

Disable Search Log

False (unchecked) - enabled

Controls use of query log.

In the report section, you can generate a report the lists the most popular queries based on this log.


  • Checked--disabled
  • Unchecked--enabled. Every user query is entered in this log.

Index Maintenance


Logs the transactions involving the search engine, except for not registration of resource descriptions.

RD Manager


Logs the registration of resource descriptions from the robot or import agents into the database. You can view this log as a RD Manager (rdmgr) report.

RDM Server


Logs debugging information on RDM transactions. The level of detail is controlled by the Log Level. You can view this log as a RDM Server (rdmsvr) report.

Log Level


Controls the amount of detail the RDM Server log file contains.

The possible levels are 2, 10, 20, 50, 100, and 999.

A setting of 1 (default) logs only severe errors. The higher the number, the more detail the RDM Server log file contains.

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Part No: 819-4159.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.