Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for Sun Java System App Server Plug-In 3.0

Chapter 4 Using the Sun Java System App Server Plug-In

The Sun Java System App Server Plug-In provides a number of specific component types and provides easy access to functions for working with Sun Java System App Server applications. This chapter describes the following information:

Installing and Using the Sun Java System App Server Environment with the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System

Use the Sun Java System App Server Common Tasks page as a starting point to create and manage Application Server instances and clusters.

Plug-In Conventions

The provisioning system allows you to provision and manage applications.

Plans and Component Procedures

The Sun Java System App Server plug-in provides both plans and component procedures as tools for you to perform tasks. By using plans, you link directly to the functionality you desire. Using component procedures, you have a greater number of tasks that you can perform.

Global Prerequisites

This section describes the requirements for using the Sun Java System App Server Plug-In.

The owner of the web server instance should be the same user that installs Sun Java System App Server. Otherwise, the load balancer files will not be installed or created properly.

Note –

To configure topologies involving clusters spanning multiple machines, ensure that the user who owns the distributions (Master Server and Remote Agents) and the user who runs the Master Server and Remote Agents are the same.

Process Overview

Creating a Sun Java System App Server environment within the provisioning system is similar to the process of creating the environment without the provisioning system.

  1. Import the Application Server plug-in.

  2. Set the Application Server session variables.

  3. Prepare all hosts.

  4. Create an Application Server Domain Administration Server.

  5. (Optional) Create an Application Server cluster.

  6. Create server instances as a part of the cluster or domain.

  7. (Optional) Create additional resources used by the applications.

  8. (Optional) Configure the JMS server.

  9. Capture application files (EARs and WARs).

  10. Deploy applications to target instances or clusters.

Creating the Sun Java System App Server Domain Infrastructure

This section describes how to prepare your Sun N1 Service Provisioning System installation to take advantage of the features provided by Sun Java System App Server Plug-In.

The following are component procedures for Sun Java System App Server 8.1 Install Management:

install: default

Installs Sun Java System App Server on the target host and marks the component installed in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.

uninstall: default

Same as markOnly; marks the component uninstalled in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.

uninstall: uninstallAppServer

Uninstalls Sun Java System App Server from the target host and marks the component as uninstalled in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.

ProcedureHow to Install the Sun Java System App Server Software

  1. Select the AppServer 8.1 icon under the Common Tasks section of the left control panel.

  2. Click the SJSAS 8.1 Install Management: Install or Uninstall link.

  3. Click the Run action next to install: default.

  4. In the Plan Parameters area, select the variable settings for the Install component that you plan to deploy.

    The Install component installs the Sun Java System App Server on a Remote Agent. After you have installed the Install component on a Remote Agent, you do not have to reinstall that component again.

    When you run the plan to install a new domain or server instance, the provisioning system checks to see if an Install component exists in the installPath directory. If the Install component is already installed, the provisioning system does not reinstall the Install component.

    • If the variable settings have been established for this component, select the appropriate settings from the menu.

    • If the settings are not available from the menu, click Select From List.

      The Select Variable Settings From List window displays.

      • To create a new set of variable settings, select Create Set.

        The following list provides commonly-updated variables for the Install component.

        variable set name

        Required. A name for the new variable set you create.


        Required. The location where the Sun Java System App Server software will be installed.


        Required. The location of the Sun Java System App Server package installer.

        Typically this is an NFS-mounted directory containing the extracted Sun Java System App Server installer. For example (assuming the sourceImage binary was downloaded into the /net/mymachine/nfs directory), if the value of sourceImage is /net/mymachine/nfs/sjsappserver8.1, you would do the following before installing the Sun Java System App Server software:

        # mkdir /net/mymachine/nfs/sjsappserver8.1

        # cd /net/mymachine/nfs/sjsappserver8.1

        # unzip ../sjsas_ee-8_1_01_2005Q1-solaris-sparc.bin

        Upon unzipping the binary, you will find a file called setup. Use chmod 755 setup to turn on executable permissions on the file. Executable permissions need to be enabled as well to the other files in the <sourceImage>/package/jre/bin/java directory.


        Required. A unique ID to associate domains, clusters, node agents, and Application Server instances with an Install component. If installing on multiple hosts, set installId to :[target:sys.hostName].


        The user name of the administrator of the domain or cluster.

        Typically this will be picked up from the session variables.


        The password for the administrator login of the domain or cluster.

        Typically this will be picked up from the session variables.


        If you are using a web server load balancer with the domain or cluster, enter the type of web server here. Valid entries are Sun ONE Web Server or Apache HTTP Server.

        The web server must already be installed on the target host.


        Location of the web server, used when installing the load balancer plug-in. For Sun ONE Web Server, enter the instance directory. For Apache HTTP Server, enter the install directory.


        The directory where the load balancer configuration file, loadbalancer.xml will be located.

        Only set this variable if the load balancing plug-in is already installed on the web server gateway host.


        If set to true, the administrator's password will be encrypted. The default is false.


        The port on which the Application Server domain administration server listens. The default is 4849. The port is used to create the default domain, domain1.


        The port on which deployed web applications run. The default is 8090. The port is used to create the default domain, domain1.


        The port on which secure HTTP (HTTPS) applications are run. The default is 1043. The port is used to create the default domain, domain1.


        If true, a domain containing Application Server sample applications will be installed on the instance. The default is false.


