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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Technical Reference Guide 

Chapter 72
Desktop Template Common Tags

This chapter contains a listing of all the common tags in the Desktop template files.


Font chosen


Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)


Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)


Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)


Color of font chosen


Provider background color chosen


Color of the channel border. The border color can be changed by user in the desktop custom theme page.


Color of title bar


Directory you defined for the deployment URI during installation.


Directory designation for chosen locale


Product name


Provider/Channel title


The title of the provider/channel


Name of selected tab


Name of the front container


The top level container name for the TemplateTabContainer


The channel name


Channel name as defined in the channel display profile definition.


The theme edit channel name at run time, this will be either the presetThemeContainer or the customThemeContainer.


error content


Content of the provider


Channel content in the detached window


Content of the channel


Channel content in the detached window


Provider/channel content (HTML) inserted here


display value


Produces a stack trace


Inserts content in the maximize mode


A text that is used as an alternate for the minimize icon


A text that is used as an alternate for the maximize icon


Alternated string for the minimize or normalize image in the title bar, this is a localized string, the state of minimize or maximize is determined at run time.


Text for the alt tag for the remove icon


Text for the alt tag for the detach/attach image in the title bar, this is a localized string. The detach or attach mode is determined at run time.


Inserts minimize /maximize icon


Alternated string for the remove image in the title bar, this is a localized string


Text for the alt tag for the edit icon


Text for alt message


Inserts bulletColor.js into this template


Inserts toolbarRollover.js into this template.


Inserts banner.template into this template


Inserts menubar.template into template


Inserts contentBarInContent.template into this template


Inserts contentBarInLayout.template into this template


Inserts arrangeProvider.js template into this template


Inserts performSubstitution.js template

[tag:performColumnSubstituti on]

Inserts performColumnSubstitution.js template


Inserts selectAll.js template


Inserts switchColumns.js template


Inserts layoutFullTop.template into this template


Inserts layoutFullBottom.template into this template


Inserts openURLInParent.js template


Inserts popupMenubar.template template


Inserts launchPopup.js template


Replaced with inlineError.template if error has occurred


Inserts the removeCommand.template


If the channel is detached, insert the detachCommand.template; if the channel is attached, then insert the attachCommand.template.


Inserts the editCommand.template


Inserts helpHref.template


Inserts the minMaximizeCommand.template


Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.






















Used to display link for the application helper editing / URL to edit


URL location


the logout URL


URL of Desktop to return to


URL of the channel to be removed

?action=process&provider=thecontainername&thecontainerna me.channelAction=remove&thecontainername.targetProvider =providername


URL of new location


URL of Edit page for this channel

?action=edit&provider=theeditcontainername&targetprovid er=providername&containerName=thecontainername


URL of the channel to be detached

action=process&provider=thecontainername&thecontainernam e.channelAction=attach&thecontainername.targetProvider= providename


A URL to show the channel in maximize mode


A URL to show the channel in either the minimize or the normal mode, the mode is decided at run time

URL of channel to minimize or maximize

?action=process&provider=thecontainername&thecontainerna me.channelAction=maxmize&thecontainername.targetProvide r=providername

?action=process&provider=thecontainername&thecontainerna me.channelAction=minimize&thecontainername.targetProvid er=providername


Run time path for the detach image


Run time path for the edit image


Run time path for the remove image


Run time path for the help image


Run time path for the minimized or the maximized image, the state of minimize or maximize is determined at run time.


Run time path for the normalized image

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css ]

Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

[surl:/docs/en/desktop/usede sk.htm]

Help link for Desktop

[surl:/docs/en/desktop/fdesk top.htm]

Help link for frames on the Desktop

[surl:/desktop/images/nothin g.gif]

Used to space gifs or channels

[surl:/desktop/images/b_up.g if]

Icon that shows up arrow

[surl:/desktop/images/b_down .gif]

Icon that shows down arrow

[surl:/desktop/images/b_left .gif]

Icon that shows arrow pointing left

[surl:/desktop/images/b_righ t.gif]

Icon that shows arrow pointing right

[surl:/desktop/images/b_norm al.gif]

A URL that points to the normal image

[surl:/desktop/images/b_mini mize.gif]

A URL that points to the maximize image

[surl:/desktop/images/b_maxi mize.gif]

A URL that points to the maximize image

[surl:/desktop/images/b_atta ch.gif]

A URL that points to the attach image

[surl:/desktop/images/layout 1.gif]

Icon for thin-wide layout

[surl:/desktop/images/layout 2.gif]

Icon for wide-thin layout

[surl:/desktop/images/layout 3.gif]

Icon for thin-wide-thin layout

[surl:/desktop/images/layout 4.gif]

Icon for thin-thin-thin layout

[surl:/images/blueBullet.gif ]

Blue button to denote Home, Help, Logout, and so on


Red button to denote home, help, logout, or whatever has been chosen.


Used to space gifs or channels

[surl:/images/ f]

Logo gif of the product name

[surl:/images/blueBullet.gif ]

Blue button to denote Home, Help, Logout, and so on


Help link for Desktop


Icon for help in channel title bar


Inserts the channel command button links (maximize, detach, and so on)


Provider Timeout in seconds


The theme edit channel name at run time, this will be either the presetThemeContainer or the customThemeContainer.


Channel content in the detached window

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Part No: 819-4159.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.