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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide
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Document Information


1.  Planning for Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Services

2.  Administering Data Service Resources

A.  Standard Properties

B.  Legal RGM Names and Values

C.  Data Service Configuration Worksheets and Examples

























R_description, resource property, Resource Properties
from failure to modify file system
How to Recover From a Fault After Modifying the FileSystemMountPoints Property of an HAStoragePlus Resource
How to Recover From a Fault After Modifying the Zpools Property of an HAStoragePlus Resource
recovery actions
resuming automatic, Suspending and Resuming the Automatic Recovery Actions of Resource Groups
suspending automatic, Suspending and Resuming the Automatic Recovery Actions of Resource Groups
HAStoragePlus resource type
during upgrade, Information for Registering the New Resource Type Version
preregistered resource types, Reregistering Preregistered Resource Types After Inadvertent Deletion
resource types, How to Register a Resource Type
SUNW.LogicalHostname resource type
after inadvertent deletion, Reregistering Preregistered Resource Types After Inadvertent Deletion
during upgrade, Information for Registering the New Resource Type Version
SUNW.SharedAddress resource type
after inadvertent deletion, Reregistering Preregistered Resource Types After Inadvertent Deletion
during upgrade, Information for Registering the New Resource Type Version
file systems from HAStoragePlus resource, How to Remove File Systems Other Than Solaris ZFS From an Online HAStoragePlus Resource
nodes from resource groups
overview, Removing a Node From a Resource Group
failover, How to Remove a Node From a Failover Resource Group
failover with shared addresses, How to Remove a Node From a Failover Resource Group That Contains Shared Address Resources
scalable, How to Remove a Node From a Scalable Resource Group
resource group, How to Remove a Resource Group
resource types, How to Remove a Resource Type
resources, How to Remove a Resource
replicating, configuration data, How to Replicate Configuration Data on a Cluster Without Configured Resource Groups, Resource Types, and Resources
requirements, data services, Identifying Data Service Special Requirements
reregistering preregistered resource types, Reregistering Preregistered Resource Types After Inadvertent Deletion
Resource_dependencies, resource property, Resource Properties
Resource_dependencies_offline_restart, resource property, Resource Properties
Resource_dependencies_restart, resource property, Resource Properties
Resource_dependencies_weak, resource property, Resource Properties
resource fault monitors, Disabling and Enabling Resource Monitors
resource group affinities, zone cluster, Zone Cluster Resource Group Affinities
Resource Group Manager (RGM)
legal names, RGM Legal Names
values, RGM Values
resource group names, rules, Rules for Names Except Resource Type Names
resource group properties, Resource Group Properties
Auto_start_on_new_cluster, Resource Group Properties
Desired_primaries, Resource Group Properties
Failback, Resource Group Properties
Global_resources_used, Resource Group Properties
Implicit_network_dependencies, Resource Group Properties
Load_factors, Resource Group Properties
Maximum_primaries, Resource Group Properties
Nodelist, Resource Group Properties
Pathprefix, Resource Group Properties
Pingpong_interval, Resource Group Properties
Preemption_mode, Resource Group Properties
Priority, Resource Group Properties
Resource_list, Resource Group Properties
RG_affinities, Resource Group Properties
RG_dependencies, Resource Group Properties
RG_description, Resource Group Properties
RG_is_frozen, Resource Group Properties
RG_mode, Resource Group Properties
RG_name, Resource Group Properties
RG_project_name, Resource Group Properties
RG_slm_cpu, Resource Group Properties
RG_slm_cpu_min, Resource Group Properties
RG_slm_pset_type, Resource Group Properties
RG_slm_type, Resource Group Properties
RG_state, Resource Group Properties
RG_system, Resource Group Properties
Suspend_automatic_recovery, Resource Group Properties
resource groups
adding nodes to, Adding a Node to a Resource Group
adding resources, Tools for Adding Resources to Resource Groups
failover application, How to Add a Failover Application Resource to a Resource Group
logical hostname
How to Add a Logical Hostname Resource to a Resource Group by Using the clsetup Utility
How to Add a Logical Hostname Resource to a Resource Group Using the Command-Line Interface
scalable application, How to Add a Scalable Application Resource to a Resource Group
shared address
How to Add a Shared Address Resource to a Resource Group by Using the clsetup Utility
How to Add a Shared Address Resource to a Resource Group Using the Command-Line Interface
affinities, Resource Group Affinities
bringing online, How to Bring Online Resource Groups
changing properties, How to Change Resource Group Properties
failover, How to Create a Failover Resource Group
scalable, How to Create a Scalable Resource Group
delegating failover or switchover, Delegating the Failover or Switchover of a Resource Group
displaying configuration information, Displaying Resource Type, Resource Group, and Resource Configuration Information
distributing among nodes, Distributing Online Resource Groups Among Cluster Nodes
enforced collocation, Enforcing Collocation of a Resource Group With Another Resource Group
enforced separation, Specifying That a Critical Service Has Precedence
