Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for Sun Java System Web Server 7.0

ProcedureTo Launch the Installation Program of Agent for Sun Java System Web Server 7.0

To launch the installation program, perform the following steps:

  1. Change to the following directory:


    Information about the PolicyAgent-base directory is provided in Location of the Web Agent Base Directory in Policy Agent 2.2.

    The PolicyAgent-base/bin directory contains the agentadmin program, which is used for installing this and other web agents developed in the OpenSSO project. The agentadmin program is used to perform a variety of other tasks as well. For more information on the agentadmin program, see Introduction of the agentadmin Program in Web Agents for Policy Agent 2.2.

  2. Issue the following command:

    ./agentadmin --install
  3. (Conditional) If you receive license agreement information, accept or reject the agreement prompts. If you reject any portion of the agreement, the program will end.

    The license agreement is displayed only during the first run of the agentadmin program.

Next Steps

Next, you must interact with the installation program as described in the following section, Using the Installation Program of Agent for Sun Java System Web Server 7.0. Read the entire section before proceeding to the example installation interaction provided in Example of Installation Program Interaction in Agent for Sun Java System Web Server 7.0.