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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Technical Reference Guide 

Chapter 51
Robot Application Functions - Setup Functions

This section describes the functions that are used during the setup phase by both enumeration and generation filters. The following functions are described:


When you use the filterrules-setup function, logtype is the type of log file to use. The value can be verbose, normal, or terse.


The following table lists the parameter used with the filterrules-setup function. The table contains two columns. The first column lists the parameter, and the second column provides a description.


Path name to the file containing the filter rules to be used by this filter.


Setup fn=filterrules-setup config=./config/filterrules.conf logtype=normal


The setup-regex-cache function initializes the cache size for the filter-by-regex and generate-by-regex functions. Use this function to specify a number other than the default of 32.


The following table lists the parameter used with the setup-regex-cache function. The table contains three columns. The first column lists the parameter, the second column provides a description, and the third column provides an example.


Maximum number of compiled regular expressions to be kept in the regex cache.


Setup fn=setup-regex-cache cache-size=28


The setup-type-by-extension function configures the filter to recognize file name extensions. It must be called before the assign-type-by-extension function can be used. The file specified as a parameter must contain mappings between standard MIME content types and file extension strings.


The following table lists the parameter used with the setup-type-by-extension function. The table contains two columns. The first column lists the parameter, and the second column provides a description.


Name of the MIME types configuration file.


Setup fn=setup-type-by-extension file=./config/mime.types

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Part No: 819-4159.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.