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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for WebLogic Server Guide
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Installing and Configuring Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server

Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server Overview

Overview of the Installation and Configuration Process for Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server

Planning the Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server Installation and Configuration

Configuration Restrictions

Configuration Requirements

Standard Data Service Configurations

Oracle WebLogic Server Configured as a Failover Resource

Simple Configuration

Configuration 1

Configuration 2

Configuration 3

Oracle WebLogic Server Configured as a Multi-Master Resource

Preparing the Nodes and Disks

How to Prepare the Nodes for a Failover Configuration

How to Prepare the Nodes for a Multi-Master Configuration

Installing and Configuring the Oracle WebLogic Server Application

How to Install Oracle WebLogic Server

Installing a Database

Installing a Web Server

Verifying the Oracle WebLogic Server Installation and Configuration

How to Verify the Oracle WebLogic Server Installation and Configuration for Failover Services

How to Verify the Oracle WebLogic Server Installation and Configuration for Multi-Master Services

Installing the HA for WebLogic Server Packages

How to Install the HA for WebLogic Server Packages

Registering and Configuring the Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server

Setting Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server Extension Properties

How to Register and Configure Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server as a Failover Data Service

How to Register and Configure Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server as a Multi-Master Data Service

Setting Up the Oracle WebLogic Server for HAStoragePlus Configuration

How to Set Up the Oracle WebLogic Server on Non-Global Zones for HAStoragePlus Configuration

Verifying the Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server Installation and Configuration

How to Verify the Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server Installation and Configuration for Failover Services

How to Verify the Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server Installation and Configuration in a Multi-Master Configuration

Alternate Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server Configurations

Creating a Simple Oracle WebLogic Server Resource

Creating a Resource With a Server Name Argument

Creating a Resource That Shuts Down Smoothly

Creating a Resource That Probes the Database

Creating a Resource That Monitors URIs

Using a Non-Clustered Managed Server Instance as a Proxy Server

Operation of the Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server Fault Monitor

Probing Algorithm and Functionality

START Method

STOP Method

A.  HA for WebLogic Server Extension Properties


Alternate Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server Configurations

The installation, registration, and configuration procedures in this chapter assume that you are installing the configuration that is described in Standard Data Service Configurations. This section provides examples of other possible Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server configurations.

Creating a Simple Oracle WebLogic Server Resource

This configuration assumes that the START script,, can start the Oracle WebLogic Server without any arguments to the script. The user name and password that are needed to start the Oracle WebLogic Server can be configured within this START script or in the file.

Note - Starting with Oracle WebLogic Server version 10.3, the file must reside in both the $DOMAIN_DIR and $DOMAIN_DIR/servers/server-name/security directories to bypass the need to prompt for user credentials when starting instances of WebLogic Server.

# clresource create -g bea-rg -t SUNW.wls \
-p Confdir_list=/global/bea/beahome/weblogic700 \
-p Server_url=http://logical_host1:7001 \
-p Start_script=/global/bea/beahome/user_projects/petstore/ bea-rs

The resource is created in the enabled state.

Creating a Resource With a Server Name Argument

If the Oracle WebLogic Server START script uses a Managed Server name as an argument, then the extension property Server_name can be set. The START script can be used to start several Managed Servers. The ADMIN_URL must be configured within the START script. To start the Oracle WebLogic Server manually, use the following commands.

cluster-node-1> cd /global/wls/user_projects/petstore
cluster-node-1> ./ petstore1

To configure a Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server resource whose start script takes the server name petstore1, use the following commands.

# clresource create -g bea-rg -t SUNW.wls \
-p Confdir_list=/global/bea/beahome/weblogic700 \
-p Server_url=http://logical_host1:7001 \
-p Start_script=/global/bea/beahome/user_projects/petstore/ \
-p Server_name=petstore1 bea-rs

The resource is created in the enabled state.

To configure another Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server resource that uses the same START script for a different server, petstore2, use the following commands.

