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Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switch Topic Set
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Document Information

Using This Documentation

Related Documentation

Documentation, Support, and Training


Understanding the Gateway

Gateway Overview

Physical Specifications

Environmental Requirements

Acoustic Noise Emissions

Electrical Specifications

Network Management Connector and Pins

USB Management Connector and Pins

Data QSFP Connector and Pins

Understanding Cabling

Routing Service Cables

Understanding Data Cabling

Preparing to Install the Gateway

Installation Preparation

Suggested Tools for Installation

Antistatic Precautions for Installation

Installation Responsibilities

Installation Sequence

Verify Shipping Carton Contents

Assemble the Ethernet Splitter Data Cables

Route the Data Cables

Installing the Gateway

Install the Gateway in the Rack

Powering On the Gateway

Connecting Data cables

Verifying the InfiniBand Fabric


Troubleshooting the Gateway

Gateway Hardware Problems

InfiniBand Fabric Problems

Identifying LEDs

Understanding Routing Through the Gateway

Switch GUIDs Overview

Understanding Administrative Commands

Hardware Command Overview

InfiniBand Command Overview

ILOM Command Overview

Administering the Chassis

Monitoring the Chassis

Controlling the Chassis

Administering the I4 Switch Chip

Monitoring the I4 Switch Chip

Controlling the I4 Switch Chip

Administering Gateway Resources

Installing Gateway Supportive Software

Creating VNICs Under Gateway Manual Mode

Creating VNICs Under Host Manual Mode

Monitoring Gateway Resources

Controlling VLANs and VNICs

Controlling Gateway Ports and Parameters

Administering the InfiniBand Fabric

Monitoring the InfiniBand Fabric

Controlling the InfiniBand Fabric

Administering the Subnet Manager

Monitoring the Subnet Manager

Controlling the Subnet Manager

Remote Management

Understanding Oracle ILOM on the Gateway

Oracle ILOM Overview

Supported Features

Understanding Oracle ILOM Targets

Administering Oracle ILOM (CLI)

CLI Overview

Accessing Oracle ILOM From the CLI

Switching Between the Oracle ILOM Shell and the Linux Shell

Monitoring Oracle ILOM Targets (CLI)

Controlling Oracle ILOM Targets (CLI)

Upgrading the Gateway Firmware Through Oracle ILOM (CLI)

Administering Oracle ILOM (Web)

Web Interface Overview

Access Oracle ILOM From the Web Interface

Monitoring Oracle ILOM Targets (Web)

Controlling Oracle ILOM Targets (Web)

Upgrade the Gateway Firmware (Web)

Using the Fabric Monitor

Access the Fabric Monitor

Fabric Monitor Features

Accessing the Rear Panel Diagram

Accessing Status Pane Information

Control Panel Function

Monitoring Parameters and Status

Administering Oracle ILOM (SNMP)

SNMP Overview

Understanding SNMP Commands

Monitoring Oracle ILOM Targets (SNMP)

Controlling Oracle ILOM Targets (SNMP)

Administering Hardware (IPMI)

ipmitool Overview

Display the Sensor States (IPMI)

Display the Sensor Information (IPMI)

Display the System Event Log (IPMI)

Display FRU ID Information (IPMI)

Display Gateway Status LED States (IPMI)

Enable the Locator LED (IPMI)

Disable the Locator LED (IPMI)

Understanding Oracle ILOM Commands

cd Command

create Command

delete Command

dump Command

exit Command (ILOM)

help Command (ILOM)

load Command

reset Command

set Command

show Command

version Command (ILOM)


Understanding Service Procedures

Replaceable Components

Suggested Tools for Service

Antistatic Precautions for Service

Servicing Power Supplies

Inspecting a Power Supply

Power Off a Power Supply

Remove a Power Supply

Install a Power Supply

Power On a Power Supply

Servicing Fans

Inspecting a Fan

Remove a Fan

Install a Fan

Servicing Data Cables

Inspecting the Data Cables

Remove a Data Cable

Install a Data Cable

Servicing the Battery

Remove the Gateway From the Rack

Replace the Battery


Understanding Hardware Commands

Linux Shells for Hardware Commands

checkboot Command

checkguidfilesftree Command

checkpower Command

checktopomax Command

checkvoltages Command

connector Command

createvlan Command

createvnic Command

dcsport Command

deletevlan Command

deletevnic Command

disablecablelog Command

disablegwport Command

disablelinklog Command

disablesm Command

disableswitchport Command

disablevnic Command

enablecablelog Command

enablegwport Command

enablelinklog Command

enablesm Command

enableswitchport Command

enablevnic Command

env_test Command

exit Command (Hardware)

generatetopology Command

getfanspeed Command

getmaster Command

getnm2type Command

getportcounters Command

getportstatus Command

help Command (Hardware)

ibdevreset Command

listlinkup Command

managementreset Command

matchtopology Command

setcontrolledhandover Command

setgwethport Command

setgwinstance Command

setgwsl Command

setgwsystemname Command

setloghost Command

setmsmlocationmonitor Command

setsmpriority Command

setsubnetprefix Command

showfruinfo Command

showgwconfig Command

showgwports Command

showioadapters Command

showpsufru Command

showsmlog Command

showtemps Command

showtopology Command

showunhealthy Command

showvlan Command

showvnics Command

smconfigtest Command

version Command (Hardware)

Understanding InfiniBand Commands

Linux Shells for InfiniBand Commands

ibaddr Command

ibcheckerrors Command

ibchecknet Command

ibchecknode Command

ibcheckport Command

ibcheckportstate Command

ibcheckportwidth Command

ibcheckstate Command

ibcheckwidth Command

ibclearcounters Command

ibclearerrors Command

ibdatacounters Command

ibdatacounts Command

ibdiagnet Command

ibdiagpath Command

ibhosts Command

ibnetdiscover Command

ibnetstatus Command

ibnodes Command

ibportstate Command

ibroute Command

ibrouters Command

ibstat Command

ibstatus Command

ibswitches Command

ibsysstat Command

ibtracert Command

perfquery Command

saquery Command

sminfo Command

smpdump Command

smpquery Command

Understanding SNMP MIB OIDs

OID Tables Overview

Understanding the SUN-DCS-MIB MIB OIDs



Understanding the SUN-PLATFORM-MIB MIB OIDs

Understanding the ENTITY-MIB MIB OIDs


Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Part No: 835-0793-03

June 2011, Revision A

This topic set provides installation, administration, remote management, service, and command reference information for the Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switch. This topic set is for installers, system and network administrators, developers, service personnel, and any user qualified to install, manage, or service InfiniBand networking devices.

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