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Sun Java System Application Server Standard and Enterprise Edition 7 2004Q2 Update 2 Utility Reference

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
 add-iiop-cluster-endpoint.1 adds an IIOP endpoint to the IIOP cluster.
 add-resources.1registers the named resource in the XML file specified.
 appclient.1mlaunches the Application Client Container and invokes the client application packaged in the application JAR file
 asadmin.1mutility for performing administrative tasks for the Sun Java System Application Server
 asadmin-clear-session-store.1clears all the sessions from the persistent store
 asant.1mlaunches the Jakarta Ant tool
 asmigrate.1mautomates migration of J2EE applications from other J2EE platforms to Sun Java System Application Server
 capture-schema.1m stores the database metadata (schema) in a file for use in mapping and execution
 cladmin.1m runs certain asadmin commands simultaneously on all application server instances in a cluster
 clsetup.1m automates the cluster setup process
 create-acl.1adds a new access control list file for the named instance
 create-authdb.1adds the new authorized database for the named instance
 create-auth-realm.1adds the new authorized realm for the named instance
 create-custom-resource.1registers the custom resource to the named instance
 create-domain.1creates a domain with the given name
 create-file-user.1creates a new file user
 create-http-listener.1adds a new HTTP listener socket
 create-http-qos.1creates a new quality of service parameter for the named instance
 create-iiop-listener.1adds the IIOP listener for the named instance
 create-instance.1creates an application server instance with the specified instance name
 create-javamail-resource.1registers the Javamail resource to the named instance
 create-jdbc-connection-pool.1registers the JDBC connection pool to the named instance
 create-jdbc-resource.1registers the JDBC resource to the named instance
 create-jmsdest.1adds the named destination
 create-jmsobj.1adds the named object.
 create-jms-resource.1registers the JMS resource to the named instance
 create-jndi-resource.1registers the JNDI resource to the named instance
 create-jvm-options.1creates the JVM options from the Java configuration or profiler elements
 create-lifecycle-module.1adds a lifecycle module for the named instance
 create-mime.1adds the MIME type for the named instance.
 create-persistence-resource.1 registers the persistence resource to the named instance
 create-profiler.1creates the profiler element
 create-ssl.1creates the SSL element in the HTTP listener or IIOP listener
 create-virtual-server.1adds the named virtual server
 delete-acl.1removes the access control list file for the named instance
 delete-authdb.1removes the authorized database for the named instance
 delete-auth-realm.1removes the named authorized realm
 delete-connection-group.1deletes the connection group for the named instance.
 delete-custom-resource.1removes the custom resource from the named instance
 delete-domain.1deletes the given domain
 delete-file-user.1removes the named file user
 delete-http-listener.1removes the HTTP listener for the named instance
 delete-http-qos.1removes the quality of service parameter for the named instance
 delete-iiop-cluster-endpoint.1deletes an IIOP endpoint from the IIOP cluster
 delete-iiop-listener.1removes the IIOP listener for the named instance
 delete-instance.1deletes the instance that is not running.
 delete-javamail-resource.1removes the Javamail resource from the named instance
 delete-jdbc-connection-pool.1removes the JDBC connection pool from the named instance
 delete-jdbc-resource.1removes the JDBC resource from the named instance
 delete-jmsdest.1destroys the named destination
 delete-jmsobj.1destroys the named object.
 delete-jms-resource.1removes the JMS resource from the named instance
 delete-jndi-resource.1removes the JNDI resource from the named instance
 delete-jvm-options.1deletes the JVM options from the Java configuration or profiler elements
 delete-lifecycle-module.1removes the lifecycle module for the named instance
 delete-mime.1removes the MIME type for the named instance
 delete-persistence-resource.1removes the persistence resource from the named instance
 delete-profiler.1deletes the profiler element
 delete-ssl.1deletes the ssl element from the HTTP listener or IIOP listener
 delete-virtual-server.1deletes the virtual server with the named virtual server ID
 deploy.1deploys the specified component
 deploydir.1deploys the J2EE component that is in the directory located on the server machine
 disable.1 stops the specified component
 display-license.1 displays the license information
 enable.1 runs the specified component
 export.1marks a variable name for automatic export to the environment of subsequent commands in multimode
 flexanlg.1m analyzes access log files
 get.1 gets the values of the monitorable or configurable attributes.
