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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for Apache Tomcat Guide
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Installing and Configuring Sun Cluster HA for Apache Tomcat

A.  Deployment Example: Installing Apache Tomcat in the Global Zone

B.  Deployment Example: Installing Apache Tomcat in a Failover Zone

Target Cluster Configuration

Software Configuration


Installing and Configuring Apache Tomcat on Global Storage in the Failover Zone

Example: Preparing the Cluster for Apache Tomcat

Example: Configuring Cluster Resources for Apache Tomcat

Example: Configuring the Failover Zone

Example: Installing the Apache Tomcat Software on Shared Storage

Example: Modifying the Apache Tomcat Configuration Files

Example: Enabling the Apache Tomcat Software to Run in the Cluster

C.  Deployment Example: Installing Apache Tomcat in a Non-Global Zone


Example: Installing the Apache Tomcat Software on Shared Storage

These steps illustrate how to install the Apache Tomcat software in the directory /tomcat. As long as only one node is mentioned it needs to be the node where your resource group is online.

  1. Log in to the zone.
    phys-schost-1# zlogin clu1
  2. Add the tomcat group and user.
    zone# groupadd -g 1000 tomcat
    zone# useradd -g 1000 -d /tomcat -m -s /bin/ksh tomcat
  3. Install the Apache Tomcat binaries.
    zone# su - tomcat
    zone# gzcat apache-tomcat-5.5.17.tar.gz|tar xvf -
    zone# gzcat apache-tomcat-5.5.17-compat.tar.gz|tar xvf -
  4. Create your environment script /tomcat/env.kshwith the following contents.
    zone# cat env.ksh 
  5. Copy the Apache Tomcat configuration file from the agent directory to its deployment location.
    zone# cp /opt/SUNWsctomcat/bin/pfile /tomcat
    zone# chown tomcat:tomcat /tomcat/pfile
  6. Add this cluster's information to the parameter file /tomcat/pfile.

    The following listing shows the relevant file entries and the values to assign to each entry.

    EnvScript=/tomcat/env.ksh User=tomcat Basepath=/tomcat/apache-tomcat-5.5.17 Host=ha-host-1 Port=8080 TestCmd="get /index.jsp" ReturnString="CATALINA" Startwait=20
  7. Save and close the file.
  8. Leave the zone.