C H A P T E R  2

ILOM Platform Features for Sun Blade X6270 Server Module

This chapter contains information about ILOM features that are specific to the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module.

The following topics are discussed in this chapter:

Note - The ILOM features described in the chapter for the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module are supported in addition to the common ILOM 2.0 features supported for all x64 Sun servers.

ILOM Sideband Management

By default, you connect to the server module's service processor (SP) using the out-of-band network management port (NET MGT). The ILOM sideband management feature enables you to select either the NET MGT port or one of the server module's Gigabit Ethernet ports (NET 0 or 1), which are in-band, or sideband ports, to send and receive ILOM commands to and from the server SP.

The advantage of using a sideband management port to manage the server’s SP is that one less cable connection and one less network session is needed. In configurations where a great number of servers are being managed, such as data centers, sideband management can represent a significant savings in hardware and network utilization.

Note - Connectivity to the server SP might be lost when the SP management port configuration is changed while you are connected to the SP using a network connection, such as SSH, web, or Sun ILOM Remote Console.

You can configure sideband management using either the web interface, the command-line interface (CLI), the BIOS, or IPMI. For instructions, see the following sections:

procedure icon  Configure Sideband Management Using the Web Interface

1. Log in to the ILOM web interface.

2. In the ILOM web interface, select Configuration --> Network.

The Network Settings page appears.


3. In the Network Settings page, do the following:

a. Select DHCP to acquire the IP address automatically or specify the appropriate IP address.

b. Click the Management Port drop-down list and select the desired management port.

The drop-down list enables you to change to any one of the two Gigabit Ethernet ports, /SYS/SP/NETn, where n is 0 or 1.

The SP NET MGT port, /SYS/SP/NET0, is the default.

c. Click Save for the changes to take effect.

procedure icon  Configure Sideband Management Using the CLI

1. Do one of the following to connect to ILOM using the CLI:

For instructions, see the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Installation Guide or the Integrated Lights Out Manager 2.0 User’s Guide.

$ ssh root@serveripaddress

Password: password

The default password for the root account is changeme.

The ILOM CLI prompt appears (->).

2. To show the current port settings, type:

-> show /SP/network

The network properties appear. For example:

        commitpending = (Cannot show property)
        dhcp_server_ip = none
        ipaddress = xx.xx.xx.xx
        ipdiscovery = static
        ipgateway = xx.xx.xx.xx
        ipnetmask = xx.xx.xx.xx
        macaddress = 
        managementport = /SYS/SP/NET0 
        outofbandmacaddress = 
        pendingipaddress = xx.xx.xx.
        pendingipdiscovery = static
        pendingipgateway =  xx.xx.xx.xx
        pendingipnetmask =  xx.xx.xx.xx
        pendingmanagementport = /SYS/SP/NET0
        sidebandmacaddress = 
        state = enabled

In the above output the macaddress is the same as the outofbandmacaddress and the managementport is set to the default /SYS/SP/NET0.

3. To set the SP management port to a sideband port, type:

-> set /SP/network pendingmanagementport=/SYS/MB/NETn

Where n equals 0 or 1.

-> set commitpending=true

4. To view the change, type:

-> show /SP/network

The network properties appear and show that the change has taken effect. For example:

        commitpending = (Cannot show property)
        dhcp_server_ip = none
        ipaddress = xx.xx.xx.xx
        ipdiscovery = static
        ipgateway = xx.xx.xx.xx
        ipnetmask = xx.xx.xx.xx
        macaddress = 
        managementport = /SYS/MB/NETn 
        outofbandmacaddress =
        pendingipaddress = xx.xx.xx.xx
        pendingipdiscovery = static
        pendingipgateway =  xx.xx.xx.xx
        pendingipnetmask =  xx.xx.xx.xx
        pendingmanagementport = /SYS/MB/NETn
        sidebandmacaddress =
        state = enabled

In the above output the macaddress matches the sidebandmacaddress, and the managementport matches the pendingmanagementport.

procedure icon  Configure Sideband Management Using the Host BIOS Setup Utility

You can access the BIOS Setup utility menus from the following interfaces:

To configure sideband management using the host BIOS Setup utility, perform the following steps:

1. Power-on or power cycle the server.

2. To enter the BIOS Setup utility, press the F2 key while the system is performing the power-on self-test (POST).

Screenshot of the Press F2 to run Setup prompt.

