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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Services Developer's Guide
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Document Information


1.  Overview of Resource Management

2.  Developing a Data Service

3.  Resource Management API Reference

4.  Modifying a Resource Type

5.  Sample Data Service

6.  Data Service Development Library

7.  Designing Resource Types

8.  Sample DSDL Resource Type Implementation

9.  Solaris Cluster Agent Builder

Agent Builder Overview

Before You Use Agent Builder

Using Agent Builder

Analyzing the Application

Installing and Configuring Agent Builder

Agent Builder Screens

Starting Agent Builder

Navigating Agent Builder

Browse Command

Agent Builder Menus

Agent Builder File Menu

Agent Builder Edit Menu

Using the Create Screen

Using the Configure Screen

Using the Agent Builder Korn Shell-Based $hostnames Variable

Using Property Variables

List of Property Variables

Resource Property Variables

Resource Type Property Variables

Resource Group Property Variables

Syntax of Property Variables

How Agent Builder Substitutes Property Variables

Reusing Code That You Create With Agent Builder

How to Clone an Existing Resource Type

Editing the Generated Source Code

How to Use the Command-Line Version of Agent Builder

Directory Structure That Agent Builder Creates

Agent Builder Output

Source and Binary Files

Utility Scripts and Man Pages That Agent Builder Creates

Support Files That Agent Builder Creates

Package Directory That Agent Builder Creates

rtconfig File

Cluster Agent Module for Agent Builder

How to Install and Set Up the Cluster Agent Module

How to Start the Cluster Agent Module

Using the Cluster Agent Module

Differences Between the Cluster Agent Module and Agent Builder

10.  Generic Data Service

11.  DSDL API Functions

12.  Cluster Reconfiguration Notification Protocol

A.  Standard Properties

B.  Sample Data Service Code Listings

C.  DSDL Sample Resource Type Code Listings

D.  Legal RGM Names and Values

E.  Requirements for Non-Cluster Aware Applications

F.  Document Type Definitions for the CRNP

G. Application


Directory Structure That Agent Builder Creates

Agent Builder creates a directory structure to hold all the files that it generates for the target resource type. You specify the working directory on the Create screen. You must specify separate install directories for any additional resource types that you develop. Under the working directory, Agent Builder creates a subdirectory whose name is a concatenation of the vendor name and the resource type name. For example, if you specify SUNW as the vendor name and create a resource type called ftp, Agent Builder creates a directory called SUNWftp under the working directory.

Under this subdirectory, Agent Builder creates and populates the directories that are listed in the following table.

Directory Name
For C output, contains the binary files that are compiled from the source files. For Korn shell output, contains the same files as the src directory.
Contains the RTR file. Agent Builder concatenates the vendor name and application name, separated by a period (.), to form the RTR file name. For example, if the vendor name is SUNW and the name of the resource type is ftp, the name of the RTR file is SUNW.ftp.
Contains customized man pages for the start, stop, and remove utility scripts, for example, startftp(1M), stopftp(1M), and removeftp(1M).

To view these man pages, specify the path with the man -M option. For example:

% man -M install-directory/SUNWftp/man removeftp
Contains the final Solaris package that includes the created data service.
Contains the source files that Agent Builder generates.
Contains the start, stop, and remove utility scripts that Agent Builder generates. See Utility Scripts and Man Pages That Agent Builder Creates. Agent Builder appends the application name to each of these script names, for example, startftp, stopftp, and removeftp.