Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for BEA WebLogic 8 Plug-In 3.0

ProcedureHow to Create Multiple Domains with Different Passwords

You can create multiple domains using the same user and password. However, if you prefer to have separate passwords for each of your domains, you need to update your WebLogic user and password session variables after each domain installation.

The plan that creates new domains always uses the default session variable names, WL_DEFAULT_USER and WL_DEFAULT_PASSWORD.

  1. Install the new domain and AdminServer using the default WebLogic session variables, WL_DEFAULT_USER and WL_DEFAULT_PASSWORD.

    See How to Create a WebLogic 8 Domain and Administration Server.

  2. Go to the Session Variables page by clicking Session Variables at the top of the browser interface.

  3. Create new session variables for the newly installed AdminServer.

    These new session variables have the same value as the default variables with which you installed the AdminServer.

    Attribute Name  

    Default Session Variable Names 

    New Session Variable Names 







  4. Go to the host Details page for the AdminServer you created in step 1 and click Edit.

  5. Update the AdminServer's host type attributes.

    For example, replace the adminUser value with :[session:WL_TEST_USR].

  6. If you have another domain to install, return to the Session Variables page and update the default WebLogic session variables with the new values to be used for the next domain you plan to install.