The BIOS Setup utility appears.


Screenshot of BIOS Setup utility main screen

3. In the BIOS Setup utility dialog, select Advanced --> IPMI Configuration.

The Advanced IPMI Configuration menu appears.


Graphic showing BIOS Setup tility: Advanced - IPMI configuration

4. In the Advanced IPMI Configuraton menu, select the Set LAN Configuration option.

The LAN Configuration menu appears.


Graphic showing BIOS Setup utility: Advanced - LAN Configuration

5. In the Advanced LAN Configuration menu, do the following:

a. Select the option for the Active Management Port and press Enter.

A tab appears listing the available port settings (Net0 and Net1) for Sideband Management.

b. In the tab, select the appropriate port setting for Sideband Management, then select Commit for the change to take effect.

Clear Faults Detected on Server and CMM

When a server module component fails, the server SP generates a fault that is captured by the fault management function in ILOM. The system automatically clears the server component faults when the server module is cold-booted.

Note - Cold booted refers to either: 1) when you temporarily remove power from the server module by removing it part way from its slot and then reseating it in the powered-on chassis; or 2) when the chassis containing the server module(s) is powered-on.

Other faults captured by the fault management function in ILOM include faults generated by the chassis monitoring module (CMM). These faults occur when other components in the chassis fail, for example:

Chassis related faults are not automatically cleared by system. You must manually clear these type of faults in the Fault Management function on the ILOM CMM. After you have cleared the faults reported by the CMM, the chassis related faults are then automatically cleared by the system in the Fault Management function on the ILOM SP.

You can use either the ILOM web interface or the command-line interface (CLI) to manually clear faults. For information on how to use the ILOM web interface or the CLI to clear faults, see the Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager 2.0 User’s Guide (820-1188).

Switch Serial Port Output Between SP and Host Console

You can switch the serial port output of the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module between the SP console (NET MGT) and the host console (COM1). By default, the SP console is connected to the system serial port. This feature is beneficial for Windows kernel debugging, as it enables you to view non-ASCII character traffic from the host console.

You can switch serial port output using either the ILOM web interface or the ILOM command-line interface (CLI). For instructions, see the following sections:

caution icon Caution - You should set up the network on the SP before attempting to switch the serial port owner to the host server. If a network is not set up, and you switch the serial port owner to the host server, you will be unable to connect using the CLI interface or web interface to change the serial port owner back to the SP. To return the serial port owner setting to the SP, perform the procedure for restoring access to the serial port in the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Service Manual.

procedure icon  Switch Serial Port Output Using the Web Interface

1. Log in to the ILOM web interface.

2. In the ILOM web interface, select Configuration --> Serial Port.

The Serial Port Settings page appears.

Screenshot of the Serial Port Settings page

3. In the Serial Port Settings page, select Host Server as the serial port owner.

By default, Service Processor is selected.

4. Click Save for the changes to take effect.

5. Use a dongle cable to connect the serial host to the server.

For details on how to use a dongle cable to attach devices to the server, see the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Service Manual.

procedure icon  Switch Serial Port Output Using the CLI

1. Log in to the ILOM CLI.

2. To set the serial port owner, type:

-> set /SP/serial/portsharing /owner=host

By default, owner=SP.

3. Use a dongle cable to connect a serial host to the server.

For details on how to use a dongle cable to attach devices to the server, see the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Service Manual.

