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Oracle Solaris Cluster Upgrade Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster
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Document Information


1.  Preparing to Upgrade Oracle Solaris Cluster Software

2.  Performing a Standard Upgrade to Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 Software

3.  Performing a Dual-Partition Upgrade to Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 Software

4.  Performing a Live Upgrade to Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 Software

5.  Performing a Rolling Upgrade

6.  Completing the Upgrade

7.  Recovering From an Incomplete Upgrade

8.  SPARC: Upgrading Sun Management Center Software

Upgrading the Oracle Solaris Cluster Module for Sun Management Center

SPARC: How to Upgrade Oracle Solaris Cluster Module Software for Sun Management Center

Upgrading Sun Management Center Software

SPARC: How to Upgrade Sun Management Center Software


Upgrading the Oracle Solaris Cluster Module for Sun Management Center

This section provides procedures to upgrade the Oracle Solaris Cluster module for Sun Management Center software.

SPARC: How to Upgrade Oracle Solaris Cluster Module Software for Sun Management Center

Perform the following steps to upgrade Oracle Solaris Cluster module software on the Sun Management Center server machine and console machine.

Note - To upgrade the Sun Management Center software itself, do not perform this procedure. Instead, go to SPARC: How to Upgrade Sun Management Center Software to upgrade the Sun Management Center software and the Oracle Solaris Cluster module.

Before You Begin

Have available the installation DVD-ROM for the SPARC platform or the path to the DVD-ROM image.

  1. As superuser, remove the existing Oracle Solaris Cluster module packages from each machine.

    Use the pkgrm(1M) command to remove all Oracle Solaris Cluster module packages from all locations that are listed in the following table.

    Module Package to Remove
    Sun Management Center console machine
    Sun Management Center server machine
    SUNWscssv, SUNWscshl
    machine# pkgrm module-package

    Note - Oracle Solaris Cluster module software on the cluster nodes was already upgraded during the cluster-framework upgrade.

  2. As superuser, reinstall Oracle Solaris Cluster module packages on each machine.
    1. Insert the installation DVD-ROM for the SPARC platform into the DVD-ROM drive of the machine.
    2. Change to the Solaris_sparc/Product/sun_cluster/Solaris_ver/Packages/ directory, where ver is 10 for Oracle Solaris 10.
      machine# cd Solaris_sparc/Product/sun_cluster/Solaris_ver/Packages/
    3. Install the SUNWscssv package on the server machine.

      Note that you do not upgrade to a new SUNWscscn package on the console machine or a new SUNWscshl package on the server machine.

      machine# pkgadd -d . SUNWscssv
    4. Unload the installation DVD-ROM from the DVD-ROM drive.
      1. To ensure that the DVD-ROM is not being used, change to a directory that does not reside on the DVD-ROM.
      2. Eject the DVD-ROM.
        machine# eject cdrom