Troubleshooting Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7

Deployment Options

You can choose to deploy Proxylet for the entire enterprise domain which completely eliminates the need to use Rewriter or use Proxylet only for applications that cannot be configured using the Rewriter.

Option 1 — Deploying Proxylet in an Enterprise Domain

  1. Add a rule to the Proxylet Rules field for enterprise domain. For example, enterprise domain: proxylethost: proxyletport. The Proxylet channel displays a link.

  2. Launch Proxylet by default. Clicking the link downloads Proxylet and reloads the portal desktop page. Using the rules defined in Step 1, the portal desktop page is displayed through the Proxylet.

Option 2 — Deploying Proxylet for Selected Applications

  1. Add multiple rules to the Proxylet Rules field for each of the application domain and sub-domain. For example, application domain:proxylethost:proxyletport.

  2. Add application URLs to the appurls collection property of Proxylet Channel properties.

    The Proxylet channel displays the application URLs.

  3. Click any one of the URLs to download the Proxylet and redirect the browser to the selected application.