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Application Server Utilityflexanlg(1m)


 flexanlg - analyzes access log files


 flexanlg -i filename [-P] [-n servername ] [-x] [-r] [-p order] * [-m metafile] * [-o filename] [-c options] [-t options] [-l options]


Use the flexanlg command to generate statistics about your server, such as a summary of activity, most commonly accessed URLs, times during the day when the server is accessed most frequently, and so on.

These statistics are generated from the server's access log which, by default, is named access and is found in the logs directory of the server instance.

Before running the log analyzer, you should archive the server logs.


Options marked with * can be repeated.

-i filename

input log file(s)


proxy log format

-n servername

the name of the server


output in HTML


resolve IP addresses to hostnames

-p [ c, t, l ]

output order; default order is counts, time statistics, and lists

-m filename

meta file(s)

-o filename

output log file; default is stdout

-c [ h, n, r, f, e, u, o, k, c, z ]

count these items; default is: h, n, r, e , u, o, k, c

  • h: total hits

  • n: 304 Not Modified status codes (use local copy)

  • r: 302 Found status codes (redirects)

  • f: 404 Not Found status codes (Document Not Found)

  • e: 500 Server Error status codes (Misconfiguration)

  • u: total unique URLs

  • o: total unique hosts

  • k: total kilobytes transferred

  • c: total kilobytes saved by caches

  • z: Do not count any items

-t [ sx, mx, hx, xx, z ]

find general statistics; default is: s5m5h24x10

  • s (number): Find top (number) seconds of log

  • m (number): Find top (number) minutes of log

  • h (number): Find top (number) hours of log

  • u (number): Find top (number) users of log

  • a (number): Find top (number) user agents of log

  • r (number): Find top (number) referers of log

  • x (number): Find top (number) for miscellaneous keywords

  • z: Do not find any general statistics

-l [ cx, hx ]

Make a list of the specified suboption; default is: c+3h5

  • c (x, +x): most commonly accessed URLs

    • x: only list x entries

    • +x: only list if accessed more than x times

  • h (x, +x): hosts or IP addresses most often accessing your server

    • x: only list x entries

    • +x: only list if accessed more than x times

  • z: Do not make any lists


Example 1. Using the flexanlg command
flexanlg -i /var/opt/SUNQappserver7/domains/domain1/server1/logs/access


wscompile(1M), wsdeploy(1M)

Sun Java System Application ServerGo To TopLast Changed 29 Dec 2003