1. Installing and Configuring HA for Samba
A. Deployment Example: Installing Samba packaged with Solaris 10
Installing and Configuring Samba packaged with Solaris 10
Example: Prepare the Cluster for Samba
Example: Configure the Non-Global Zones
Example: Create the Samba smb.conf Configuration File
Example: Enable the Samba Software to Run in the Cluster
Example: Verify the HA for Samba resource group
B. Deployment Example: Installing Samba from http://www.samba.org
Vigor5# clresourcetype register SUNW.gds SUNW.HAStoragePlus
Vigor5# clresourcegroup create -n Vigor5,Vigor5:whole,Vigor5:sparse samba-rg
Vigor5# clreslogicalhostname create -g samba-rg -h SMB1 samba-lh
Vigor5# clresource create -g samba-rg -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \ > -p Zpools=HAZpool sambaZFS-has
Vigor5# clresourcegroup online -M samba-rg