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Sun Java System Portal Server Mobile Access 7 Developer's Reference 

About This Guide

Sun Java™ System Portal Server Mobile Access (formerly known as Sun™ ONE Portal Server, Mobile Access) software is an extension to Sun Java System Portal Server (formerly Sun™ ONE Portal Server) software that enables users to access portal services from mobile devices such as cellular phones and PDAs. Mobile Access ships with three mobile applications—Calendar, Address Book, and Mail—which developers can fully customize.

The mobile applications listed above are based on JavaServer™ Pages (JSP™) technology, and as such, make extensive use of custom tag libraries that implement their behavior. Each tag library is customizable through a corresponding set of APIs written in the Java™ programming language.

In addition, Mobile Access software contains support for voice accessibility; therefore, applications that respond directly to voice commands can be written.

This preface includes the following sections:

Who Should Read This Book

This reference is intended for developers who want to:

What You Need to Know

What you need to know will vary with the characteristics of your site. Knowledge of the following is recommended:

In addition, you should have knowledge of basic UNIX� administrative procedures and you should have knowledge of the applications provided to your users—for example, Sun Java System Calendar Server (formerly Sun™ ONE Calendar Server).

How This Book Is Organized

This book contains the following chapters:

An index is also provided with this guide.

Conventions Used in This Guide

This guide uses certain typographical conventions to represent types of information presented.

Monospaced Font

Monospaced font is used for any text that appears on the computer screen or text that you should type. This font is also used for file names, distinguished names, functions, and examples.

Italicized Font

An italicized font is used to represent text that you enter using information that is unique to your installation (for example, variables). This font is used for server paths and names and account IDs.

Related Documentation

The http://docs.sun.comSM web site enables you to access Sun technical documentation online. You can browse the archive or search for a specific book title or subject.

Books in This Documentation Set

The following table summarizes the books included in the Portal Server Mobile Access core documentation set.

Book Title


Sun Java System Portal Server Mobile Access Deployment Planning Guide

Describes how to plan for and deploy Sun Java System Portal Server Mobile Access software.

Sun Java System Portal Server Mobile Access Administration Guide

Describes how to administer Sun Java System Portal Server Mobile Access 7 using the administration console and the command line.

Sun Java System Portal Server Release Notes

Available after the product is released. Contains last-minute information, including a description of what is new in this current release, known problems and limitations, installation notes, and how to report issues with the software or the documentation.

Sun Java System Portal Server Mobile Access Developer’s Guide

Describes a developer’s perspective of the mobile access software. It also provides information about three mobile applications that is shipped with the software: Calendar, Address Book, and Mail, all of which can be fully customized by developers.

Sun Java System Portal Server Mobile Access Developer’s Reference Guide

This Guide. It provides reference to developer’s on how they can customize the three mobile application that is shipped along with the software: Calendar, Address Book, and Mail.

Sun Java System Portal Server Mobile Access Tag Reference Library

Provides detailed information on the Sun Java System Portal Server Mobile Access tag libraries (in the software).

Other Portal Server Documentation

Other Portal Server books include:

Use the following URL to view all the Sun Java System Portal Server 7.0 documentation:

Accessing Sun Resources Online

For product downloads, professional services, patches and support, and additional developer information, go to the following:

Contacting Sun Technical Support

If you have technical questions about this product that are not answered in the product documentation, go to

Related Third-Party Web Site References

Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.

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Part No: 819-5314.   Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.