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Sun Java Enterprise System Upgrade Guide for HP-UX  

Chapter 6
Message Queue

This chapter describes how to upgrade Message Queue software from previous Java ES versions to Java ES 2005 (Release 4): Sun Java System Message Queue 3 Enterprise Edition 2005Q4.

The chapter provides a general overview of Message Queue upgrade issues and procedures for the different upgrade paths supported by Java ES Release 4.


Message Queue commands used in this chapter are run with respect to the directory location of executable files, which depends on operating system platform:

The default value is /opt/sun/mq/bin.

Overview of Message Queue Upgrades

This section describes the following general aspects of Message Queue that impact upgrading to Java ES 2005Q4 (Release 4):

About Java ES Release 4 Message Queue

Java ES Release 4 Message Queue represents minor code fixes with no new features or enhancements. As such, Release 4 does not introduce any new compatibility issues (see Compatibility Issues).

Message Queue software includes two editions, a Platform Edition and an Enterprise Edition, each corresponding to a different feature set and licensed capacity. Enterprise edition is for deploying and running messaging applications in an enterprise production environment. Platform Edition is mainly for developing, debugging, and load testing messaging applications and components.

Message Queue Upgrade Roadmap

Table 6-1 shows the supported Message Queue upgrade paths to Java ES Release 4.

Table 6-1  Upgrade Paths to Java ES Release 4 Message Queue 3.6 SP3 2005Q4

Java ES Release


General Approach

Re-configuration Required

Release 3

Sun Java System Message Queue 2005Q2 (3.6) Enterprise Edition only

Direct upgrade:
Performed using the mqupgrade script.


Message Queue Data

Message Queue, like other Java ES components, makes use of various kinds of data that for any specific upgrade might need to be migrated to an upgraded version. The following table shows the type of data that could be impacted by an upgrade of Message Queue software.

Table 6-2 shows the location of data on HP-UX system. In Table 6-2 instanceName identifies the name of the Message Queue broker instance with which the data is associated.

Table 6-2  Message Queue Data Usage

Data Category



Broker instance configuration properties


Broker and related services configurations

Persistent store for dynamic application data

/var/opt/sun/mq/instances/instanceName/fs350/or a JDBC-accessible data store

Stores messages, destinations, durable subscriptions, transactions, and other dynamic data

Administered objects (object store)

local directory of your choice or an LDAP Directory Server or an LDAP Directory Server

Objects used to configure client/broker connections

Security: user repository


or an LDAP Directory Server

Stores user data used for authentication and authorization

Security: access control file (default location)


Sets the rules that authorize user access to destinations and related capabilities

Security: passfile directory (default location)


Stores encrypted password information.

Security: broker’s keystore file location


Stores encrypted certificate information for secure messaging.

Compatibility Issues

Release 4 Message Queue introduces no new incompatibilities over Release 3. The following general Message Queue compatibility issues relate to versions earlier than Release 3.

Protocol Compatibility

Message Queue has a dependency on a web container to provide HTTP protocol support between Message Queue clients and broker. Due to a protocol change, when using Sun Java System Web Server to provide a web container for the Message Queue imqhttp.war application, you cannot upgrade the Web Server component without also upgrading Message Queue (see Post-Upgrade Tasks).

Broker Compatibility

A Release 4 Message Queue broker will inter-operate with a Release 3 broker.

Release 4 Message Queue can use Release 3 and Release 2 data, except that on Linux systems, Release 2 data must be first migrated to Release 4.

When updating to Release 4 Message Queue, consider the following:

Administered Object Compatibility

Release 4 Message Queue administered objects are identical to Release 3 administered objects. However, some Release 3 administered objects were renamed or enhanced with new attributes with respect to earlier versions.

Administration Tool Compatibility

Because of the addition of new commands and new administrative capabilities in Release 3, the Release 4 administration tools (the Administration Console and command line utilities) only work with Release 3 and Release 4 brokers.

Client Compatibility

Release 3 clients are completely compatible with Release 4 Message Queue.

Message Queue Dependencies

Message Queue dependencies on other Java ES components can impact the procedure for upgrading and re-configuring Message Queue software. Changes in Message Queue interfaces or functions, for example, could require upgraded version of components upon which Message Queue depends. The need to upgrade such components depends upon the specific upgrade path.

Message Queue has dependencies on the following Java ES components:

Upgrading Message Queue from Java ES Release 3

This section includes information about upgrading Message Queue from Java ES 2005Q1 (Release 3) to Java ES Release 4. The section covers the following topics:


When upgrading Java ES Release 3 Message Queue to Release 4, consider the following aspects of the upgrade process:

Message Queue Upgrade

This section describes how to perform a Message Queue upgrade from Java ES Release 3 to Java ES Release 4. This section covers the following topics:

Pre-Upgrade Tasks

Before you upgrade Message Queue, perform the procedures described in the following sections.