        If true, the administrator's password will be written to a file. The default is false.


        The location of temporary files used during installation.

        We recommend that you do not change this variable.


        The password for the keystore certificate. The default value is changeit.


        The directory location where the default domain, domain1, will be created.

      • To use variable components from another component, click Import Set.

        For more information about importing variable sets, see How to Run a Plan in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 Operation and Provisioning Guide.

  5. Select the target host.

    Install the Application Server software on the Remote Agent.

  6. Deselect the Target Host Set checkbox.

  7. If you want to run a detailed check (preflight) before installing, select Perform Detailed Preflight.

  8. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

ProcedureHow To Create a Sun Java System App Server Domain Administration Server

The Domain Administration Server manages Application Server domains. It must be installed before you can create individual clusters and/or managed server instances. When you install a Domain Administration Server, you create an initial domain and an administration server that controls that domain.

Before You Begin

To create an Application Server domain, you must belong to a user group that has the Run Component Procedures permission on the folder that contains the component. You must also have the Allow on Host Set permission for the host set on which you plan to deploy the component.

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS 8.1 AppServer infrastructure->SJSAS 8.1 domains click Manage.

  3. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to install: default.

  4. In the Plan Parameters area, select the variable settings for the Domain Administration Server you want to install.

    • If the variable settings have been established for this component, select the appropriate settings from the menu.

    • If the settings are not available from the menu, click Select From List.

      The Select Variable Settings From List window displays.

      • To create a new set of variable settings, select Create Set.

        The following list provides commonly-updated variables for the Install component.

        variable set name

        Required. A name for the new variable set you create.


        A unique ID to associate a Domain Administration Server with an install image.


        The name of the domain you wish to create.


        The user name of the administrator of the domain or cluster.


        The password for the administrator login of the domain or cluster.


        The name of the host on which the Domain Administration Server will be installed.


        The HTTP port range prefix. For example, a value of 100 means the HTTP port range begin with 10000. The default value is 100.


        The HTTP listener port, used with portRangePrefix. The valid range is 1–65553. For port numbers 1–1024, superuser permissions are required. The default is portRangePrefix plus 00. If portRangePrefix is set to 100, the HTTP listener port is 10000.


        The HTTPS listener port, used with portRangePrefix. The valid range is 1–65553. For port numbers 1–1024, superuser permissions are required. The default is portRangePrefix plus 05. If portRangePrefix is set to 100, the HTTPS listener port is 10005.


        The default port number for the Domain Administration Server.


        The Internet Inter-Orb Protrocol (IIOP) listener port, used with portRangePrefix. The valid range is 1–65553. For port numbers 1–1024, superuser permissions are required. The default is portRangePrefix plus 10. If portRangePrefix is set to 100, the IIOP listener port is 10010.


        The SSL-enabled Internet Inter-Orb Protrocol (IIOP) listener port, used with portRangePrefix. The valid range is 1–65553. For port numbers 1–1024, superuser permissions are required. The default is portRangePrefix plus 15. If portRangePrefix is set to 100, the secure IIOP listener port is 10015.


        The SSL-enabled Internet Inter-Orb Protrocol (IIOP) listener port for mutual authorization, used with portRangePrefix. The valid range is 1–65553. For port numbers 1–1024, superuser permissions are required. The default is portRangePrefix plus 20. If portRangePrefix is set to 100, the mutual authorization secure IIOP listener port is 10020.


        The port on which the Java Messaging Service (JMS) connector listens. The valid range is 1–65553. For port numbers 1–1024, superuser permissions are required. The default is portRangePrefix plus 25. If portRangePrefix is set to 100, the JMS connector port is 10025.


        The location where the Application Server is installed.


        The password used for the keystore certificate. The default value is changeit.

      • To use variable components from another component, click Import Set.

        For more information about importing variable sets, see How to Run a Plan in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 Operation and Provisioning Guide.

  5. Select the target host.

    Install the Domain Administration Server and the domain on the Remote Agent.

  6. Deselect the Target Host Set checkbox.

  7. If you want to run a detailed check (preflight) before installing, select Perform Detailed Preflight.

  8. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

ProcedureHow To Create a Sun Java System App Server Instance

You can run multiple Application Server instances in each domain.

Before You Begin

Before you create an Application Server instance, you must do the following:

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS 8.1 AppServer infrastructure->SJSAS 8.1 Managed Server Instances click Manage.

  3. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to install: default.

  4. In the Plan Parameters area, select the variable settings for the managed server instance you want to install.

    • If the variable settings have been established for this component, select the appropriate settings from the menu.

    • If the settings are not available from the menu, click Select From List.

      The Select Variable Settings From List window displays.

      • To create a new set of variable settings, select Create Set.

        The following list provides commonly-updated variables for the Install component.

        variable set name

        Required. A name for the new variable set you create.


        A unique ID to associate an Application Server instance with an Install Component.


        The domain name in which this server instance will be located


        The name of the server.


        The HTTP port range prefix. For example, a value of 100 means the HTTP port range begin with 10000. The default value is 100.


        The HTTP listener port, used with portRangePrefix. The valid range is 1–65553. For port numbers 1–1024, superuser permissions are required. The default is portRangePrefix plus 00. If portRangePrefix is set to 100, the HTTP listener port is 10000.