 hadbm.1mutility for managing the High Availability Database (HADB)
 hadbm-addnodes.1adds new nodes to the named database, initializes devices for the new nodes, and refragments the schema
 hadbm-clear.1reinitializes all the dataspace on all nodes and starts the database
 hadbm-clearhistory.1clears the history files on the database
 hadbm-create.1creates a database instance
 hadbm-createdomain.1creates a management domain of the listed HADB hosts
 hadbm-delete.1removes the database
 hadbm-deletedomain.1removes the HADB management domain
 hadbm-deviceinfo.1displays information about disk storage devices on each active data node
 hadbm-disablehost.1selectively disables a host in the management domain
 hadbm-extenddomain.1extends the current HADB management domain by adding the specified hosts
 hadbm-get.1gets the value of the specified configuration attribute
 hadbm-help.1displays a list of all the subcommands to administer HADB
 hadbm-list.1lists all the existing databases
 hadbm-listdomain.1lists all hosts defined in the management domain
 hadbm-listpackages.1lists the packages registered in the management domain
 hadbm-ma.1configures and starts the HADB Management Agent
 hadbm-reducedomain.1removes hosts from the HADB management domain
 hadbm-refragment.1refragments the database schema
 hadbm-registerpackage.1registers HADB packages in the management domain
 hadbm-resourceinfo.1gives information about the database resources
 hadbm-restart.1restarts the database
 hadbm-restartnode.1restarts the specified node
 hadbm-set.1sets the value of the specified configuration attributes to the identified values
 hadbm-start.1starts the database
 hadbm-startnode.1starts the specified node
 hadbm-status.1shows the state of the database
 hadbm-stop.1gracefully stops the database
 hadbm-stopnode.1gracefully stops the specified node
 hadbm-unregisterpackage.1removes registered HADB packages from the management domain
 hadbm-version.1displays the hadbm version information
 htpasswd.1mcreates the user authentication files
 install-license.1 installs the license file
 jms-ping.1checks to see if the JMS provider is up and running
 jspc.1mprecompiles JSP source files into servlets
 list.1lists the configurable elements
 list-acls.1gets the access control lists for the named instance
 list-authdbs.1gets the authorized database for the named instance
 list-auth-realms.1lists the authorized realms associated with the named instance
 list-components.1 Lists deployed J2EE components
 list-connection-groups.1gets the connection groups for the named instance.
 list-custom-resources.1gets all the custom resources from the named instance
 list-domains.1lists all the domains
 list-file-groups.1lists the file groups for the named instance
 list-file-users.1lists the file users for the named instance
 list-http-listeners.1gets the HTTP listeners for the named instance
 list-iiop-cluster-config.1lists the application server instances that are part of the IIOP cluster configuration
 list-iiop-listeners.1gets the IIOP listeners for the named instance
 list-instances.1lists all the instances in the server
 list-javamail-resources.1gets all the Javamail resources from the named instance
 list-jdbc-connection-pools.1gets all the JDBC connection pools from the named instance
 list-jdbc-resources.1gets all the JDBC resources from the named instance
 list-jmsdest.1gets all the named destinations
 list-jmsobj.1gets all the named objects.
 list-jms-resources.1gets all the JMS resources from the named instance
 list-jndi-resources.1gets all the JNDI resources from the named instance
 list-lifecycle-modules.1gets the lifecycle modules for the named instance
 list-mimes.1gets the MIME types for the named instance
 list-persistence-resources.1gets all the persistence resources from the named instance
 list-profiler.1gets the profiler element in the named instance.
 list-profilers.1lists the profiler elements in the named instance
 list-sub-components.1 Lists one or more EJBs or Servlets in a deployed module or in a module of a deployed application
 list-virtual-servers.1gets the virtual servers in the named instance
 multimode.1allows you to execute multiple commands while returning environment settings and remaining in the asadmin utility
 package-appclient.1mpacks the application client container libraries and jar files
 reconfig.1 applies the changes you have made for a server instance
 restart-instance.1restarts the specified server instance and all the services associated with it
 set.1 sets the values of attributes
 show-component-status.1 displays the status of the deployed component
 show-instance-status.1 displays the status of the server instance specified.
 shutdown.1 brings down the administration server
 start-appserv.1 attempts to start all the administrative domains defined for an installation of the application server
 start-domain.1starts the given domain
 start-instance.1starts a server instance and all the services associated with it
 stop-appserv.1 stops the local administration server and all the instances associated with it
 stop-domain.1stops the given domain
 stop-instance.1stops the specified server instance and all the services associated with it
 undeploy.1removes the component from the named instance.
 unset.1removes one or more variables from the environment.
 update-file-user.1updates a current file user as specified
 verifier.1mvalidates the J2EE Deployment Descriptors against application server DTDs
 version.1displays the version information
 wscompile.1m generates stubs, ties, serializers, and WSDL files used in JAX-RPC clients and services