even distribution, Distributing a Set of Resource Groups Evenly Among Cluster Nodes
adding nodes, How to Add a Node to a Failover Resource Group
removing nodes from, How to Remove a Node From a Failover Resource Group
failover with shared addresses
removing nodes from, How to Remove a Node From a Failover Resource Group That Contains Shared Address Resources
moving to UNMANAGED state, How to Disable a Resource and Move Its Resource Group Into the UNMANAGED State
preferred collocation, Specifying a Preferred Collocation of a Resource Group With Another Resource Group
preferred separation, Distributing a Set of Resource Groups Evenly Among Cluster Nodes
quiescing, Quiescing Resource Groups
relationship with device groups, Relationship Between Resource Groups and Device Groups
removing, How to Remove a Resource Group
removing nodes, Removing a Node From a Resource Group
restarting, How to Clear a Start_failed Resource State by Restarting a Resource Group
resuming automatic recovery actions, Suspending and Resuming the Automatic Recovery Actions of Resource Groups
retrieving, replicating or upgrading configuration data about, Replicating and Upgrading Configuration Data for Resource Groups, Resource Types, and Resources
adding nodes, How to Add a Node to a Scalable Resource Group
removing nodes from, How to Remove a Node From a Scalable Resource Group
suspending automatic recovery actions, Suspending and Resuming the Automatic Recovery Actions of Resource Groups
switching over, How to Clear a Start_failed Resource State by Switching Over a Resource Group
switching the current primary, How to Switch the Current Primary of a Resource Group
synchronizing startups with device groups, Synchronizing the Startups Between Resource Groups and Device Groups
resource group property, Resource Group Properties
resource type property, Resource Type Properties
Resource_name, resource property, Resource Properties
resource names, rules, Rules for Names Except Resource Type Names
Resource_project_name, resource property, Resource Properties
resource properties, Resource Properties
Affinity_timeout, Resource Properties
Boot_timeout, Resource Properties
Cheap_probe_interval, Resource Properties
Conn_threshold, Resource Properties
extension, Resource Properties
Failover_mode, Resource Properties
Fini_timeout, Resource Properties
Generic_affinity, Resource Properties
Global_zone_override, Resource Properties
Init_timeout, Resource Properties
IPsec_session_failover, Resource Properties
Load_balancing_policy, Resource Properties
Load_balancing_weights, Resource Properties
Monitor_check_timeout, Resource Properties
Monitor_start_timeout, Resource Properties
Monitor_stop_timeout, Resource Properties
Monitored_switch, Resource Properties
Network_resources_used, Resource Properties
Num_resource_restarts, Resource Properties
Num_rg_restarts, Resource Properties
On_off_switch, Resource Properties
Outgoing_Connection, Resource Properties
Port_list, Resource Properties
Postnet_stop_timeout, Resource Properties
Prenet_start_timeout, Resource Properties
R_description, Resource Properties
Resource_dependencies, Resource Properties
Resource_dependencies_offline_restart, Resource Properties
Resource_dependencies_restart, Resource Properties
Resource_dependencies_weak, Resource Properties
Resource_name, Resource Properties
Resource_project_name, Resource Properties
Resource_state, Resource Properties
Retry_count, Resource Properties
Retry_interval, Resource Properties
Round_robin, Resource Properties
Scalable, Resource Properties
Start_timeout, Resource Properties
Status, Resource Properties
Status_msg, Resource Properties
Stop_timeout, Resource Properties
Thorough_probe_interval, Resource Properties
Type, Resource Properties
Type_version, Resource Properties
UDP_affinity, Resource Properties
Update_timeout, Resource Properties
Validate_timeout, Resource Properties
Weak_affinity, Resource Properties
resource property attributes, Resource Property Attributes
Array_maxsize, Resource Property Attributes
Array_minsize, Resource Property Attributes
Default, Resource Property Attributes
Description, Resource Property Attributes
Enumlist, Resource Property Attributes
Extension, Resource Property Attributes
Max, Resource Property Attributes
Maxlength, Resource Property Attributes
Min, Resource Property Attributes
Minlength, Resource Property Attributes
Per_node, Resource Property Attributes
Property, Resource Property Attributes
Tunable, Resource Property Attributes
type, Resource Property Attributes
Resource_state, resource property, Resource Properties
Resource_type, resource type property, Resource Type Properties
resource type names, rules, Format of Resource Type Names
resource type properties
API_version, Resource Type Properties
Boot, Resource Type Properties
Failover, Resource Type Properties
Fini, Resource Type Properties
Global_zone, Resource Type Properties
Init, Resource Type Properties
Init_nodes, Resource Type Properties
Installed_nodes, Resource Type Properties
Is_logical_hostname, Resource Type Properties
Is_shared_address, Resource Type Properties
Monitor_check, Resource Type Properties
Monitor_start, Resource Type Properties
Monitor_stop, Resource Type Properties
Pkglist, Resource Type Properties
Postnet_stop, Resource Type Properties
Prenet_start, Resource Type Properties
Proxy, Resource Type Properties
Resource_list, Resource Type Properties
Resource_type, Resource Type Properties
RT_basedir, Resource Type Properties
RT_description, Resource Type Properties
RT_system, Resource Type Properties
RT_version, Resource Type Properties
Single_instance, Resource Type Properties
