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Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 6
Deployment Problems

This chapter addresses problems that you may encounter while deploying applications in the Sun™ Open Net Environment (ONE) Application Server 7 environment.

The following sections are contained in this chapter:

EJB Problems

CMP Problems

Consider the following:

Are you using a supported JDBC driver?

For a list of the supported JDBC drivers for the Application Server, refer to the Sun ONE Application Server Platform Summary.

Ant Problems

Consider the following:

Can’t run Ant remotely.

To run Ant from a remote machine, the Ant utility must be installed on that machine. You can deploy to the remote machine using the Administration interface, and you can use the asadmin command or the Sun ONE Studio for deployment on the remote machine.

Additionally, the default settings that are set up during Application Server installation assume the local instance to be the target for all administrator operations from asant (deployment, resource registration, and so on). This can be changed by editing the install_dir/samples/ file. This file is referred to by all the samples that use common.xml, that is, most of the samples. A variety of settings can be customized: admin host, port, user, password, target instance, and so on.


Edit the file to set the values for the remote machine or instance and run the following command on the sample.

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