        The HTTPS listener port, used with portRangePrefix. The valid range is 1–65553. For port numbers 1–1024, superuser permissions are required. The default is portRangePrefix plus 05. If portRangePrefix is set to 100, the HTTPS listener port is 10005.


        The Internet Inter-Orb Protocol (IIOP) listener port, used with portRangePrefix. The valid range is 1–65553. For port numbers 1–1024, superuser permissions are required. The default is portRangePrefix plus 10. If portRangePrefix is set to 100, the IIOP listener port is 10010.


        The SSL-enabled Internet Inter-Orb Protocol (IIOP) listener port, used with portRangePrefix. The valid range is 1–65553. For port numbers 1–1024, superuser permissions are required. The default is portRangePrefix plus 15. If portRangePrefix is set to 100, the secure IIOP listener port is 10015.


        The SSL-enabled Internet Inter-Orb Protocol (IIOP) listener port for mutual authorization, used with portRangePrefix. The valid range is 1–65553. For port numbers 1–1024, superuser permissions are required. The default is portRangePrefix plus 20. If portRangePrefix is set to 100, the mutual authorization secure IIOP listener port is 10020.


        This variable is not in use.


        The name of the cluster to which this server instance belongs. If no cluster is specified the server instance is a standalone server. By default no cluster is specified.

      • To use variable components from another component, click Import Set.

        For more information about importing variable sets, see How to Run a Plan in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 Operation and Provisioning Guide.

  5. Select the target host.

    Install the server instance on the Remote Agent.

  6. Deselect the Target Host Set checkbox.

  7. If you want to run a detailed check (preflight) before installing, select Perform Detailed Preflight.

  8. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

ProcedureHow To Create a Sun Java System App Server Cluster

A cluster is a collection of zero or more server instances with the following properties:

The server instances that constitute a cluster can run on the same machine, or can be located on different machines. Each cluster member in a cluster must run the same version of Application Server.

A cluster provides:

Before You Begin

Before you create a cluster, you must create a Domain Administration Server.

To create a cluster, you must belong to a user group that has the Run Component Procedures permission on the folder that contains the component. You must also have the Allow on Host Set permission for the host set on which you plan to deploy the component.

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS 8.1 AppServer infrastructure->SJSAS 8.1 clusters click Manage.

  3. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to install: default.

  4. In the Plan Parameters area, select the variable settings for the cluster you want to install.

    • If the variable settings have been established for this component, select the appropriate settings from the menu.

    • If the settings are not available from the menu, click Select From List.

      The Select Variable Settings From List window displays.

      • To create a new set of variable settings, select Create Set.

        The following list provides commonly-updated variables for the Install component.

        variable set name

        Required. A name for the new variable set you create.


        A unique ID to associate a Cluster with an Install Component.


        The domain name in which this cluster will be located


        The name of the cluster.


        The HTTP port range prefix. For example, a value of 100 means the HTTP port range begin with 10000. The default value is 100.


        The HTTP listener port, used with portRangePrefix. The valid range is 1–65553. For port numbers 1–1024, superuser permissions are required. The default is portRangePrefix plus 00. If portRangePrefix is set to 100, the HTTP listener port is 10000.


        The HTTPS listener port, used with portRangePrefix. The valid range is 1–65553. For port numbers 1–1024, superuser permissions are required. The default is portRangePrefix plus 05. If portRangePrefix is set to 100, the HTTPS listener port is 10005.


        The Internet Inter-Orb Protocol (IIOP) listener port, used with portRangePrefix. The valid range is 1–65553. For port numbers 1–1024, superuser permissions are required. The default is portRangePrefix plus 10. If portRangePrefix is set to 100, the IIOP listener port is 10010.


        The SSL-enabled Internet Inter-Orb Protocol (IIOP) listener port, used with portRangePrefix. The valid range is 1–65553. For port numbers 1–1024, superuser permissions are required. The default is portRangePrefix plus 15. If portRangePrefix is set to 100, the secure IIOP listener port is 10015.


        The SSL-enabled Internet Inter-Orb Protocol (IIOP) listener port for mutual authorization, used with portRangePrefix. The valid range is 1–65553. For port numbers 1–1024, superuser permissions are required. The default is portRangePrefix plus 20. If portRangePrefix is set to 100, the mutual authorization secure IIOP listener port is 10020.


        This variable is not in use.


        If true, applications deployed to this cluster will be load balanced. The default is false.


        If true, applications responding to HTTPS requests will be load balanced. This variable has no effect if httpLoadBalancer is false. The default is false.


        If true, the load balancer will route cookies. This variable has no effect if httpLoadBalancer is false. The default is false.

      • To use variable components from another component, click Import Set.

        For more information about importing variable sets, see How to Run a Plan in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 Operation and Provisioning Guide.

  5. Select the target host.

    Install the cluster on the Remote Agent.

  6. Deselect the Target Host Set checkbox.

  7. If you want to run a detailed check (preflight) before installing, select Perform Detailed Preflight.

  8. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Uninstall the Sun Java System App Server Software

  1. Click the AppServer 8.1 link under the Common Tasks section of the left control panel.

  2. Click the SJSAS 8.1 Install Management: Install or Uninstall link.

  3. Click the Run action next to uninstall: uninstallAppServer.

Managing Sun Java System App Server Instances and Clusters

This section describes how to maintain Sun Java System App Server managed server instances and clusters.

