Sun Gathering Debug Data for Sun Java System Messaging Server

ProcedureTo Collect Debug Data on a Messaging Server MTA Queue Problem

Use this task to collect data when Messaging Server is experiencing a queue problem, for example, when a specific queue is growing and messages are not being dequeued.

  1. Collect the general system information as explained in To Collect Required Debug Data for Any Messaging Server Problem.

  2. Is the “growing” queue full of ZZ*.00 message files or full of Z*.00 message files? How many ZZ*.00 message files, and how many Z*.00 message files are there? Or are there .HELD files?

    1. If the channel has lots of ZZ*.00 message files and relatively few Z*.00 message files (where “relatively” depends heavily on the specific channel and site usage), make sure that the Job Controller is running. For example:

      ps -ef | grep job_controller
    2. If a channel has lots of Z*.00 message files and not very many ZZ*.00 message files, then typically the MTA itself does not have any “problem,” but rather than there is a problem with a separate destination host or a network problem.

      In this case, look at the delivery history of the Z*.00 messages. You need the message files themselves, or better yet, the output of the imsimta qm history command. Examine the imsimta qm history output for old mail.log* records for those message files. They indicate what sort of SMTP or other error is occurring (and when) for these “old” message files.

      For more information on the imsimta qm command, see the following:

  3. Look at the “Messages are Not Dequeued” section in the Messaging Server Administration Guide.

  4. Run the following imsimta command to see if messages will now get delivered.

    If the messages do now get delivered, then whatever problem was preventing message delivery was probably transient (for example, a network or DNS problem) and is now resolved. Or else the “problem” is simply that you do not have the channel/Job Controller configured for enough simultaneous delivery jobs for that channel to keep up with the current load.

    • Sun Java System Messaging Server (Messaging Server 6):

      UNIX and Linux

      cd server-root/sbin./imsimta run channel


      cd server-root\sbinimsimta.exe run channel

    • iPlanet Messaging Server (Messaging Server 5):

      UNIX and Linux

      cd server-root/msg-identifier./imsimta run channel

    Note –

    The imsimta run command does not provide much helpful information for Z*.00 message files.

  5. Get the output of the following commands.

    • Sun Java System Messaging Server (Messaging Server 6):

      UNIX and Linux

      cd server-root/sbin ./imsimta qm counters show ./imsimta qm summ./imsimta qtop -database -domain_to./imsimta qm messages channel


      cd server-root\sbinimsimta.exe qm counters showimsimta.exe qm summ imsimta.exe qtop -database -domain_toimsimta.exe qm messages channel

    • iPlanet Messaging Server (Messaging Server 5):

      UNIX and Linux

      cd server-root/msg-identifier./imsimta qm counters show./imsimta qtop -database -domain_to


      cd server-root\msg-identifierimsimta.exe qm counters showimsimta.exe qm summ imsimta.exe qtop -database -domain_to

  6. Get the current log files.

    • Sun Java System Messaging Server (Messaging Server 6):

      UNIX and Linux




    • iPlanet Messaging Server (Messaging Server 5):

      UNIX and Linux


