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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Technical Reference Guide 

Chapter 71
Miscellaneous Tags in search.tld

All of the following normal tags in the search.tld file have a bodycontent of empty.

Table 71-1  search.tld Normal Tags with Attributes  

Tag Name




Returns a string with a the search query being executed. Good for debugging.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with the current category name or else set to root.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the starting hit being displayed.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with a user’s session id. It has no value unless previously set.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the query string; returns an empty string if not set.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns viewHits, an integer that defines the maximum number of hits returned (range 0-100). The default value is 8 if not set or set outside of range.

id (optional)

scope (optional)

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Part No: 819-4159.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.