Managing Sun Java System App Server Domains and Domain Administration Servers

The following are component procedures for Sun Java System App Server 8.1 Domain Management:

install: default

Creates a domain on the target host and marks the component installed in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.

uninstall: default

Same as markOnly; marks the component and also the dependant components as uninstalled in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.

uninstall: deleteDomain

Deletes the domain from the target host and marks the component as uninstalled in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.


Starts the domain and the dependant components.


Stops the domain and the dependant components.


Verifies that the domain is running.


Starts the domain admin server.


Stops the domain admin server.


Lists all domains.

ProcedureHow to Remove a Sun Java System App Server Domain and Domain Administration Server

By removing an Application Server domain through the provisioning system, you automatically perform the following tasks:

Before You Begin

To remove an Application Server domain, you must belong to a user group that has the Run Component Procedures permission on the folder that contains the component. You must also have the Allow on Host Set permission for the host set on which you plan to run the component.

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS 8.1 AppServer infrastructure->SJSAS 8.1 domains click Manage.

  3. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to uninstall: default.

  4. Under Current Installations, select the domains that you would like to remove.

  5. Click the Run Selected Installations button.

  6. Click the Run Plan (Includes Preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Start a Complete Domain

Starting a complete domain starts the domain's Domain Administration Server if it is not currently running, all clusters in the domain, and all managed server instances in the domain.

Before You Begin

To start an Application Server domain, you must belong to a user group that has the Run Component Procedures permission on the folder that contains the component. You must also have the Allow on Host Set permission for the host set on which you plan to run the component.

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS 8.1 AppServer infrastructure->SJSAS 8.1 domains, click Manage.

  3. Under Component Procedures, click the Run action next to startCompleteDomain.

  4. Under Current Installations, select the domain that you would like to start.

  5. Click the Run Selected Installations button.

  6. Click the Run Plan (Includes Preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Stop a Complete Domain

Stopping a completed domain stops all running clusters and all running managed server instances for a particular domain.

Before You Begin

To stop an Application Server domain, you must belong to a user group that has the Run Component Procedures permission on the folder that contains the component. You must also have the Allow on Host Set permission for the host set on which you plan to run the component.

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS 8.1 AppServer infrastructure->SJSAS 8.1 domains click Manage.

  3. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to stopCompleteDomain.

  4. Under Current Installations, select the domain that you would like to stop.

  5. Click the Run Selected Installations button.

  6. Click the Run Plan (Includes Preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Start a Domain Administration Server

Before You Begin

To start an Application Server Domain Administration Server, you must belong to a user group that has the Run Component Procedures permission on the folder that contains the component. You must also have the Allow on Host Set permission for the host set on which you plan to run the component.

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS 8.1 AppServer infrastructure->SJSAS 8.1 domains click Manage.

  3. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to startDomainServer.

  4. Under Current Installations, select the domains that you would like to start.

  5. Click the Run Selected Installations button.

  6. Click the Run Plan (Includes Preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Stop a Domain Administration Server

Before You Begin

To stop an Application Server Domain Administration Server, you must belong to a user group that has the Run Component Procedures permission on the folder that contains the component. You must also have the Allow on Host Set permission for the host set on which you plan to run the component.

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS 8.1 AppServer infrastructure->SJSAS 8.1 domains click Manage.

  3. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to stopDomainServer.

  4. Under Current Installations, select the domains that you would like to stop.

  5. Click the Run Selected Installations button.

  6. Click the Run Plan (Includes Preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Verify a Domain Administration Server is Running

You can verify that a Domain Administration Server is running on a particular installation.

Before You Begin

To verify a Domain Administration Server is running, you must belong to a user group that has the Run Component Procedures permission on the folder that contains the component. You must also have the Allow on Host Set permission for the host set on which you plan to run the component.

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS 8.1 AppServer infrastructure->SJSAS 8.1 domains click Manage.

  3. Under Component Procedures, click the Run action next to verifyDomainServerRunning.

  4. Under Current Installations, select the domains that you would like to verify.

  5. Click the Run Selected Installations button.

  6. Click the Run Plan (Includes Preflight) button.

Managing Sun Java System App Server Clusters

The following are component procedures for Sun Java System App Server 8.1 Cluster Management:

install: default

Creates a cluster on the target host and marks the component as installed in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.

install: markOnly

Marks the component as installed in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database. This procedure does not create any dependency on other components.

uninstall: default

Similar to markOnly; marks the component and also dependant components as uninstalled in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.

uninstall: markOnly

Marks the component as uninstalled in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database. This procedure does not mark the dependant components as uninstalled in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.

uninstall: delete

Deletes the cluster from the target host. Marks the component as uninstalled, removes the component, and removes dependant components in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.


Starts the cluster. The cluster must contain one or more Managed Server components.


Stops the cluster.


Verifies that the cluster is running.

ProcedureHow to Remove a Sun Java System App Server Cluster

When you remove a cluster, all managed server instances associated with that cluster are also removed.

Before You Begin

To remove a cluster, you must belong to a user group that has the Run Component Procedures permission on the folder that contains the component. You must also have the Allow on Host Set permission for the host set on which you plan to deploy the component.

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS 8.1 AppServer infrastructure->SJSAS 8.1 clusters click Manage.

