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Application Server Utilitycladmin(1m)


 cladmin - runs certain asadmin commands simultaneously on all application server instances in a cluster


 cladmin [ --help ] [ --instancefile instance_file_location ][ --passwordfile password_file_location ]asadmin_command


To simplify the task of cluster administration, you can use the cladmin command to run the following asadmin commands simultaneously on all application server instances in a cluster:


starts a server instance and all the services associated with it


stops the specified server instance and all the services associated with it


deploys the specified component


removes the component from the named instance


registers the JDBC resource to the named instance


registers the JDBC connection pool to the named instance


enables configuration of parameters related to session persistence


removes the JDBC resource from the named instance


removes the JDBC connection pool from the named instance

To ensure consistency in configuration of all application server instances in a cluster, use the cladmin command for all the supported asadmin commands.

The following input files are required for the cladmin command to function:


contains information about the application server instances that are part of the cluster.


contains the asadmin password and is pre-populated with the correct password during a standard installation.

By default the input files are located in the application server configuration directory which is located in /etc/opt/SUNWappserver7. You can modify the input files to support different configurations. The server instances that are part of the cluster must be defined in the instance file (default name is clinstance.conf).

Before editing the input files, keep in mind:

  • The order of the entries must not be changed.

  • Any line that starts with a hash mark (#) is treated as a comment.

Before running the cladmin command you must:

  • have the asadmin command on the local machine.

  • use the clsetup command to setup a typical cluster configuration.

  • use the same administrator password for all domains that are part of the cluster.

  • start the administration servers of all instances that are part of the cluster.

  • make sure you list all the instances that are part of the cluster in the clinstance.conf file.

  • change the directory to install_dir/bin; where

    install_dir is the server installation directory.

During standard installation, the clinstance.conf file is created with entries for two instances. If you add more instances to the cluster, or create more clusters, you must update the clinstance.conf file with the information for the new instances. The information about the instances in each cluster must be identified in the instance file (default name is clinstance.conf). The following are the possible entries in the clinstance.conf file:

Table 1: Entries in the clinstance.conf file
EntryDefinitionDefault Value(s)
instancename of the application server instanceserver1, server2
userAdministration server user nameadmin
hostHost namelocalhost
portPort number of the Administration Server4848
domainName of the Administrative domaindomain1
instanceportPort number of the application server instance80, 81

The clpassword.conf file contains the administration server password. During execution of the cladmin command, the asadmin command requires the administration server password specified in the clpassword.conf file. The format for the clpassword.conf file is :


Where password is the administration server password.

Permissions 0600 are preset on the clpassword.conf file and it can be accessed only by the root user.

A log file, named cladmin.log, is available in the /var/tmp/cladmin.log directory. By default the cladmin command executes in verbose mode and logs information in the log file. Log file entries start and end with timestamp tags. If the log file exists prior to execution, the output is appended to the existing log file. Scan the log after each execution to verify that it ran properly.

If you are running multiple clusters, a separate clinstance.conf file must be specified for each cluster. You can run the cladmin command on the instances in any cluster by specifying the path of the input files for that particular cluster.



displays the syntax of the command


filepath location to the instance file (default is clinstance.conf).


filepath location to the password file (default is clpassword.conf).


Example 1. Using cladmin to start all instances in a cluster
./cladmin start-instance

Since the location of the input files is not specified, the input files are read from the configuration directory (located by default in /etc/opt/SUNWappserver7).

Example 2. Using cladmin to start all instances with Input file locations specified
./cladmin --instancefile /tmp/clinstance.conf 
--passwordfile /tmp/clpassword.conf start-instance
Example 3. Using cladmin to create a JDBC connection pool
./cladmin create-jdbc-connection-pool --user admin
--datasourceclassname com.sun.hadb.jdbc.ds.HadbDataSource
--isisolationguaranteed=true --isolationlevel repeatable-read
--isconnectvalidatereq=true --isconnectvalidatereq=true
--validationmethod auto-commit --failconnection=false --proprety
com\:15100,\:15120 CluJDBC
Example 4. Using cladmin to configure session persistence for all instances in a cluster
./cladmin configure-session-persistence --user admin
--type ha --frequency web-method --scope session --store jdbc_hastore



successful exit


syntax error


instance file not found


instance file cannot be read


password file not found


password file cannot be read


user trying to run the command is not a root user


cannot locate asadmin command


cannot create temporary file


command could not be executed


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

Interface StabilityUnstable


asadmin(1M), hadbm(1M), clsetup(1M)

Sun Java System Application Server 7.1 Enterprise EditionGo To TopLast Changed 29 Dec 2003