Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for BEA WebLogic 8 Plug-In 3.0

ProcedureHow to Create a WebLogic Managed Server

You can run multiple Managed Servers in each domain to host your applications. WebLogic Managed Servers are captured and represented in the provisioning system by Server components. Throughout this book, Server refers to the provisioning system component, while Managed Server refers to the installed instance of the Managed Server running in the WebLogic 8 environment.

You can use this procedure to create a new Managed Server or you can use this procedure to register an existing Managed Server within the provisioning system by selecting the markOnly option.

Note –

If you plan to create a cluster, you need to create the Managed Servers that belong to that cluster before you create the cluster.

Before You Begin

Before you can create a WebLogic Managed Server, the following criteria must be met.

  1. In the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click WebLogic 8.

  2. Click the Application Server Management: Create link.

    The plan's Details page displays.

  3. Click Run.

    The Run page displays.

  4. In the Plan Parameters area, select the variable settings for the ManagedServer component that you plan to deploy.

    The Server component represents the Managed Server instance within the WebLogic 8 environment.

    • If the variable settings have been established for this component, select the appropriate settings from the menu.

    • If the settings are not available from the menu, click Select From List.

      The Select Variable Settings From List window displays.

      • To create a new set of variable settings, select Create Set.

        The following list provides commonly updated variables for the ManagedServer component.

        variable set name

        Required. A name for the new variable set you create


        Required. Name of the AdminServer virtual host that hosts the new Managed Server. This value will be in the format remoteAgentName_weblogic_admin_domainName.

        You can find the virtual host on the Hosts page. The virtual host will be of type com.sun.weblogic8#AdminServerHS.


        Required. The new Managed Server's name. This name is used in the targetRefName variable to create the Managed Server virtual host.


        Required. The name of the Managed Server's startup script.

        The default location of the startup script is /usr/local/bea/user_projects/servers/ domainName/targetName. This location can be changed by setting the altServerRoot component variable.


        Required for Windows systems. This variable specifies the name of the domain start script for Windows Systems. The value of this variable must be a .cmd file.


        Required if not using SSL. The default value for this variable is 7010. If this port is not available, the Managed Server does not start and an error message displays. After you free the port, you can start the Managed Server by running the Start component procedure on the Managed Server's component Details page.


        Required if using SSL. The default value for this variable is 7020. This port must be available, otherwise the Managed Server does not start and an error message displays. After you free the port, you can start the Managed Server by running the Start component procedure on the Managed Server's component Details page.


        Required. This variable determines whether the managed server is run in production mode. The default value of production is false. This variable can be set to true or false.


        Required. The UNIX user to run the WebLogic installation. This user must exist on the host to be installed and must have write permission on the beaHome directory. The default value for this variable is taken from the WebLogic software installation component.


        Required. The IP address the Managed Server uses to listen.


        Required. The directory used for the Managed Server.

      • To use variable components from another component, click Import Set.

        For more information about importing variable sets, see How to Run a Plan in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 Operation and Provisioning Guide.

  5. Select the target host or target host set.

    The Managed Server resides on the Remote Agent that you target.

    Note –

    The target host must be a member of the com.sun.weblogic#AdminServer host set.

    Target the virtual host that was created when you installed the WebLogic software. See How to Install the WebLogic Software procedure.

    Note –

    The target host must be a member of the com.sun.weblogic#InstallHS host set.

  6. If you are capturing an existing WebLogic Managed Server within the provisioning system, select the markOnly option.

  7. Click Run Plan (Includes Preflight).