  3. Under Component Procedures, click the Run action next to uninstall: default.

  4. Under Current Installations, select the clusters that you would like to remove.

  5. Click the Run Selected Installations button.

  6. Click the Run Plan (Includes Preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Start a Sun Java System App Server Cluster

Before You Begin

To start a cluster, you must belong to a user group that has the Run Component Procedures permission on the folder that contains the component. You must also have the Allow on Host Set permission for the host set on which you plan to deploy the component.

A cluster is not a running instance, so when you start the cluster, you are actually starting the managed server instances associated with the cluster.

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS 8.1 AppServer infrastructure->SJSAS 8.1 clusters click Manage.

  3. Under Component Procedures, click the Run action next to start.

  4. Under Current Installations, select the clusters that you would like to start.

  5. Click the Run Selected Installations button.

  6. Click the Run Plan (Includes Preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Stop a Sun Java System App Server Cluster

Before You Begin

To stop a cluster, you must belong to a user group that has the Run Component Procedures permission on the folder that contains the component. You must also have the Allow on Host Set permission for the host set on which you plan to deploy the component.

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS 8.1 AppServer infrastructure->SJSAS 8.1 clusters click Manage.

  3. Under Component Procedures, click the Run action next to stop.

  4. Under Current Installations, select the clusters that you would like to stop.

  5. Click the Run Selected Installations button.

  6. Click the Run Plan (Includes Preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Verify a Sun Java System App Server Cluster is Running

Before You Begin

To verify a cluster, you must belong to a user group that has the Run Component Procedures permission on the folder that contains the component. You must also have the Allow on Host Set permission for the host set on which you plan to deploy the component.

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS 8.1 AppServer infrastructure->SJSAS 8.1 clusters click Manage.

  3. Under Component Procedures, click the Run action next to verifyClusterRunning.

  4. Under Current Installations, select the clusters that you would like to verify.

  5. Click the Run Selected Installations button.

  6. Click the Run Plan (Includes Preflight) button.

Managing Sun Java System App Server Instances

The following are component procedures for Sun Java System App Server 8.1 Managed Server Instance Management:

install: default

Creates a server instance on the target host, marks this component as installed in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database and creates the dependency.

install: markOnly

Marks the component as installed in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database and does not create any dependency.

uninstall: default

Marks the component and dependent components as uninstalled in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.

uninstall: markOnly

Marks the component as uninstalled in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database. This procedure does not mark the dependant components as uninstalled in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.

uninstall: delete

Deletes the server instance from the target host. Marks the component as uninstalled, removes the component, and removes dependant components in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.


Starts the server instances.


Stops the server instances.


Verifies that the server is running.

ProcedureHow to Remove a Sun Java System App Server Instance

Before You Begin

To remove a server instance you must belong to a user group that has the Run Component Procedures permission on the folder that contains the component. You must also have the Allow on Host Set permission for the host set on which you plan to deploy the component.

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS 8.1 AppServer infrastructure->SJSAS 8.1 Managed Server Instances click Manage.

  3. Under Component Procedures, click the Run action next to uninstall: default.

  4. Under Current Installations, select the server instances that you would like to remove.

  5. Click the Run Selected Installations button.

  6. Click the Run Plan (Includes Preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Start a Sun Java System App Server Instance

Before You Begin

To start a server instance, you must belong to a user group that has the Run Component Procedures permission on the folder that contains the component. You must also have the Allow on Host Set permission for the host set on which you plan to deploy the component.

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS 8.1 AppServer infrastructure->SJSAS 8.1 Managed Server Instances click Manage.

  3. Under Component Procedures, click the Run action next to start.

  4. Under Current Installations, select the server instances that you would like to start.

  5. Click the Run Selected Installations button.

  6. Click the Run Plan (Includes Preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Stop a Sun Java System App Server Instance

Before You Begin

To stop a server instance you must belong to a user group that has the Run Component Procedures permission on the folder that contains the component. You must also have the Allow on Host Set permission for the host set on which you plan to deploy the component.

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS 8.1 AppServer infrastructure->SJSAS 8.1 Managed Server Instances click Manage.

  3. Under Component Procedures, click the Run action next to stop.

  4. Under Current Installations, select the server instances that you would like to stop.

  5. Click the Run Selected Installations button.

  6. Click the Run Plan (Includes Preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Verify a Sun Java System App Server Instance is Running

Before You Begin

To verify a server instance is running you must belong to a user group that has the Run Component Procedures permission on the folder that contains the component. You must also have the Allow on Host Set permission for the host set on which you plan to deploy the component.

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS 8.1 AppServer infrastructure->SJSAS 8.1 Managed Server Instances click Manage.

  3. Under Component Procedures, click the Run action next to verifyServerRunning.

  4. Under Current Installations, select the server instance that you would like to verify.

  5. Click the Run Selected Installations button.

  6. Click the Run Plan (Includes Preflight) button.

Capturing and Managing Sun Java System App Server Applications

This section describes how to manage Sun Java System App Server applications.

The Sun Java System App Server Plug-In supports two types of application deployments:

Managing the Application is a two step process involving:

1. Capturing the Application in to the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System Master Server.

2. Installing and Uninstalling the Application.

ProcedureHow to Capture Sun Java System App Server Enterprise Applications

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS Application Tasks->Enterprise Applications (EARs) click Create New.

