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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for WebSphere MQ Guide
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1.  Installing and Configuring Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ

HA for WebSphere MQ Overview

Overview of Installing and Configuring HA for WebSphere MQ

Planning the HA for WebSphere MQ Installation and Configuration

Configuration Restrictions

Restriction for the supported configurations of HA for WebSphere MQ

Restriction for the Location of WebSphere MQ files

Restriction for multiple WebSphere MQ instances

Configuration Requirements

Determine which Solaris zone WebSphere MQ will use

Requirements if multiple WebSphere MQ instances are deployed on cluster file systems.

Installing and Configuring WebSphere MQ

How to Install and Configure WebSphere MQ

Verifying the Installation and Configuration of WebSphere MQ

How to Verify the Installation and Configuration of WebSphere MQ

Installing the HA for WebSphere MQ Packages

How to Install the HA for WebSphere MQ Packages

Registering and Configuring Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ

How to Register and Configure Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ

How to Register and Configure Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ in a Failover Resource Group

How to Register and Configure Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ in an HA Container

Verifying the Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Installation and Configuration

How to Verify the Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Installation and Configuration

Upgrading HA for WebSphere MQ

How to Migrate Existing Resources to a New Version of HA for WebSphere MQ

Understanding the Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Fault Monitor

Resource Properties

Probing Algorithm and Functionality

Operations of the queue manager probe

Operations of the channel initiator, command server, listener and trigger monitor probes

Debug Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ

How to turn on debug for Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ

A.  Deployment Example: Installing a WebSphere MQ Queue Manager in Non-Global Zones

B.  Deployment Example: Installing aWebSphere MQ Queue Manager in an HA Container


Registering and Configuring Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ

This section contains the procedures you need to configure Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ.

Some procedures within this section require you to use certain Oracle Solaris Cluster commands. Refer to the relevant Oracle Solaris Cluster command man page for more information about these command and their parameters.

How to Register and Configure Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ

Determine if a single or multiple WebSphere MQ instances will be deployed.

Refer to Restriction for multiple WebSphere MQ instances to determine how to deploy a single or multiple WebSphere MQ instances.

Once you have determined how WebSphere MQ will be deployed, you can chose one or more of the steps below.

  1. Register and Configure Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ in a Failover Resource Group.

    Use How to Register and Configure Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ in a Failover Resource Group for Example 1-1, Example 1-2 and Example 1-3.

  2. Register and Configure Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ in a HA container.

    Use How to Register and Configure Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ in an HA Container for Example 1-4.

How to Register and Configure Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ in a Failover Resource Group

This procedure assumes that you installed the data service packages during your initial Oracle Solaris Cluster installation.

If you did not install the Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ packages as part of your initial Oracle Solaris Cluster installation, go to How to Install the HA for WebSphere MQ Packages.

Note - Perform this procedure on one node of the cluster only.

  1. On a cluster member, become superuser or assume a role that provides solaris.cluster.modify RBAC authorization.
  2. Register the following resource types.
    # clresourcetype register SUNW.HAStoragePlus
    # clresourcetype register SUNW.gds
  3. Create a failover resource group for WebSphere MQ.

    Note - Refer to Restriction for multiple WebSphere MQ instances for more information on the nodelist entry.

    # clresourcegroup create -n nodelist websphere-mq-resource-group
  4. Create a resource for the WebSphere MQ Logical Hostname.
    # clreslogicalhostname create -g websphere-mq-resource-group \
    > -h websphere-mq-logical-hostname \
    > websphere-mq-logical-hostname-resource
  5. Create a resource for the WebSphere MQ Disk Storage.
    1. If a ZFS highly available local file system is being used.
      # clresource create -g websphere-mq-resource-group  \
      > -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \
      > -p Zpools=websphere-mq-zspool \
      > websphere-mq-hastorage-resource
    2. If a cluster file system or a non ZFS highly available local file system is being used.
      # clresource create -g websphere-mq-resource-group  \
      > -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \
      > -p FilesystemMountPoints=websphere-mq-filesystem-mountpoint \
      > websphere-mq-hastorage-resource
  6. Bring online the failover resource group for WebSphere MQ that now includes the Logical Hostname and Disk Storage resources.
    # clresourcegroup online -M websphere-mq-resource-group
  7. Create a resource for the WebSphere MQ queue manager.