Power Management Metrics in ILOM

The power management function in ILOM 2.0 enables you to monitor power consumption metrics from the command-line interface (CLI) or web interface. The following power management metrics are common to all Sun servers:

For examples of these common power management metrics provided in ILOM 2.0, see the web interface example shown in Step 2 of the Monitor Advanced Power Metrics Using the Web Interface or the command-line output shown in Step 2 of the Monitor Advanced Power Metrics Using the CLI.

For additional information about the common power management metrics provided for all Sun servers, see the Addendum to the Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager 2.0 User’s Guide (820-4198) or the Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager 2.0 User’s Guide (820-1188).

Specific Power Consumption Metrics for Sun Blade X6270 Server Module

In addition to the common power consumption metrics provided in ILOM 2.0 for all servers, the power management function in ILOM 2.0 provides the following advanced power consumption metrics for the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module.

For information about how to view these advanced power consumption metrics in ILOM 2.0, see these topics:

procedure icon  Monitor Advanced Power Metrics Using the Web Interface

1. Log in to the ILOM web interface


2. In the ILOM web interface, select System Monitoring --> Power Management.

The common power consumption metrics, as well as the advanced power consumption metrics for the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module appears.


procedure icon  Monitor Advanced Power Metrics Using the CLI

1. Log in to the ILOM CLI.

2. To display the actual power, permitted power, and available power, use the show command.

For example:

-> show /SP/powermgmt
actual_power = 88.2
permitted power = 366
available power = 366

3. To display the advanced power metric properties for power budget and power policy use the show /SP/powermgmt/advanced/n command.


n = 1 for power budget

n = 2 for power policy

For example:

-> show /SP/powermgmt/advanced/1
name = Power Budget
unit = Watts
value = 361

-> show /SP/powermgmt/advanced/2
name = Power policy permits power-on?
unit = Boolean Value (1 = Yes, 0 = NO)
value = 1

Sensors and Indicators Reference Information

The server includes several sensors and indicators that report on hardware conditions. Many of the sensor readings are used to adjust the fan speeds and perform other actions, such as illuminating system indictor LEDs and powering off the server.

The following sections describe the sensors and indicators that ILOM monitors for the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module.

Note - For information about how to obtain sensor readings or to determine the state of system indicators in ILOM, see the Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager 2.0 User’s Guide (820-1188).

Temperature Sensors

TABLE 1 describes the environmental sensors. In the table, n designates numbers 0-n.

TABLE 1 Temperature Sensors

Sensor Name

Sensor Type




System ambient temperature sensor

Fan Sensors

TABLE 2 describes the fan sensors. In the table, n designates numbers 0-n.

TABLE 2 Fan Sensors

Sensor Name

Sensor Type




Fan speed sensor



Fan module error

Power Supply Sensors

TABLE 3 describes the power supply sensors. In the table, n designates numbers 0-n.

TABLE 3 Power Supply Unit Current, Voltage, and Power Sensors

Sensor Name

Sensor Type




Power supply presence sensor



Power supply AC error sensor



Power supply fail sensor

Presence Sensors

TABLE 4 describes the presence sensors. In the table, n designates numbers 0-n.

TABLE 4 Presence Sensors

Sensor Name

Sensor Type



Entity presence

Storage device presence sensor


Entity presence

Power supply presence sensor


Entity presence

Network express module presence sensor


Entity presence

Blade presence sensor


Entity presence

CPU presence sensor


Entity presence

DIMM presence sensor


Entity presence

Fabric expansion module presence sensor


Entity presence

PCI express module presence sensor


Entity presence

Chassis monitoring module (CMM) presence sensor


Entity presence

RAID expansion module (REM) presence sensor

System Indicators

TABLE 5 describes the system indicators In the table, n designates numbers 0-n

TABLE 5 System Indicators

Sensor Name



Front panel OK power green LED


Front panel locate white LED


Front panel service amber LED


Front panel OK to remove blue LED


Storage drive OK to remove blue LED


Storage drive service amber LED


CPU service indicator


DIMM service indicator