Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for OS Provisioning Plug-In 3.0

Terminal Server Support

As an alternate means to IP connectivity, the OS Provisioning Plug-In supports the use of the following terminal server or concentrator types to connect to the Network Management controllers.

The OS Provisioning Plug-In supports the telnet protocol (for Cisco Terminal Server 2621) and SSH protocol (for Cyclades Alterpath ACS Terminal Server) as the access protocols for these terminal servers/concentrators. See the vendor specific documentation for the technical specifications and setup instructions for these terminal servers.

In the OS Provisioning Plug-In, the Cisco 2621 is the default terminal server binding for the server network management controllers. To use the Cyclades Alterpath ACS terminal server, edit the appropriate terminal server variables for your target hosts. Table 9–2 lists the terminal server variables and the values for both the Cisco 2621 and Cyclades Alterpath ACS terminal servers.

Table 9–2 Terminal Server Variables and Values

Variable (Description) 

Cisco 2621 Variable Value 

Cyclades Alterpath Variable Value 

terminal_server_type (Terminal server type)



terminal_server_hal_jar (Terminal server hal jar )



terminal_server_port (Port of terminal server)

Port values of 2032 and above 

Port values of 7000 and above 

terminal_server_protocol (Terminal server access protocol)

telnet (ssh is not supported)

ssh (telnet is not supported)

In addition, you must provide values for the following variables to enable your target hosts to use terminal servers.


Specifies the IP address of terminal server connected to the target host.


Specifies the user ID for the terminal server.


Specifies the encrypted password for the terminal server.

For instructions about how to encrypt passwords, see Password Encryption.