    Edit /opt/SUNWscmqs/mgr/util/mgr_config and follow the comments within that file. After you have edited mgr_config, you must register the resource.

    # cd /opt/SUNWscmqs/mgr/util
    # vi mgr_config
    # ./mgr_register

    The following deployment example has been taken from Step 1 in Appendix A, Deployment Example: Installing a WebSphere MQ Queue Manager in Non-Global Zones and shows /opt/SUNWscmqs/mgr/util/mgr_config that has been edited to configure a queue manager resource.

    Vigor5# cat > /var/tmp/mgr1_config <<-EOF # +++ Required parameters +++ RS=wmq1-qmgr RG=wmq1-rg QMGR=qmgr1 LH=wmq1-lh HAS_RS=wmq1-ZFShas LSR_RS= CLEANUP=YES SERVICES=NO USERID=mqm # +++ Optional parameters +++ DB2INSTANCE= ORACLE_HOME= ORACLE_SID= START_CMD= STOP_CMD= # +++ HA container parameters +++ # These parameters are only required when WebSphere MQ should run # within a HA container managed by the Solaris Cluster Data Service # for Solaris Containers. RS_ZONE= PROJECT=default TIMEOUT=300 EOF
    Vigor5# /opt/SUNWscmqs/mgr/util/mgr_register -f /var/tmp/mgr1_config
  8. Enable the resource.
    # clresource enable websphere-mq-resource
  9. Create and register a resource for any other WebSphere MQ components.

    Repeat this step for each WebSphere MQ component that is required.

    Edit /opt/SUNWscmqs/xxx/util/xxx_config and follow the comments within that file. Where xxx represents one of the following WebSphere MQ components:

    chi        Channel Initiator
    csv        Command Server
    lsr        Listener
    trm        Trigger Monitor

    After you have edited xxx_config, you must register the resource.

    # cd /opt/SUNWscmqs/xxx/util/
    # vi xxx_config
    # ./xxx_register

    The following deployment example has been taken from Step 4 in Appendix A, Deployment Example: Installing a WebSphere MQ Queue Manager in Non-Global Zones and shows /opt/SUNWscmqs/lsr/util/lsr_config that has been edited to configure a listener resource.

    Vigor5# cat > /var/tmp/lsr1_config <<-EOF # +++ Required parameters +++ RS=wmq1-lsr RG=wmq1-rg QMGR=qmgr1 PORT=1414 IPADDR= BACKLOG=100 LH=wmq1-lh QMGR_RS=wmq1-qmgr USERID=mqm # +++ HA container parameters +++ # These parameters are only required when WebSphere MQ should run # within a HA container managed by the Solaris Cluster Data Service # for Solaris Containers. RS_ZONE= PROJECT=default EOF
    Vigor5# /opt/SUNWscmqs/lsr/util/lsr_register -f /var/tmp/lsr1_config
  10. Enable the WebSphere MQ component resources.
    # clresource enable websphere-mq-resource

Next Steps

See Verifying the Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Installation and Configuration

How to Register and Configure Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ in an HA Container

This procedure assumes that you installed the data service packages during your initial Oracle Solaris Cluster installation.

If you did not install the Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ packages as part of your initial Oracle Solaris Cluster installation, go to How to Install the HA for WebSphere MQ Packages.

Note - Perform this procedure on one node of the cluster only.

  1. Create a failover resource group for WebSphere MQ.

    Follow steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in How to Register and Configure Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ in a Failover Resource Group.

  2. Register the HA container in the failover resource group for WebSphere MQ.

    Refer to Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for Solaris Containers Guide for complete information about HA containers.

    Edit the sczbt_config file and follow the comments within that file. Ensure that you specify the websphere-mq-resource-group for the RG= parameter within sczbt_config.

    After you have edited sczbt_config, you must register the resource.

    # cd /opt/SUNWsczone/sczbt/util
    # vi sczbt_config
    # ./sczbt_register

    The following deployment example has been taken from Step 7 in Appendix B, Deployment Example: Installing aWebSphere MQ Queue Manager in an HA Container and shows /opt/SUNWsczone/sczbt/util/sczbt_config that has been edited to configure a HA container resource.

