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Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 72 Topic Set

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User Guide

Installing the Switch

Administering the Switch

Servicing the Switch


Understanding the Commands

Understanding Hardware Commands

checkboot Command

checkpower Command

checkvoltages Command

connector Command

disablesm Command

disableswitchport Command

enablesm Command

enableswitchport Command

env_test Command

getfanspeed Command

getportstatus Command

i4reset Command

listlinkup Command

managementreset Command

nm2version Command

readchfru Command

setlinkspeed Command

setsmpriority Command

showtemps Command

showunhealthy Command

Understanding InfiniBand Commands

ibaddr Command

ibcheckerrors Command

ibchecknet Command

ibchecknode Command

ibcheckport Command

ibcheckportstate Command

ibcheckportwidth Command

ibcheckstate Command

ibcheckwidth Command

ibclearcounters Command

ibclearerrors Command

ibdatacounters Command

ibdatacounts Command

ibdiagnet Command

ibdiagpath Command

ibhosts Command

ibnetdiscover Command

ibnodes Command

ibportstate Command

ibroute Command

ibstatus Command

ibswitches Command

ibsysstat Command

ibtracert Command

opensm Command

opensmd Daemon

osmtest Command

perfquery Command

saquery Command

sminfo Command

smpdump Command

smpquery Command


osmtest Command

Runs the InfiniBand Subnet Manager and administration test program.


osmtest [-f c|a|v|s|e|f|m|q|t][-w time][-dopt][-m lid][-g guid][-p][-i filename][-sopt][-Mopt][-t timeout][-l path][-v][-vf flags][-h]



The osmtest command creates an inventory file of all available nodes, ports, and path records, and compares the file with a previously created file. After the first run of OpenSM, you can create the inventory file with the -f c option. At a later time, you can run osmtest -f v to identify where there have been changes.

The osmtest command conducts the following tests:


The following table describes the options to the osmtest command and their purposes:

Directs osmtest to run a specific test flow:
  • c – Creates an inventory file with all nodes, ports, and paths.

  • a – Runs all validation tests.

  • v – Validates only the given inventory file.

  • s – Runs service registration, deregistration, and lease tests.

  • e – Runs the event forwarding test.

  • f – Floods the Subnet Administrator with queries according to the stress mode.

  • m – Multicast flow.

  • q – Quality of Service information, dumps the VLarb and SL2VL tables.

  • t – Runs trap 64/65 flow.

Specifies the wait time for the trap 64/65 flow.
Specifies debug and an option to the debug. The value of -dopt is as follows:
  • -d0 – Ignore other Subnet Manager nodes.

  • -d1 – Force single threaded dispatching.

  • -d2 – Force log flushing after each log message.

  • -d3 – Disable multicast support

Specifies the maximum LID to be searched during the inventory file build.
Binds OpenSM to the local port of guid value. If no value for guid is provided, OpenSM will display available GUIDs and wait for user input.
Displays a list of available port GUIDs to which osmtest could bind.
Specifies the filename of the inventory file. The default is osmtest.dat.
Runs the specified stress test instead of the normal test suite. The value of -sopt is as follows:
  • -s1 – Single management datagram response Subnet Administrator queries.

  • -s2 – Multimanagement datagram RMPP response Subnet Administrator queries.

  • -s3 – Multimanagement datagram RMPP path record Subnet Administrator queries.

Specifies length of multicast test. The value of -Mopt is as follows:
  • -M1 – Short multicast flow, single mode.

  • -M2 – Short multicast flow, multiple mode.

  • -M3 – Long multicast flow, single mode.

  • -M4 – Long multicast flow, multiple mode.

In single mode, osmtest is tested alone. In multiple mode, osmtest is run with other applications using multicast with OpenSM.

Overrides the default timeout.
Sets the log file to be path. The default action is to direct the log to standard output.
Increases the log verbosity.
Sets the log verbosity to maximum. The same as -vf 0xFF
Sets the log verbosity according to the following bit flags:
  • 0x01ERROR (error messages)

  • 0x02INFO (basic messages, low volume)

  • 0x04VERBOSE (moderate volume)

  • 0x08DEBUG (diagnostic, high volume)

  • 0x10FUNCS (function entry and exit, very high volume)

  • 0x20FRAMES (dumps all SMP and GMP frames)

  • 0x40ROUTING (dumps FDB routing information)

The default is ERROR + INFO, or 0x03. The option -vf 0 turns off all log messaging.

Note - High verbosity levels might require increasing the transaction timeout with the -t timeout option.

Displays usage information.

The following example shows how to run all validation tests with the osmtest command.

# osmtest -f a
Command Line Arguments
Done with args
    Flow = All Validations
Aug 13 23:00:48 919475 [B7E7B6C0] 0x7f -> Setting log level to: 0x03
Aug 13 23:00:48 920209 [B7E7B6C0] 0x02 -> osm_vendor_init: 1000 pending umads specified
using default guid 0x21283a8620b0f0
Aug 13 23:00:48 930634 [B7E7B6C0] 0x02 -> osm_vendor_bind: Binding to port 0x21283a8620b0f0
Aug 13 23:00:48 957644 [B7E7B6C0] 0x02 -> osmtest_validate_sa_class_port_info: 
SA Class Port Info:
Aug 13 23:00:48 962010 [B7E7B6C0] 0x01 -> osmtest_validate_node_data: Checking node 0x0021283a8620b0a0, LID 0x14
Aug 13 23:00:48 962226 [B7E7B6C0] 0x01 -> osmtest_validate_node_data: Checking node 0x0021283a8620b0b0, LID 0x15
Aug 13 23:01:03 083751 [B7E7B6C0] 0x02 -> osmt_delete_service_by_name: Trying to Delete service name: osmt.srvc.719885380.7487
Aug 13 23:01:03 084267 [B7E7B6C0] 0x02 -> osmtest_run: The event forwarding flow is not implemented yet!
OSMTEST: TEST "All Validations" PASS

Note - The output in the example is just a portion of the full output.

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