Verify Current Version Information

You can determine the version and edition of Message Queue installed on your system by starting the Message Queue broker with the -version option:

Upgrade Message Queue Dependencies

It is generally recommended that all Java ES components on a computer system (and in a computing environment) be upgraded to Java ES Release 4. However, because Message Queue does not require upgrading the Java ES Release 3 components upon on which it depends, this task is optional.

However, if you choose to upgrade all Message Queue dependencies, they should be upgraded in the following order, all before you upgrade Message Queue. You can skip any that might already have been upgraded.

  1. Shared Components. Instructions for upgrading Java ES shared components to Release 4 are provided in Chapter 2, "Upgrading Java ES Shared Components".
  2. Directory Server (optional). Instructions for upgrading Directory Server to Release 4 are provided in Chapter 3, "Directory Server and Administration Server".
  3. Web Container Software (optional). Instructions for upgrading Web Server or Application Server are provided in Chapter 5, "Web Server" and Chapter 8, "Application Server", respectively.
Back Up Message Queue

There is no script for rolling back Message Queue to its pervious state. Because Release 4 data is compatible with Release 3 data, there is no reason to back up configuration data. In addition, there is no reason to back up the installed image because you can use the Release 3 installer if you need to roll back Release 4 Message Queue to Release 3.

Upgrading Message Queue

The upgrade of Message Queue software to Java ES Release 4 makes use of the mqupgrade script, which installs freshbitted packages.

The upgrade procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Stop any running Message Queue client applications.
  2. If Message Queue is being used in an Application Server environment, shut down Application Server, as well.

  3. Stop any running brokers. You will be prompted for the admin user name and password.
  4. imqcmd shutdown bkr [-b hostName:port]

  5. If you do not want to preserve dynamic data, the Message Queue flat-file user repository, and the Message Queue access control file associated with each broker instance, remove this data using the following command.
  6. imqbrokerd -name instanceName -remove instance

  7. Log in as Root.
  8. su root

  9. Change directories to the location of the Tools directory of the Java ES distribution.
  10. cd HPUX_PA-RISC/Product/message_queue/Tools

  11. Run the mqupgrade script.
    1. Start the script:
    2. ./mqupgrade

      The mqupgrade script lists installed Message Queue components.

    3. Enter y (yes) to upgrade Message Queue components.
    4. The mqupgrade script detects and lists installed locale files.

      If you do not want to upgrade Message Queue components, enter n (no). The mqupgrade script will exit without upgrading Message Queue components.

    5. If prompted, enter y (yes) to upgrade locale files.
    6. The mqupgrade script sends output to a log file in the following location:


Verifying the Message Queue Upgrade

After you finish the upgrade procedure, verify that it was successful by starting the Message Queue broker with the -version option.

The command returns the Java ES version number as well as the Message Queue-specific version number.

Post-Upgrade Tasks

If you have upgraded the web container and are using the Message Queue HTTP tunneling servelet, you may need to re-deploy it in the new web container. Otherwise, there has been no change to the HTTP tunneling servlet between Release 3 and Release 4, and you do not need to re-deploy it after upgrading Message Queue to Release 4. See the Message Queue Administration Guide, ( for more information on HTTP support.

Rolling Back the Upgrade

No scripts are provided for rolling back Message Queue to its pre-upgrade state. The process must be performed manually using the following steps:

  1. Stop any running Message Queue client applications.
  2. If Message Queue is being used in an Application Server environment, shut down Application Server, as well.

  3. Stop any running brokers. You will be prompted for the admin user name and password.
  4. imqcmd shutdown bkr [-b hostName:port]

  5. If you want to delete dynamic data, the Message Queue flat-file user repository, and the Message Queue access control file associated with each broker instance, remove this data using the following command.
  6. imqbrokerd -name instanceName -remove instance

  7. Log in as superuser.
  8. su root

  9. Retrieve the list of installed Message Queue packages with the following command:
  10. swlist -l product sun-mq*

  11. Remove the Message Queue packages, using the following command:
  12. swremove depotName

    where depotName is any of the Message Queue packages. To remove multiple packages, separate the package names by a space.

    Because other products might be using Message Queue packages, be careful about removing them.

  13. Type “q’“to quit.
  14. Exit the root shell.
  15. Re-install Release 3 Message Queue, using the Java ES Release 3 Installer Release 4 Message Queue data will work fine.

Multiple Instance Upgrades

To upgrade a Message Queue cluster, in which multiple brokers interact to provide a scalable message service, you can do a rolling upgrade in which the cluster remains online as each Message Queue instance is upgraded from Release 3 to Release 4. The two conditions to keep in mind when performing a cluster upgrade are:

Otherwise the procedure is straightforward: you shut down, upgrade, and restart the brokers one at a time until all have been upgraded.

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Part No: 819-4460-10.   Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.