# clresource create -g bea-rg -t SUNW.wls \
-p Confdir_list=/global/bea/beahome/weblogic700 \
-p Server_url=http://logical_host1:7001 \
-p Start_script=/global/bea/beahome/user_projects/petstore/ \
-p Server_name=petstore2 bea-rs

The resource is created in the enabled state.

Creating a Resource That Shuts Down Smoothly

The default for the Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server STOP method kills the Oracle WebLogic Server process to shut down the instance. To enable smooth shutdown of the Oracle WebLogic Server, set the Smooth_shutdown extension property to TRUE. If this extension property is enabled, the $DOMAIN_DIR/ file must contain a valid user name and password.

Note - Starting with Oracle WebLogic Server version 10.3, the file must reside in both the $DOMAIN_DIR and $DOMAIN_DIR/servers/server-name/security directories to bypass the need to prompt for user credentials when stopping instances of WebLogic Server. If the $DOMAIN_DIR/servers/server-name/security directory does not exist or does not include a file, create the directory and copy the file from the $DOMAIN_DIR.

To configure a resource which will shut down smoothly in a failover configuration, use the following commands.

# clresource create -g bea-rg -t SUNW.wls \
-p Confdir_list=/global/bea/beahome/weblogic700 \
-p Server_url=http://logical_host1:7001 \
-p Start_script=/global/bea/beahome/user_projects/petstore/ \
-p Server_name=petstore1 \
-p Smooth_shutdown=TRUE bea-rs

The resource is created in the enabled state.

To configure a resource that will shut down smoothly in a mult-master configuration, use the following commands:

# clresource create -g RG -t SUNW.wls \
     -p Confdir_list=/mnt/wlserver_10.3/ \
     -p Server_url=http://localhost:port-number \
     -p Start_script=/mnt/user_projects/domains/base_domain_mgd1/ \
     -p "Server_name{phys-host-1}"=mgd1 \
     -p "Server_name{phys-host-2}"=mgd2 \
     -p Smooth_shutdown=true managed-rs

The resource is created in the enabled state.

Creating a Resource That Probes the Database

The Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server does not probe the database health. If the database is down when Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server starts, the data service fails to start. To have the Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server probe the database, supply your own database probe script to Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server as an extension property. This database probe must return zero for success and nonzero for failure.

To configure a resource with the DB_probe script extension property set, use the following commands.

# clresource create -g bea-rg -t SUNW.wls \
-p Confdir_list=/global/bea/beahome/weblogic700 \
-p Server_url=http://logical_host1:7001 \
-p Start_script=/global/bea/beahome/user_projects/petstore/ \
-p Server_name=petstore1 \
-p Smooth_shtudown=TRUE \
-p DB_probe_script=/global/bea/script/db_probe_script bea-rs

The resource is created in the enabled state.

Creating a Resource That Monitors URIs

To enable the Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle WebLogic Server resource to monitor URIs that are served by the Oracle WebLogic Server configured in the resource, use the following commands to set the extension property Monitor_uri_list.

# clresource create -g bea-rg -t SUNW.wls \
-p Confdir_list=/global/bea/beahome/weblogic700 \
-p Server_url=http://logical_host1:7001 \
-p Start_script=/global/bea/beahome/user_projects/petstore/ \
-p Server_name=petstore1 \
-p Smooth_shutdown=TRUE \
-p DB_probe_script=/global/bea/script/db_probe_script \
-p Monitor_uri_list=http://logical_host1:7001/petstore,http://logical_host1:7001/bookstore bea-rs

The resource is created in the enabled state.

Using a Non-Clustered Managed Server Instance as a Proxy Server

You can configure a non-clustered managed server instance to run as a proxy server that hosts a servlet that directs the requests to the clustered managed server instances. In this configuration, you can define a failover configuration to make the Oracle WebLogic proxy server highly-available. When you define this configuration, make sure that you specify a resource dependency from the Oracle WebLogic Server proxy server to the managed server resource. Setting this dependency ensures that the proxy server resource will not try to come online unless the managed server resource is online.