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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Technical Reference Guide 

Chapter 36
JSPs in the default Directory

This chapter contains the following sections:

DiscussionLite JSPs

The DiscussionLite channel JSPs are located in /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/DiscussionLite directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Content JSP. This JSP gets portal display profile properties and invokes search using query.jsp and most of the user interface is in display.jsp.


Displays results mostly in HTML.


Error page.


Sets search parameters and executes search.

Discussions JSP

The Discussions channel JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/Discussions directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Declares all portal properties.


Content page. This JSP routes the request to:

  • fullDiscussion.jsp if display mode is set to full (or dmode=full)
  • viewDiscussion.jsp if dmode=vl
  • feedback.jsp if dmode-cmt
  • ratingProcess.jsp if dmode=rtg


Process edit page.


Edit page.


Error page.


Request is handled by feedback.jsp when the dmode (discussions mode) value is equal to cmt. Routes the request to feedbackForm.jsp.


Displays the header information above the feedback form.


Displays the ‘post reply’ and ‘start a new discussion’ form.


Comment submission is handled by this JSP. The JSP retrieves all the input parameters, builds the SOIF and submits the SOIF to the search database. This JSP consists of scriptlets.


Request is handled by fullDiscussion.jsp when dmode is full and routes the request to fullDiscussionDisplay.jsp. Controls the list view of discussions.


This JSP displays the list of results requested by fullDiscussion.jsp.


Displays pagination on list discussions page.


General portal Desktop page. Retrieves all portal provider properties.


Executes search. Used by all pages to execute a search.


Displays the selection menu for ratings. Included in viewDiscusisonDisplay.jsp and viewDiscussionHeader.jsp.


Request is handled by ratingProcess.jsp when dmode=rtg. Handles rating submission. Consists mostly of scriptlets.


Displays the search box on the list discussions page.


Request is handled by viewDiscussion.jsp when dmode=vl. Controls the View A Discussion subtree page.


Displays the separator bar with the filter, threshold, view menus and the search discussion text field.


Displays the discussion subtree below the separator bar.


Displays the detailed view of the discussion. Displayed above the separator bar.


Displays the Navigation links shown above and below the discussion header. Navigation links consist of links for ‘All Discussions’, ‘To parent’, ‘To Discussion, ‘Reference’, ‘Post Reply’.

DiscussionsProvider JSPs

The DiscussionsProvider JSPs are located in /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/DiscussionsProvider directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Declares all portal properties.


Content page. This JSP routes the request to full if display mode is set to full (or dmode=full), or if vl is set to viewDiscussion.jsp, or cmt is set to feedback.jsp, or if rtg is set to ratingProcess.jsp.


Process edit page.


Edit page.


Error page.


Request is handled by feedback.jsp when the dmode (discussions mode) value is equal to cmt. Routes the request to feedbackForm.jsp.


Displays feedback.


Displays the ‘post reply’ and ‘start a new discussion’ form.


Comment submission is handled by this JSP. The JSP retrieves all the input parameters, builds the SOIF and submits the SOIF to the search database. This JSP consists of scriptlets.


Sets search parameters, executes search, and displays results.


Displays main discussions with description inline based on showDesc property.


Displays pagination on list discussions page.


General portal Desktop page. Retrieves all portal provider properties.


Executes search. Used by all pages to execute a search.


Displays the selection menu for ratings. Included in viewDiscusisonDisplay.jsp and viewDiscussionHeader.jsp.


Request is handled by ratingProcess.jsp when dmode=rtg. Handles rating submission. Consists mostly of scriptlets.


Displays the search box on the list discussions page.


Request is handled by viewDiscussion.jsp when dmode=vl. Controls the View A Discussion subtree page.


Displays the separator bar with the filter, threshold, view menus and the search discussion text field.


Displays the discussion subtree below the separator bar.


Displays the detailed view of the discussion. Displayed above the separator bar.


Displays the Navigation links shown above and below the discussion header. Navigation links consist of links for ‘All Discussions’, ‘To parent’, ‘To Discussion, ‘Reference’, ‘Post Reply’.

