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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Technical Reference Guide 

Chapter 16

This chapter contains the following sections


The sendrdm command provides a mechanism for a CGI or command-line based search. An RDM (resource description manager) request is sent in SOIF format to the Search server. This command is normally run in a search-enabled Sun Java System Portal Server instance directory, which is the /server-instance-directory/deployment_uri directory. This is the deployment URI path you selected at install time. If you chose the default Portal Server install, this is the /var/opt/SUNWps/https-servername/portal directory. Where the value of the servername is the default Portal Server instance name--the fully qualified name of your Portal Server.


For the default installation, set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to PortalServer-base/lib.


The syntax of the sendrdm command is:

sendrdm [-dv] [-t n] [-u uri] RDM-in [RDM-out]


The following table contains a summary of the sendrdm command options. It contains two columns: the first column lists the possible options; the second column gives a brief description. The command supports the following options (listed in alphabetical order):


Debug mode. The default is off. This option turns it on.

-t n

Specifies time in seconds. Command times out after n seconds. Default is 300 seconds.

-u uri

Designates the uri directory (enter full path) for the server you are importing from.




The RDM request file name. This is a required argument.


The RDM result file name. The default is standard out.


The following example imports from a Compass Server 3.01x using /rdm/incoming as the URI with the timeout set to one hour. As root, in the /var/opt/SUNWps/https-servername/portal directory, type:

PortalServer-base/lib/sendrdm -t 3600 -u /rdm/incoming rdmquery.soif result.soif

The content of rdmquery.soif is:


    catalog-service-id{48}: x-catalog://

    rdm-type{10}: rd-request

    rdm-version{3}: 1.0

    rdm-query-language{8}: gatherer



    scope{3}: all


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Part No: 819-4159.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.