Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for Microsoft IIS 6.0 With Outlook Web Access 2007/SharePoint 2007

Troubleshooting Symptom 3

Symptom: This troubleshooting symptom applies when Agent for Microsoft IIS 6.0 protects Microsoft Office SharePoint or Outlook Web Access. After issuing the appropriate configuration command (OwaAdmin.vbs -config defaultConfig for the Outlook Web Access 2007 version of this agent or SPAdmin.vbs -config defaultConfig for the Microsoft Office SharePoint 2007 version of this agent), one of the following messages appear, depending on the version of this agent:

For Outlook Web Access 2007:

"C:\Agents\iis_v6_WINNT_agent\web_agents\iis6_agent\bin\OwaAdmin.vbs (null): Cannot create a file when that file already exists. "

For Microsoft Office SharePoint 2007”

"C:\Agents\iis_v6_WINNT_agent\web_agents\iis6_agent\bin\SPAdmin.vbs(307, 4) (null): Cannot create a file when that file already exists."

Possible Cause: As explained in the preceding messages, a .dll file was manually removed and not reloaded with the same name.

For Outlook Web Access 2007:

The amowafilter64.dll file was manually removed and not loaded back with the same name "amowafilter."

For Microsoft Office SharePoint 2007:

The amsharepointfilter32.dll was manually removed and not loaded back with the same name "amspfilter".

Possible Solution: As explained in the preceding messages, issue the appropriate scripts to clear the first issuance and to then reissue the original command.

For Outlook Web Access 2007:

Run the command cscript OwaAdmin.vbs -unconfig c:\amconfig.txt followed by cscript OwaAdmin.vbs -config c:\amconfig.txt.

For Microsoft Office SharePoint 2007:

Run the command cscript SPAdmin.vbs -unconfig c:\amconfig.txt followed bycscript SPAdmin.vbs -config c:\amconfig.txt.