DummyChannel JSPs

The DummyChannel JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/DummyChannel directory. These JSPs are used in the situation when there is no valid default channel name specified for the Desktop. For example, when a new organization is created, the default channel name will be set to DummyChannel by default. If the system administrator does not specify a valid default channel name, then the DummyChannel will be displayed with a warning message to remind user that the default channel name needs to be configured.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the warning message for the user.


The header for the Dummy Channel.


The menubar for the Dummy Channel.

IMProvider JSPs

The IMProvider JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/IMProvider directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Controls searching through archived instant messaging content.


Controls the content in the channel.


Controls the content for the edit page of the channel.


Controls the content in the popup window that is displayed when a user is invited to a conference is an instant messaging client that is already running.


Controls the messages that are in the Java Web Start window that is used to start the instant messaging client.


Controls the content of the popup window that is used to run the IM client.

JSPContentContainer JSPs

The JSPContentContainer JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPContentContainer directory. These JSPs are used for the content view when the Content link is selected in a JSP-based table container.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Processes the result from the Content Edit page.


Displays the content Edit page.


The JSPDynamicSingleContainer JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPDynamicSingleContainer directory. This container is used by the search form in the header on the Desktop front page.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Used by the DynamicSingleContainer to display the channel specified in the request parameter.

JSPEditContainer JSPs

JSPEditContainer JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPEditContainer directory. These JSPs are used when the Edit icon is selected in a channel title bar inside a JSP- based container. Channels that have the editType defined as EDIT_SUBSET use these JSPs.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Processes the result from the Edit page.


Displays the Edit view of a channel. Also provides a wrapper around the actual Edit view for a given channel.

JSPFrameCustomTableContainerProvider JSPs

JSPFrameCustomTableContainerProvider JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPFrameCustomTableContainerProvider directory.

JSPFrameCustomTableContainerProvider JSPs are used when the user creates a new page from Scratch in the sections page.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the content for the newly created page (table container) from the Sections page.


This JSP is used to determine the channels that are in detached mode and invoke the detached windows for these channels.


Displays the channel title bar and border.


This JSP is used to draw the content in the detached window for the channel in the detached mode.


This JSP is used to draw the menubar in the detached window for a detached channel.


Displays the channel command buttons and links, such as Remove, Minimize/Maximize, Edit, and Help.


This JSP is used to draw the wrapper containing the attach, edit, and help links around the channel displayed in the detached window.


Handles the left, center and right columns of a table. (Dynamically included.)


Handles the channel in the maximized state on the Desktop front page. This JSP is used to draw the HTML around the channel displayed in the maximized state.


Handles the top and bottom channels of a table. (Dynamically included.)

JSPLayoutContainer JSPs

JSPLayoutContainer JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPLayoutContainer directory. These JSPs are used to display the Layout view when the Layout link is selected in a JSP-based table container.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the thin-wide layout view.


Displays the wide-thin layout view.


Displays the thin-wide-thin layout view.


Processes the result from the Layout Edit page.


Displays the Layout Edit page.


Displays the three layout images and the select radio buttons.

JSPProvider JSPs

JSPProvider JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPProvider directory. This directory contains default set of JSPs that are used by the JSP channels.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the contents of the JSP channels.


Invoked when the user completes processing the Edit page of the JSP channels.


Invoked when the user clicks the Edit button of the JSP channels.

JSPSingleContainerProvider JSPs

JSPSingleContainerProvider JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPSingleContainerProvider directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the product banner that is used by the Single Container page.


Displays the menubar that has the Home, Theme, Help, and Logout links.


Displays the content for JSPSingleContainerProvider.

JSPTabContainerProvider JSPs

JSPTabContainerProvider JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPTabContainerProvider directory. These JSPs are used as the default set of JSPs for a new channel based on JSPTabContainerProvider.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the tabs and the URLs associated with each tab for activating them on the front page.


Displays the header bar for the Tab Container page. (Dynamically included.)


Provides the content for the Make New Tab page of the tab container.


Provides the content for each of the tab topics in the Make New Tab page.


