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User Commandshadbm-ma(1)


 ma - configures and starts the HADB Management Agent


 ma HADB_install_path/bin/ma [define=assignment] [javahome=JAVA_HOME] [systemroot=root_path] [version] [help] [install] [remove] [service] [name=name_of_service] [AGENT_CONFIG_path]


Use the ma command to configure and start the HADB Management Agent on a host that will belong to an HADB management domain. The configuration is defined in the AGENT_CONFIG file. In addition you can register the Management Agent as a Windows service by using the service options install, service, and name. The Management Agent ensures the availability of the HADB nodes on the host it runs by restarting them if there is a failure during startup, or during normal operation. To ensure the availability of the Management Agent you should register it as a Windows service so it is restarted automatically if it fails or when the computer reboots.

An HADB management domain consists of a set of hosts that are capable of running HADB database nodes. A Management Agent runs on each host belonging to a management domain. hadbm management clients communicate with Management Agents to perform the hadbm management commands like create, start, stop, and so on.

The Management Agent must be configured and started on all hosts before a database instance can be created. All hosts in a domain run a Management Agent at the same port number. All agents are aware of each other and their participation in the management domain. Agents communicate with each other, and may forward requests to other agents when they perform management commands specific to a host. For example, when an agent is requested to stop a node, it checks whether the mirror host is up and running. To get that information, it communicates with the agent running on the mirror host.

The Management Agent maintains a repository where the database configuration is stored. A majority of agents in the management domain must be available to make changes in the repository.

The AGENT_CONFIG file contains the configuration information for the Management Agent. A sample file named mgt.cfg is located in the HADB_install_path/lib directory. Use this sample file to assist you in defining your configuration files. In addition to the configuration variables, the AGENT_CONFIG file also contains the default path information for the history files, and the data device files for the HADB instances managed by this agent. If you have NOT specified the history and device path information using the create command, the default values located in the AGENT_CONFIG file will be used.


The following options identify common setup information for the Management Agent:

-D define

The agent property assignment in the format of property=value

-j javahome

The full path to the Java runtime installation. The default value is the value of the JAVA_HOME variable.

-y systemroot

An alternate specification of the Windows system root path.

-V version

Displays the version information and exits.

-? help

Displays this help page and exits.

The following options identify service configuration infomation for the Management Agent:

-i install

Registers a service for the agent and starts the service.

-r remove

Stops and unregisters the agent service.

-s service

This option is for internal use by the service control program.

-n name

Identifies the name to use when registering and operating the service. The default name is HADBMgmtAgent.



The full path to the AGENT_CONFIG file.


Example 1. Sample AGENT_CONFIG file

The following sample file can be edited for your particular installation:

ma.server.jmxmp.port=31108 #this can be any port not currently being used#



command executed successfully


error in executing the command



error message


error message



J2EE SDK 1.4Go To TopLast Changed 22 Dec 2004