Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for Microsoft IIS 6.0 With Outlook Web Access 2007/SharePoint 2007

Microsoft Office SharePoint and Outlook Web Access: Configuring the Agent

You should come to this section after you have installed the agent as described in Installing Agent for Microsoft IIS 6.0.

Perform the tasks that follow if you are installing Agent for Microsoft IIS 6.0 to protect Microsoft Office SharePoint or Outlook Web Access.

ProcedureMicrosoft Office SharePoint and Outlook Web Access: To Configure the Agent

  1. Verify that settings are correct in the defaultConfig file.

    If settings are incorrect, edit as required.

    For this task, the defaultConfig file is a place holder that you must replace with the name of the agent configuration file created in To Create Configuration Files: Agent for Microsoft IIS 6.0.

  2. Change to the following directory:

  3. Issue the appropriate command (be aware that the command is case sensitive):

    • Outlook Web Access

      cscript OwaAdmin.vbs -config defaultConfig
    • Microsoft Office SharePoint

      cscript SPAdmin.vbs -config defaultConfig
      OwaAdmin.vbs & SPAdmin.vbs

      VB scripts that can be used to install the required ISAPI filter. The OwaAdmin.vbs script installs the ISAPI filter amowafilter64.dll while the SPAdmin.vbs script installs the ISAPI filter amsharepointfilter32.dll.


      The option that allows the output to be used to configure Agent for Microsoft IIS 6.0 to protect Microsoft Office SharePoint or Outlook Web Access.

  4. Accept the default when presented with the following prompt:

    Enter the Agent Resource File Name [IIS6Resource.en]:

    The preceding prompt appears in the following context:

    Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.
    Copyright c 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved
    Use is subject to license terms
    Enter the Agent Resource File Name [IIS6Resource.en]:

    After you accept the default, a message such as the following should appear:

    Creating the Agent Config Directory
    Creating the File
    Updating the Windows Product Registry
    Completed Configuring the IIS 6.0 Agent

If you experience difficulty after issuing the OwaAdmin.vbs script or the SPAdmin.vbs script, see the related troubleshooting symptom, Troubleshooting Symptom 3.

ProcedureMicrosoft SharePoint and Outlook Web Access: To Edit the Agent Properties File

This section applies to both Microsoft Office SharePoint and Outlook Web Access. For the task presented in this section, you must edit the web agent configuration file.

If you are installing this agent to protect Outlook Web Access, more configuration is required, some of which also involves editing the web agent configuration file. Those instructions are presented in Outlook Web Access Only: Configuring Agent for Microsoft IIS 6.0.

The instructions provided in this section are similar to the instructions for adding the property, to the configuration file as described in Microsoft SharePoint and Outlook Web Access: To Prepare for Installation.

The same property and respective value added to the configuration file must now be added to the web agent configuration file.

For information about the location of the web agent configuration file, see Locating the Web Agent Configuration File.

  1. Open the web agent configuration file.

  2. Add the following property to the file:
  3. Copy the string from the des_key.txt file.

    For more information on the des_key.txt file, see Microsoft SharePoint and Outlook Web Access: To Prepare for Installation.

  4. Add the copied string as the value of the property.

    For example, if the string in the des_key.txt file is wuqUJyr=5Gc=, then the new property would be set as follows: = wuqUJyr=5Gc=
  5. (Conditional) If you are configuring the agent for Microsoft SharePoint, save and close the web agent configuration file.

Next Steps

At this point, the next task to be implemented varies depending on if you are deploying this agent to protect Microsoft Office SharePoint or Outlook Web Access.

If you are installing this agent to protect Microsoft Office SharePoint, continue to the next section, Microsoft Office SharePoint Only: Configuring Agent for Microsoft IIS 6.0, to complete an additional configuration task specific to Microsoft Office SharePoint.

If you are installing this agent to protect Outlook Web Access, skip to Outlook Web Access Only: Configuring Agent for Microsoft IIS 6.0, to complete additional configuration tasks specific to Outlook Web Access.

ProcedureMicrosoft Office SharePoint and Outlook Web Access: To Add a New System Environment Variable for NSPR Threads

This is a required task. The system environment variable added in this task is used internally by the NSPR libraries.

  1. Add a new System environment variable for NSPR threads as follows:


    The value is as follows:


  2. Restart the Microsoft IIS 6.0 server.