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User Commandshadbm-addnodes(1)


 hadbm addnodes - adds new nodes to the named database, initializes devices for the new nodes, and refragments the schema


 hadbm addnodes [no-refragment] [spares=spare_count] [historypath=path] [devicepath=path] [ [set=attribute_name_value_list] [dbpassword=password| dbpasswordfile=file] [agent=maurl] [adminpassword=password | adminpasswordfile=filename] hosts=host_list [dbname] ]


Use the hadbm addnodes command to add new nodes to the named database, initialize the devices for the new nodes, and refragment the schema. The number of spares identified is the number of spares to be alloted from the host list as specified in the hosts option. Hosts must be specified in pairs. All the active nodes in the database should be running when executing the hadbm addnodes command (this means the database has at least FaultTolerant or HAFaultTolerant state). If the database is not specified, the default database is used. The database is restarted without loss of service after adding the nodes.

Refragmentation, though time consuming, is needed to store the data on the newly created nodes. You can elect to perform refragmentation during node creation (default). However, if you have chosen no-refragment, you can refragment later by using the hadbm refragment command. The database is available during refragmentation.

Data devices must have 50% free space to accomodate the old and new copies of the user data during refragmentation.


w adminpassword

The actual HADBM administation password.

W adminpasswordfile

The file from which the HADBM administration password is read.

m agent

Identifies the URL to the Management Agent(s) (hostlist:port).

r no-fragment

If this option is specified or set to true, refragmentation is not performed on the database after adding the nodes . If the option is not specified, or set to false (default), the database is refragmented after adding the nodes. All tables are refragmented over all nodes; including the new nodes.

s spares

Identifies the number of hosts to be used as spares out of the new nodes that are added.

t historypath

The path for the database history files.

d devicepath

The path for the data and log devices. The path to the device must already exist. To set the path differently for each node or device, use the set option. There are three types of devices:

  • DataDevice

  • NiLogDevice (node internal log device

  • RelalgDevice (relational algebra query device)

p dbpassword

The password string for the system user of the database. The minimum length of the password must be 8 characters. You can identify either the database password, or for higher security, the password file where the password is defined.

P dbpasswordfile

Identifies the file containing the password to be used for the system user of the database.

S set

Identifies the configuration parameters that will be set to the database. Must be specified as a comma-separated list of database configuration attributes in name=value format.

Use this option to set a different devicepath for each node or each device. The syntax for each name=value pair is:


Where: -devicenumber is only required if the device is a DataDevice.

For example: Node-0.DataDevice-0.DevicePath=/disk0. Any device path that is not set for a particular node or device defaults to the devicepath value.

H hosts

A comma-separated list of new host names for the new nodes in the database. Duplicates are allowed; this creates multiple nodes on the same machine with different port numbers. Keep the mirror nodes on separate DRUs for deployment. One node is created for each comma-separated item in the list. The number of nodes must be even.

If the database is already created with double network configuration, the nodes being added should also support that same configuration. They should have two NIC cards and the hosts option should define the IP addresses for them.



The name of the database. The default database is hadb.


Example 1. Using addnodes
hadbm addnodes --dbpasswordfile=/home/hadb/dbpfile 
--hosts host8,host9 mydatabase
Nodes successfully added to the database
Example 2. Using addnodes with spares identified
hadbm addnodes --dbpasswordfile=/home/hadb/dbpfile 
--spares=2 --hosts=host8,host9 mydatabase
Nodes successfully added to the database
Example 3. Using addnodes without a password
hadbm addnodes --hosts=host7,host8
Please enter password for system user:
Nodes successfully added to the database



command executed successfully


error in executing the command



specified database does not exist


host unreachable


hosts not added in pairs


invalid database state


database could not be refragmented (if no-refragment is not set)


specified number of spares could not be allocated


path on host does not exist


path on host needs write permissions


database state deteriorated


refragmentation cannot be done


database not refragmented (if no-refragment is set. )


hadbm-create-1(1)hadbm-clear(1), hadbm-delete(1), hadbm-list(1)hadbm-refragment(1), hadbm-restart(1), hadbm-start(1), hadbm-status(1), hadbm-stop(1)

J2EE SDK 1.4Go To TopLast Changed 22 Dec 2004