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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Technical Reference Guide 

Chapter 10

This chapter contains the following sections:


The deploy command packages the source files for the Portal Server web application files and deploys the package to the web container that hosts the portal server software.

The source files for the Portal Server are stored in the PortalServer-base/web-src/ directory. The WEB-INF/xml subdirectory contains web.xml fragment files that are combined by the deploy command to form the web.xml file for the Portal Server web application. The corresponding sections of the web.xml fragment files are combined based on the alphabetic order of the web.xml fragment files. Once the final web.xml file is formed, the files in the PortalServer-base/web-src/ directory are put into a web application archive (WAR) file using the jar command. This WAR file is deployed to a web container using the deploy command.


PortalServer-base/bin/deploy [redeploy]


The deploy command takes the redeploy subcommand. If the deploy command is invoked without the redeploy option, it prompts for configuration information from standard input.



The redeploy subcommand specifies that the deploy command reuse the Uniform Resource Indicator (URI) and other information associated with the Portal Server web application from the current deployment.


deploy redeploy

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Part No: 819-4159.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.