Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition

ProcedureTo Deploy the DSCC WAR File With Tomcat

The following example shows how to install DSCC in Tomcat on a Solaris 10 system.

  1. Create the WAR file for DSCC.

    $ install-path/bin/dsccsetup war-file-create

    For native packages installation, the WAR file is created in the /var/opt/SUNWdsee7/ directory.

    For zip distribution installation, the WAR file is created in the install-path/var directory.

  2. Initialize the DSCC registry.

    $ install-path/bin/dsccsetup ads-create
    Choose password for Directory Service Manager:
    Confirm password for Directory Service Manager:
    Creating DSCC registry...
    DSCC Registry has been created successfully
  3. To create server instances on the same host where DSCC is deployed, register the DSCC agent in Common Agent Container.

    $install-path/bin/dsccsetup cacao-reg

    Type the following command to check the location and other statistics of your war file and DSCC registry:

    $ install-path/bin/dsccsetup status
  4. Install Tomcat and create an instance.

  5. Identify your Tomcat installation and instance.

    $ export CATALINA_HOME=tomcat-install-path
    $ export CATALINA_BASE=tomcat-instance-path
    $ export JAVA_HOME=jdk-home-dir

    For installing Tomcat and creating instances, refer to the Tomcat documentation.

  6. Disable tag pooling.

    Tag pooling must be disabled for DSCC to work properly. To disable tag pooling, set the enablePooling parameter to false in the web.xml configuration file. For example:

  7. Enable replication topology rendering.

    export CATALINA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true"
  8. Deploy the WAR file.

    $ mkdir ${CATALINA_BASE}/webapps/dscc7
    $ unzip -d ${CATALINA_BASE}/webapps/dscc7 install-path/var/dscc7.war

    Verify the permissions of for Solaris operating system (tomcat5.exe or tomcat6.exe on Windows) and type the following command:

    $ ${CATALINA_HOME}/bin/
  9. Use http://hostname:8080/dscc7 to connect to DSCC.

    The Directory Service Manager Login page is displayed.