Start, Resource Type Properties
Stop, Resource Type Properties
Update, Resource Type Properties
Validate, Resource Type Properties
Vendor_ID, Resource Type Properties
resource type registration (RTR) file, Information for Registering the New Resource Type Version
resource types
changing properties, How to Change Resource Type Properties
displaying configuration information, Displaying Resource Type, Resource Group, and Resource Configuration Information
downgrading, Downgrading a Resource Type
existing resources, How to Set Up the HAStoragePlus Resource Type for Existing Resources
migrating instances of, Information for Migrating Existing Instances of the Resource Type
new resources, How to Set Up the HAStoragePlus Resource Type for New Resources
migrating instances of, Information for Migrating Existing Instances of the Resource Type
migrating to a new resource type version, How to Migrate Existing Resources to a New Version of the Resource Type
reregistering after inadvertent deletion, Reregistering Preregistered Resource Types After Inadvertent Deletion
upgrading, Upgrading a Preregistered Resource Type
registering, How to Register a Resource Type
removing, How to Remove a Resource Type
retrieving, replicating or upgrading configuration data about, Replicating and Upgrading Configuration Data for Resource Groups, Resource Types, and Resources
migrating instances of, Information for Migrating Existing Instances of the Resource Type
unregistering, How to Remove a Resource Type
upgrading, How to Install and Register an Upgrade of a Resource Type
adding to a resource group, Tools for Adding Resources to Resource Groups
changing properties, How to Change Resource Properties
clearing STOP_FAILED error flag, Clearing the STOP_FAILED Error Flag on Resources
How to Disable a Resource and Move Its Resource Group Into the UNMANAGED State
How to Clear a Start_failed Resource State by Disabling and Enabling a Resource
disabling fault monitors, How to Disable a Resource Fault Monitor
displaying configuration information, Displaying Resource Type, Resource Group, and Resource Configuration Information
Enabling a Resource
How to Clear a Start_failed Resource State by Disabling and Enabling a Resource
enabling fault monitors, How to Enable a Resource Fault Monitor
failover application
adding to a resource group, How to Add a Failover Application Resource to a Resource Group
logical hostname
adding to a resource group
How to Add a Logical Hostname Resource to a Resource Group by Using the clsetup Utility
How to Add a Logical Hostname Resource to a Resource Group Using the Command-Line Interface
modifying, How to Modify a Logical Hostname Resource or a Shared Address Resource
removing, How to Remove a Resource
removing resource types, How to Remove a Resource Type
retrieving, replicating or upgrading configuration data about, Replicating and Upgrading Configuration Data for Resource Groups, Resource Types, and Resources
scalable application
adding to a resource group, How to Add a Scalable Application Resource to a Resource Group
shared address
adding to a resource group
How to Add a Shared Address Resource to a Resource Group by Using the clsetup Utility
How to Add a Shared Address Resource to a Resource Group Using the Command-Line Interface
isolating from hosts when disabled, How to Disable a Resource and Move Its Resource Group Into the UNMANAGED State
modifying, How to Modify a Logical Hostname Resource or a Shared Address Resource
responses, to faults, Specifying the Failover Behavior of a Resource
restarting, resource groups, How to Clear a Start_failed Resource State by Restarting a Resource Group
restarts, maximum allowed, Defining the Criteria for Persistent Faults
restrictions, Considerations for Installing and Configuring a Data Service
Retry_count, resource property, Resource Properties
Retry_count system property, System Properties for Setting the Threshold and the Retry Interval
retry interval, Defining the Criteria for Persistent Faults
Retry_interval, resource property, Resource Properties
Retry_interval system property, System Properties for Setting the Threshold and the Retry Interval
RG_affinities, resource group property, Resource Group Properties
RG_affinities resource group property, Resource Group Affinities
RG_dependencies, resource group property, Resource Group Properties
RG_description, resource group property, Resource Group Properties
RG_is_frozen, resource group property, Resource Group Properties
RG_mode, resource group property, Resource Group Properties
RG_name, resource group property, Resource Group Properties
RG_project_name, resource group property, Resource Group Properties
RG_slm_cpu, resource group property, Resource Group Properties
RG_slm_cpu_min, resource group property, Resource Group Properties
RG_slm_pset_type, resource group property, Resource Group Properties
RG_slm_type, resource group property, Resource Group Properties
RG_state, resource group property, Resource Group Properties
RG_system, resource group property, Resource Group Properties
Round_robin, resource property, Resource Properties
RT_basedir, resource type property, Resource Type Properties
RT_description, resource type property, Resource Type Properties
RT_system, resource type property, Resource Type Properties
RT_version, resource type property, Resource Type Properties
description values, RGM Values
enumeration literal names, Rules for Names Except Resource Type Names
property names, Rules for Names Except Resource Type Names
property values, RGM Values
resource group names, Rules for Names Except Resource Type Names
resource names, Rules for Names Except Resource Type Names