Displays the menubar that has the Home, Tabs, Theme, Help, and Logout links. (Dynamically included.)


Displays the remove, rename, and start links for each of the selected pages of the JSP tab container in the Current Tab Settings page.


Displays the remove and rename part of the Edit page for the tab container.


Displays the tab image for the current selected tab in the tab container.


Is the main JSP for the tab container. It draws the content page for the tab container. (Dynamically includes header.jsp and menubar.jsp.)


Displays the Edit page for the tab container where new pages can be added, removed, or renamed.


Displays the available tabs and the links for them to be activated on the Desktop.

JSPTabCustomTableContainerProvider JSPs

JSPTabCustomTableContainerProvider JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPTabCustomTableContainerProvider directory. JSPTabCustomTableContainerProvider JSPs are used when the user creates a new tab from scratch in the tabs page.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the windows that are detached from the table container. (Dynamically included.)


Displays the content view for each channel inside the table container.


This JSP is used to draw the content in the detached window for the channel in the detached mode.


This JSP is used to draw the menubar in the detached window for a detached channel.


Displays the provider command bar for each channel inside the table container.


This JSP is used to draw the wrapper containing the attach, edit, and help links around the channel displayed in the detached window.


Displays the table container’s content view.


Handles the left, center and right columns of a table. (Dynamically included.)


Handles the channel in the maximized state on the Desktop front page. This JSP is used to draw the HTML around the channel displayed in the maximized state.


Handles the top and bottom channels of a table. (Dynamically included.)

JSPTableContainerProvider JSPs

JSPTableContainerProvider JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPTableContainerProvider directory. JSPTableContainerProvider JSPs are the default JSPs that are used by the JSPTableContainerProvider channels.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the product banner that includes the user reference links for the table container.


Displays the detached windows that are detached from the table container. (Dynamically included.)


Displays the content view for each channel inside the table container.


Displays the menubar that has the Home, Tabs, Theme, Help, and Logout links.


This JSP is used to draw the content in the detached window for the channel in the detached mode.


This JSP is used to draw the menubar in the detached window for a detached channel.


Displays the provider command bar for each channel inside the table container.


This JSP is used to draw the wrapper containing the attach, edit, and help links around the channel displayed in the detached window.


Displays the table container’s content view, which is used by the table container inside a frame tab container. (Dynamically includes launchPopup.jsp, tablecolumn.jsp, and tabletopbottom.jsp.)


Handles the left, center and right columns of a table. (Dynamically included.)


Handles the channel in the maximized state on the Desktop front page. This JSP is used to draw the HTML around the channel displayed in the maximized state.


Handles the top and bottom channels of a table. (Dynamically included.)


Displays the table container’s content view, which is used by the table container inside a tab container. (Dynamically includes launchPopup.jsp, tablecolumn.jsp, and tabletopbottom.jsp.)


Displays the table container’s content view, which is used by the table container that is the top most container in the Desktop. (Dynamically includes launchPopup.jsp, tablecolumn.jsp, and tabletopbottom.jsp.)

Miscellaneous JSPs

Miscellaneous JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default directory. These JSPs are used by more than one channel, and are also used as a default if the named JSP is not found in the provider or channel subdirectory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the default product banner that includes the user reference links.


Displays the default menubar that includes the user reference links.


Displays the detached windows that are detached from the table containers. (Dynamically included.)


This JSP is used to draw the banner on the edit page of a JSR 168 portlet when the edit button is clicked on the portlet.


This JSP is used to draw the edit page of a JSR 168 portlet when the edit button is clicked on the portlet.


This JSP is used as a wrapper for the portlet’s help content on the help page of a JSR 168 portlet when the help button is clicked on the portlet.


This JSP is used to draw the menubar on the edit page of a JSR 168 portlet when the edit button is clicked on the portlet.


Displays the minimize, maximize, help, edit, detach, remove links in the channel title bar.


Displays the search box that are used in the desktop header area.


Displays the product banner that is used by the single containers.


Displays the menubar that is used by the single containers.


Displays the product banner that is used by the table containers.


Displays the menubar that is used by the table containers.