  3. Enter a component directory for this component. The com/sun/sjsas81 namespace is not valid.

  4. Enter a label for this component.

  5. Enter a description for this component.

  6. Enter the host where the EAR file is located.

    To select the host from a list, click Select From List.

  7. Navigate to the location of the EAR.

    1. If you know the path to the EAR, enter it in com.sun.sjsas81#EntappCT path.

    2. To browse the selected host, select the directory and click Open Highlighted Item.

  8. Select the EAR and click Open Highlighted Item.

  9. Click Check In Selected Item.

  10. Confirm the information on the check-in page, then click Continue to Check-in.

ProcedureHow to Capture Sun Java System App Server Web Applications

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS Application Tasks->Web Applications (WARs) click Create New.

  3. Enter a component directory for this component. The com/sun/sjsas81 namespace is not valid.

  4. Enter a label for this component.

  5. Enter a description for this component.

  6. Enter the host where the WAR file is located.

    To select the host from a list, click Select From List.

  7. Navigate to the location of the WAR.

    1. If you know the path to the WAR, enter it in com.sun.sjsas81#WebappCT path.

    2. To browse the selected host, select the directory and click Open Highlighted Item.

  8. Select the WAR and click Open Highlighted Item.

  9. Click Check In Selected Item.

  10. Confirm the information on the check-in page, then click Continue to Check-in.

Managing Sun Java System App Server Enterprise Applications

The following are component procedures for the Sun Java System App Server EAR Management:

install: default

Deploys the EAR to the target host and marks the component installed in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.

install: markOnly

Marks the component installed in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.

uninstall: default

Undeploys the EAR from the target host and marks the component as uninstalled in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.

uninstall: markOnly

Marks the component as uninstalled in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.

ProcedureHow to Install a Sun Java System App Server Enterprise Application

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS Application Tasks->Enterprise Applications (EARs) click View All.

  3. Click the name of the EAR you want to install.

  4. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to install: default.

  5. In the Plan Parameters area, select the variable settings for the EAR you want to install.

    • If the variable settings have been established for this component, select the appropriate settings from the menu.

    • If the settings are not available from the menu, click Select From List.

      The Select Variable Settings From List window displays.

      • To create a new set of variable settings, select Create Set.

        The following list provides commonly-updated variables for the Install component.

        variable set name

        Required. A name for the new variable set you create.


        A unique ID to associate the EAR with an Install component.


        The domain name in which this EAR will be installed


        The cluster name or server instance where the EAR will be deployed.

      • To use variable components from another component, click Import Set.

        For more information about importing variable sets, see How to Run a Plan in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 Operation and Provisioning Guide.

  6. Select the target host.

  7. Deselect the Target Host Set checkbox.

  8. If you want to run a detailed check (preflight) before installing, select Perform Detailed Preflight.

  9. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Uninstall a Sun Java System App Server Enterprise Application

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS Application Tasks->Enterprise Applications (EARs) click View All.

  3. Click the name of the EAR you want to uninstall.

  4. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to uninstall: default.

  5. Select the installation from which you want the EAR removed.

  6. Click the Run Selected Installations button.

  7. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

Managing Sun Java System App Server Web Applications

The following are component procedures for the Sun Java System App Server WAR Management:

install: default

Deploys the WAR to the target host and marks the component installed in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.

install: markOnly

Marks the component installed in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.

uninstall: default

Undeploys the WAR from the target host and marks the component as uninstalled in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.

uninstall: markOnly

Marks the component as uninstalled in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.

ProcedureHow to Install a Sun Java System App Server Web Application

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS Application Tasks->Web Applications (WARs) click View All.

  3. Click the name of the WAR you want to install.

  4. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to install: default.

  5. In the Plan Parameters area, select the variable settings for the WAR you want to install.

    • If the variable settings have been established for this component, select the appropriate settings from the menu.

    • If the settings are not available from the menu, click Select From List.

      The Select Variable Settings From List window displays.

      • To create a new set of variable settings, select Create Set.

        The following list provides commonly-updated variables for the Install component.

        variable set name

        Required. A name for the new variable set you create.


        A unique ID to associate the WAR with an Install component.


        The domain name in which this WAR will be installed


        The cluster name or server instance where the WAR will be deployed.

      • To use variable components from another component, click Import Set.

        For more information about importing variable sets, see How to Run a Plan in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 Operation and Provisioning Guide.

  6. Select the target host.

  7. Deselect the Target Host Set checkbox.

  8. Under Plan Variables set the context root of the web application.

  9. If you want to run a detailed check (preflight) before installing, select Perform Detailed Preflight.

  10. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Uninstall a Sun Java System App Server Web Application

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS Application Tasks->Web Applications (WARs) click View All.

  3. Click the name of the WAR you want to uninstall.

  4. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to uninstall: default.

  5. Select the installation from which you want the WAR removed.

  6. Click the Run Selected Installations button.

  7. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

Managing Sun Java System App Server Resources

This section describes how to manage Sun Java System App Server resources: JMS resources, JDBC resources, and thread pools.

Managing Java Messaging Service (JMS) Resources

The following are component procedures for Sun Java System App Server 8.1 JMS Resource Management:

install: default

Marks the component as installed in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.

uninstall: default

Marks the component as uninstalled in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.


Creates a JMS Resource on the target host.


Deletes a JMS Resource from the target host.


Lists JMS Resources.