    Vigor5# cat > /var/tmp/sczbt_config <<-EOF RS=wmq3-FOZ RG=wmq3-rg PARAMETERDIR=/FOZones SC_NETWORK=true SC_LH=wmq3-lh FAILOVER=true HAS_RS=wmq3-SVMhas,wmq3-ZFShas Zonename=z3 Zonebootopt= Milestone=multi-user-server Mounts="/ZFSwmq3/log /ZFSwmq3/qmgrs" EOF
    Vigor5# /opt/SUNWsczone/sczbt/util/sczbt_register -f /var/tmp/sczbt_config
  3. Enable the HA container resource
    # clresource enable websphere-mq-failover-zone-resource
  4. Create a resource for the WebSphere MQ queue manager resource

    Edit /opt/SUNWscmqs/mgr/util/mgr_config and follow the comments within that file. Ensure that the RS_ZONE variable specifies the cluster resource for the HA container. After you have edited mgr_config, you must register the resource.

    # cd /opt/SUNWscmqs/mgr/util
    # vi mgr_config
    # ./mgr_register

    The following deployment example has been taken from Step 1 in Appendix B, Deployment Example: Installing aWebSphere MQ Queue Manager in an HA Container and shows /opt/SUNWscmqs/mgr/util/mgr_config that has been edited to configure a queue manager resource within a HA container resource.

    Vigor5# cat > /var/tmp/mgr3_config <<-EOF # +++ Required parameters +++ RS=wmq3-qmgr RG=wmq3-rg QMGR=qmgr3 LH=wmq3-lh HAS_RS=wmq3-ZFShas LSR_RS= CLEANUP=YES SERVICES=NO USERID=mqm # +++ Optional parameters +++ DB2INSTANCE= ORACLE_HOME= ORACLE_SID= START_CMD= STOP_CMD= # +++ HA container parameters +++ # These parameters are only required when WebSphere MQ should run # within a HA container managed by the Solaris Cluster Data Service # for Solaris Containers. RS_ZONE=wmq3-FOZ PROJECT=default TIMEOUT=300 EOF
    Vigor5# /opt/SUNWscmqs/mgr/util/mgr_register -f /var/tmp/mgr1_config
  5. Enable the WebSphere MQ resource.
    # clresource enable websphere-mq-resource
  6. Create and register a resource for any other WebSphere MQ components.

    Repeat this step for each WebSphere MQ component that is required.

    Edit /opt/SUNWscmqs/xxx/util/xxx_config and follow the comments within that file. Where xxx represents one of the following WebSphere MQ components:

    chi        Channel Initiator
    csv        Command Server
    lsr        Listener
    trm        Trigger Monitor

    Ensure that the RS_ZONE variable specifies the cluster resource for the HA container. After you have edited xxx_config, you must register the resource.

    # cd /opt/SUNWscmqs/xxx/util
    # vi xxx_config 
    # ./xxx_register

    The following deployment example has been taken from Step 4 in Appendix A, Deployment Example: Installing a WebSphere MQ Queue Manager in Non-Global Zones and shows a modified /opt/SUNWscmqs/lsr/util/lsr_config that has been edited to configure a listener resource in a HA container resource.

    Vigor5# cat > /var/tmp/lsr3_config <<-EOF # +++ Required parameters +++ RS=wmq3-lsr RG=wmq3-rg QMGR=qmgr3 PORT=1420 IPADDR= BACKLOG=100 LH=wmq3-lh QMGR_RS=wmq3-qmgr3 USERID=mqm # +++ HA container parameters +++ # These parameters are only required when WebSphere MQ should run # within a HA container managed by the Solaris Cluster Data Service # for Solaris Containers. RS_ZONE=wmq3-FOZ PROJECT=default EOF
    Vigor5# /opt/SUNWscmqs/lsr/util/lsr_register -f /var/tmp/lsr3_config
  7. Enable the WebSphere MQ component resources.
    # clresource enable websphere-mq-resource

Next Steps

See Verifying the Solaris Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Installation and Configuration