Displays the product banner that is used by the tab containers.


Displays the menubar that is used by the tab containers.

SampleSimpleWebService JSPs

SampleSimpleWebService JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SampleSimpleWebService directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the WSDL file for the current exchange web service.


Displays the Content view of the simple web service channels.


Displays the Edit view of the simple web service channels.

SampleSimpleWebServiceConfigurable JSPs

SampleSimpleWebServiceConfigurable JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SampleSimpleWebServiceConfigurable directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the WSDL file for the current exchange web service.


Displays the Content view of the simple web service configurable channels.


Displays the Edit view of the simple web service configurable channels.

Search JSPs

Search JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/Search directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Converts the advanced query to the list format. This JSP consists mostly of Java™ code, which is exposed so that the advanced search query list can be customized according to the schema changes.


Displays the interface to perform an advanced search, including the description menu. This JSP uses the SearchRequestBean to store request parameters and display the form values. The bean reduces Java scriptlets in the JSP.

You use this JSP to make changes to the advanced search interface, removal for search fields, and addition of fields.


Displays the interface to perform a basic search.


Contains the browse related code that shows up in the browse interface. Includes the category tree Home link and the Search in all categories, and Search within a category radio buttons.


Sets and executes the parameters for category browsing using the search tag library. This JSP sets all the parameters required to browse and executes the search and includes the browseResults.jsp page.


Displays category tree in the browse section. (It consists of many Java scriptlets, so modifying this JSP requires good Java proficiency.)


Sets and executes the parameters for searching and browsing within categories using the Search tag library. The JSP sets the RDMType to rd-request and query language to search, and sets other search parameters. It includes the browseSearchResults.jsp page to display the category matches.


Displays the number of category matches found and the links to matching categories. (It consists of many Java scriptlets, so modifying this JSP requires good Java proficiency.)


Contains the description menu, that is, the Full, Brief, and Title menus. This menu is included in the basic, advanced, and browse interfaces.


Displays error messages.


Displays the list of pages, Next, and Previous links.


Is the portal server related JSP file. The user profile property values are retrieved from the portal server. The customer can substitute this file if the values can be retrieved from other data stores.


Specifies the number of matches found and displays document results, score, title, description, and so on, for each document. (Consists of some Java scriptlets.)


Computes the scale that displays the document match relevance.


Displays the Content view of the Search channel, and delegates the request to other search JSPs, based on the request type. The basic search, advanced search, or browse interfaces are displayed based on the requested mode. The search results are displayed based on the request type.

This JSP includes the advancedSearch.jsp or basicSearch.jsp based on user selection. The browseSearch.jsp and searchOnly.jsp files are included only if the user has specified a query; otherwise the category tree (no search) is displayed from browseOnly.jsp. The pageFooter.jsp is included to display the pagination bar in the Search channel.


Invoked when the user completes processing the Edit page of the Search channel.


Invoked when the user clicks the Edit button of the Search channel.


Contains the HTML ribbon for Basic, Advanced, and Browse links.


Sets and executes the parameters for search using search the tag library. The advQuery.jsp is included if its an advanced search. This JSP includes the results.jsp to display the document matches.

SearchProvider JSPs

SearchProvider JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SearchProvider directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Converts the advanced query to the list format. This JSP consists mostly of Java code, which is exposed so that the advanced search query list can be customized according to the schema changes.


Displays the interface to perform an advanced search, including the description menu. This JSP uses the SearchRequestBean to store request parameters and display the form values. The bean reduces Java scriptlets in the JSP.

You use this JSP to make changes to the advanced search interface, removal for search fields, and addition of fields.


Contains the browse-related code that shows up in the browse interface. Includes the category tree Home link and the Search in all categories, and Search within a category radio buttons.


Displays the interface to perform a basic search.


Sets and executes the parameters for category browsing using the search tag library. This JSP sets all the parameters required to browse and executes the search and includes the browseResults.jsp page.


Displays category tree in the browse section. (It consists of many Java scriptlets, so modifying this JSP requires good Java proficiency.)