ProcedureHow to Install a JMS Resource on a Host

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS AppServer Resources->SJSAS 8.1 JMS Resource click Manage JMS Resources.

  3. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to install: default.

  4. In the Plan Parameters area, select the variable settings for the JMS Resource you want to install.

    • If the variable settings have been established for this component, select the appropriate settings from the menu.

    • If the settings are not available from the menu, click Select From List.

      The Select Variable Settings From List window displays.

      • To create a new set of variable settings, select Create Set.

        The following list provides commonly-updated variables for the Install component.

        variable set name

        Required. A name for the new variable set you create.


        A unique ID to associate the JMS Resource with an Install component.


        The domain name in which this JMS Resource will be located

      • To use variable components from another component, click Import Set.

        For more information about importing variable sets, see How to Run a Plan in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 Operation and Provisioning Guide.

  5. Select the target host.

  6. Deselect the Target Host Set checkbox.

  7. If you want to run a detailed check (preflight) before installing, select Perform Detailed Preflight.

  8. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Create a JMS Resource

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS AppServer Resources->SJSAS 8.1 JMS Resource click Manage JMS Resources.

  3. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to createJMSResource.

  4. Select the installation on which you want to create the JMS resource.

  5. Under Plan Variables:

    1. Select the resource type. It can be one of:

      • Topic

      • Queue

      • ConnectionFactory

      • TopicConnectionFactory

      • QueueConnectionFactory

    2. Enter the JNDI name for the resource.

    3. Enter the target cluster or server name where the resource will be created.

    4. (Optional) Enter a description of the resource.

    5. Enter any JMS properties, separated by colons (:).

      Valid property names are:

      • ClientId

      • AddressList

      • MessageServiceAddressList

      • UserName

      • Password

      • ReconnectEnabled

      • ReconnectAttempts

      • ReconnectInterval

      • AddressListBehavior

      • AddressListIterations

  6. Click Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Delete a JMS Resource

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS AppServer Resources->SJSAS 8.1 JMS Resource click Manage JMS Resources.

  3. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to deleteJMSResource.

  4. Select the installation on which you want to delete the JMS resource.

  5. Under Plan Variables:

    1. Enter the JNDI name of the resource you want to delete.

    2. Enter the target name of the resource you want to delete.

  6. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

Managing Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Resources

The following are component procedures for Sun Java System App Server 8.1 JDBC Resource and Connection Pool Management:

install: default

Marks the component as installed in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.

uninstall: default

Marks the component as uninstalled in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.


Creates a JDBC Resource on the target host.


Deletes a JDBC Resource from the target host.


Lists JDBC Resources.


Creates a JDBC connection pool on the target host.


Deletes a JDBC connection pool from the target host.


Lists JDBC connection pools.

ProcedureHow to Install a JDBC Resource on a Host

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS AppServer Resources->SJSAS 8.1 JDBC Resource click Manage JDBC Resources.

  3. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to install: default.

  4. In the Plan Parameters area, select the variable settings for the JDBC Resource you want to install.

    • If the variable settings have been established for this component, select the appropriate settings from the menu.

    • If the settings are not available from the menu, click Select From List.

      The Select Variable Settings From List window displays.

      • To create a new set of variable settings, select Create Set.

        The following list provides commonly-updated variables for the Install component.

        variable set name

        Required. A name for the new variable set you create.


        A unique ID to associate the JDBC Resource with an Install component.


        The domain name in which this JDBC Resource will be located

      • To use variable components from another component, click Import Set.

        For more information about importing variable sets, see How to Run a Plan in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 Operation and Provisioning Guide.

  5. Select the target host.

  6. Deselect the Target Host Set checkbox.

  7. If you want to run a detailed check (preflight) before installing, select Perform Detailed Preflight.

  8. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Create a JDBC Resource

Before You Begin

A JDBC Connection Pool must be created before creating a JDBC Resource.

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS AppServer Resources->SJSAS 8.1 JDBC Resource click Manage JDBC Resources.

  3. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to createJDBCResource.

  4. Select the installation on which you want to create the JDBC resource.

  5. Under Plan Variables:

    1. Set the name of the Connection Pool.

    2. Enter the JNDI name for the resource.

    3. Enter the target cluster or server name where the resource will be created.

    4. (Optional) Enter a description of the resource.

    5. Enter any JDBC properties, separated by colons (:).

  6. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Delete a JDBC Resource

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS AppServer Resources->SJSAS 8.1 JDBC Resource click Manage JDBC Resources.

  3. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to deleteJDBCResource.

  4. Select the installation on which you want to delete the JDBC resource.

  5. Under Plan Variables:

    1. Enter the JNDI name of the resource you want to delete.

    2. Enter the target cluster or server instance name of the resource you want to delete.

  6. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to List JDBC Resources

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS AppServer Resources->SJSAS 8.1 JDBC Resource click Manage JDBC Resources.

  3. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to listJDBCResources.

  4. Select the installation on which you want to list the JDBC resources.

  5. Under Plan Variables enter the target cluster or server instance name on which you want to list the JDBC Resources.

  6. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Create a JDBC Connection Pool

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS AppServer Resources->SJSAS 8.1 JDBC Resource click Manage JDBC Resources.

  3. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to createJDBCConnectionPool.

  4. Select the installation on which you want to create the connection pool.

  5. Under Plan Variables:

    1. Set the name of the Connection Pool.

    2. (Optional) Enter a description of the connection pool.

