Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for OS Provisioning Plug-In 3.0

ProcedureHow to Create a Sun IPMI Target Host (Command-Line Interface)

  1. To create a variable set for the SunIPMI component, type a command similar to the following example:

    # cr_cli -cmd cdb.vs.add -comp NM:/com/sun/n1osp/targets/SunIPMI -name "x2100" \
    -u admin -p admin -vars "installPath=x2100host;description=test x2100 host; \
    device_type=sunfirex2100;ethernet_mac_address=00:09:3d:10:94:a6;ethernet_ip_address=; \
    ethernet_netmask=;architecture=x86;kernel_arch=i86pc; \
    guid={3AE45192-159D-11D8-AEF3-001083FDFE90};disk_size=20GB;ipmi_ip_address=; \
    ipmi_access_userid;ipmi_access_password=;ssh_access_userid=admin;ssh_access_password= \

    For more information about the variables, see Sun IPMI Target Host Variables.

  2. To set up the appropriate password access, create a file that contains the following entries:



    • The first line in the file corresponds to checking the “If you are specifying the IPMI password below” box in plan variables section of the browser interface.

    • The second line in the file is the password to access IPMI.

    • The third line in the file corresponds to checking the “If you are specifying the SSH password below” box in plan variables section of the browser interface.

    • The fourth line in the file is the SSH password to access the remote management interface.

    Make sure to name the file something useful so that you can remember it for the next step. For example, you might name the file /tmp/testv20z-target.

  3. To run the plan and create the Sun IPMI target, type a command similar to the following example:

    # cr_cli -cmd -u admin -p admin \
    -PID NM:/com/sun/n1osp/targets/SunIPMI-create -tar H:NM:masterserver-osp \
    -comp + -vs x2100 -pto 30 -nto 10 -f /tmp/test-x2100

    The previous example applies to the Sun Fire x2100.