Sets and executes the parameters for searching and browsing within categories using the Search tag library. The JSP sets the RDMType to rd-request and query language to search, and sets other search parameters. It includes the browseSearchResults.jsp page to display the category matches.


Displays the number of category matches found and the links to matching categories. (It consists of many Java scriptlets, so modifying this JSP requires good Java proficiency.)


Contains the description menu, that is, the Full, Brief, and Title menus. This menu is included in the basic, advanced, and browse interfaces.


Displays error messages.


Displays the list of pages, Next, and Previous links.


Is the portal server related JSP file. The user profile property values are retrieved from the portal server. The customer can substitute this file if the values can be retrieved from other data stores.


Specifies the number of matches found and displays document results, score, title, description for each document. (Consists of some Java scriptlets.)


Computes the scale that displays the document match relevance.


Displays the Content view of the Search channel, and delegates the request to other search JSPs, based on the request type. The basic search, advanced search, or browse interfaces are displayed based on the requested mode. The search results are displayed based on the request type.

This JSP includes the advancedSearch.jsp or basicSearch.jsp based on user selection. The browseSearch.jsp and searchOnly.jsp files are included only if the user has specified a query; otherwise the category tree (no search) is displayed from browseOnly.jsp. The pageFooter.jsp file is included to display the pagination bar in the Search channel.


Invoked when the user completes processing the Edit page of the Search channel.


Invoked when the user clicks the Edit button of the Search channel.


Contains the HTML ribbon for Basic, Advanced, and Browse links.


Sets and executes the parameters for search using search the tag library. The advQuery.jsp is included if its an advanced search. This JSP includes the results.jsp to display the document matches.

SimpleWebServiceConfigurableProvider JSPs

SimpleWebServiceConfigurableProvider JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SimpleWebServiceConfigurableProvider directory. These JSPs are the default JSPs that are used by the SimpleWebServiceConfigurableProvider channels.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the Content view of the simple web service configurable channels.


Displays the Edit view of the simple web service configurable channels.

SimpleWebServiceProvider JSPs

SimpleWebServiceProvider JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SimpleWebServiceProvider directory. These JSPs are default JSPs that are used by the SimpleWebServiceProvider channels.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the Content view of the simple web service configurable channels.


Displays the Edit view of the simple web service channels.

Subscriptions JSPs

The Subscriptions channel JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/Subscriptions directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the list of subscriptions per type of subscriptions (such as category subscriptions, discussions subscriptions, saved search subscriptions). For each, the list of user’s subscriptions labels and associated document hit link is displayed. The hit link, points the end user to display a detailed view of the information matching their subscription.


Used to manage (such as delete/update) existing subscriptions, or adding new subscriptions when the user clicks on “subscribe to” links from the search or discussion channel.

This JSP segments the subscriptions in to three types: category subscriptions, discussions subscriptions, saved search subscriptions.


This JSP is triggered to handle the subscriptions changes made by the end user in the page presented by subsedit.jsp. The role of this JSP, is to update the Identity Server subscriptions service attributes holding the subscription information.

SubscriptionsProvider JSPs

The SubscriptionsProvider JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SubscriptionsProvider directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the list of subscriptions per type of subscriptions (such as category subscriptions, discussions subscriptions, saved search subscriptions). For each, the list of user’s subscriptions labels and associated document hit link is displayed. The hit link, points the end user to display a detailed view of the information matching their subscription.


Used to manage (such as delete/update) existing subscriptions, or adding new subscriptions when the user clicks on “subscribe to” links from the search or discussion channel.

This JSP segments the subscriptions in to three types: category subscriptions, discussions subscriptions, saved search subscriptions.


This JSP is triggered to handle the subscriptions changes made by the end user in the page presented by subsedit.jsp. The role of this JSP, is to update the Identity Server subscriptions service attributes holding the subscription information.

TabJSPEditContainer JSPs

TabJSPEditContainer JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/TabJSPEditContainer directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the Edit page for channels in JSPTabContainer.


Is the process page for TabJSPEditContainer.


Displays the Content and Layout links and the current selected tab on the Edit page.

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Part No: 819-4159.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.