    3. Enter the JDBC data source resource manager for your connection pool.

    4. Enter the interface the data source class implements.

      Valid entries are:

      • DataSource

      • ConnectionPoolDataSource

      • XADataSource

    5. Enter the minimum number of connections created by the pool.

    6. Enter the maximum number of connections maintained by the pool.

    7. Enter the number of connections to be removed when the time out timer expires.

    8. Enter the maximum number of seconds a connection can be idle in the pool.

    9. Enter the transaction isolation level for the connection pool.

      Valid entries are:

      • read-uncommitted

      • read-committed

      • repeatable-read

      • serializable

      If the entry is blank, the default isolation level of the JDBC driver is used.

    10. Specify whether the connections should be validated before being allocated to an application. Valid entries are true or false.

    11. Enter any attribute name/value pairs for the JDBC driver.

  6. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Delete a JDBC Connection Pool

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS AppServer Resources->SJSAS 8.1 JDBC Resource click Manage JDBC Resources.

  3. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to deleteJDBCConnectionPool.

  4. Select the installation on which you want to delete the JDBC Connection Pools.

  5. Under Plan Variables:

    1. Enter the name of the connection pool you want to delete.

    2. Specify whether all connector resources associated with the connection pool should also be deleted. Valid entries are true or false.

  6. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to List JDBC Connection Pools

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS AppServer Resources->SJSAS 8.1 JDBC Resource click Manage JDBC Resources.

  3. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to listJDBCConnectionPools.

  4. Select the installation on which you want to list the JDBC Connection Pools.

  5. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

Managing Thread Pool Resources

The following are component procedures for Sun Java System App Server 8.1 Thread Pool Management:

install: default

Marks the component as installed in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.

uninstall: default

Marks the component as uninstalled in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System database.


Creates a Thread Pool Resource on the target host.


Deletes a Thread Pool Resource from the target host.


Lists Thread Pool Resources.

ProcedureHow to Install a Thread Pool Resource on a Host

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS AppServer Resources->SJSAS 8.1 Threadpool Resource click Manage Threadpool Resources.

  3. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to install: default.

  4. In the Plan Parameters area, select the variable settings for the Thread Pool Resource you want to install.

    • If the variable settings have been established for this component, select the appropriate settings from the menu.

    • If the settings are not available from the menu, click Select From List.

      The Select Variable Settings From List window displays.

      • To create a new set of variable settings, select Create Set.

        The following list provides commonly-updated variables for the Install component.

        variable set name

        Required. A name for the new variable set you create.


        A unique ID to associate the thread pool resource with an Install component.


        The domain name in which this thread pool resource will be located

      • To use variable components from another component, click Import Set.

        For more information about importing variable sets, see How to Run a Plan in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 Operation and Provisioning Guide.

  5. Select the target host.

  6. Deselect the Target Host Set checkbox.

  7. If you want to run a detailed check (preflight) before installing, select Perform Detailed Preflight.

  8. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Create a Thread Pool Resource

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS AppServer Resources->SJSAS 8.1 Threadpool Resource click Manage Threadpool Resources.

  3. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to createThreadpool.

  4. Select the installation on which you want to create the thread pool.

  5. Under Plan Variables:

    1. Enter the thread pool ID.

    2. Enter the maximum number of threads in the thread pool servicing requests.

    3. Enter the minimum number of threads in the thread pool servicing requests.

    4. Enter the idle time out value, in seconds, after which idle threads will be returned to the pool.

    5. Enter the total number of work queues serviced by the thread pool.

    6. Enter the cluster or server instance name on which the thread pool will be created.

  6. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to Delete a Thread Pool Resource

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS AppServer Resources->SJSAS 8.1 Threadpool Resource click Manage Threadpool Resources.

  3. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to deleteThreadpool.

  4. Select the installation on which you want to delete the thread pool.

  5. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

ProcedureHow to List Threadpools on a Target

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click AppServer 8.1.

  2. Under SJSAS AppServer Resources->SJSAS 8.1 Threadpool Resource click Manage Threadpool Resources.

  3. Under Component Procedures click the Run action next to listThreadpools.

  4. Select the installation on which you want to list the thread pools.

  5. Under Plan Variables enter the target cluster or server instance name on which you want to list the thread pools.

  6. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.


This section describes common problem you might encounter while using the Sun Java System Application Server Plug-In 3.0.

If You Encounter Errors When Running a Task

If you encounter an error when running a task, double check that you didn't make these common mistakes.

Check Your Variable Values

When you create a variable set used by a plan, it is easy to enter the wrong variable value. For example, you might incorrectly enter a cluster name instead of a domain name.

Unavailable Ports

When entering ports in a variable set, check to make sure the ports are available on the target host.

Component Directory Namespace Problems When Installing Applications

The com.sun.sjsas81 namespace is invalid for user-supplied applications. When you enter a component directory for an application, make sure you change the namespace, as com.sun.sjsas81 is selected by default.

Problems During Installation

If you encounter errors when trying to install plug-in components, make sure the sourceImage variable points to a directory containing a valid install image of Sun Java System App Server.

Problems in Plug-In Deletion

The user should make sure he uninstalls/deletes even the hidden components before deleting a plug-in. More details on plug-in deletion can be found in a ReadMe.txt file after importing the plug-in.